And which is nother verse used by ignorant antitheists in order to charge God with actually creating evil, as in evil intents, character, the devil himself. Yet the verse, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things," (Isa 45:7) uses word for evil in contrast to peace, as darkness is to light.
As manifest in the (ignored) larger content of the Bible, the sense in which it is meant is such as that of God justly sending judgment, (cf. Amos 3:6) by His own power, or even by allowing what evil entities seek to do, but not for the purposes of what is actually evil, but to work for what is just, as well as in showing mercy.
God sent evil upon Egypt in order to free the Hebrews, and thus hardening the hard heart of evil Pharaoh by acts which should have worked repentance. And which hardness was a choice of Pharaoh which was a result of previous choices. In this sense Pharaoh manifested his wickedness, like as did that of Pilate, yet in both cases it served a revelatory as well as salvific purpose, to the glory of God.
And as somewhat expressed before, what is evil and good is ultimately manifested in the light of eternity.
Straw Man Fallacy. No one here has yet to identify himself as an "antitheist."
And an "atheist," by the way, could be anyone who simply states, "I have not yet been given sufficiently convincing arguments and forensic-level hard evidence to adopt your belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster / Shiva-Brahma-etc. I therefore remain in a condition of non-belief."
He is either God of All or not at all.