The story seems kind of disjointed--he had multiple affairs, he had "at least one" affair, he went and set up house with some paramour and left his wife. . . It sounds like a few different stories.
My guess is that some pro-abortion lobbyist was hoping to flip the seat. But if he pulled 97 percent of the vote in his last general election, that's not likely to happen.
When I was a kid, there were a few stories like this about actors and actresses--getting divorced or remarried. But it wasn't general sleaze-channel stuff.
I don't approve of adultery at all (not an original thought), but I'm not hiring the guy to be my neighbor. We're frankly in a war for our country and our lives. As I recall, General Eisenhower didn't behave himself, chastity-wise, either. They kept him because he was winning the war.
My guess is that pro-abort lobbyists are working 24-hour days trying to find or invent as many adulterous pro-life politicians as possible right about now. The war is on.
Also divorce filings are sensationalized to get a big settlement for the wife. This couple may have essentially separated long ago. Why, if they had adult children was the wife not in DC with her husband.
He might not have done a damn thing. His wife’s attorney may have said let’s make all of these claims in a shot-gun claim and then we can question him on everything that an elected official does not want to be questioned over — bingo, uncontested divorce to avoid questions. It is possible the wife is the adulterer.