Sorry you had to waste that time. I plug my car in at home about 3 seconds and unplug it in the morning - about 3 more seconds. 6 seconds for a charging day, and I don’t charge every day. Probably takes me 2 months to spend a full 3 minutes like you did this morning.
But...I have two ICE cars as well. Will never give up ICE vehicles. EV is strictly for driving fun and fuel risk mitigation for me.
This post makes NO sense.
Please revise....
"Will never give up ICE vehicles."
Even after the feral government outlaws sales of gasoline, diesel and other fossil fuels to Joe Nobody and other everyday taxpayers?
Of course government officials, bureaucrats and their well connected corporate enablers will still have access to all the fossil fuels they can burn.
After all - those Jumbo Jets Al Gore and John 'Effen' Kerry fly around the world aren't powered by Eveready batteries or anti-gravity nuclear fuel cells!