Illegal Immigrant Children With Tuberculosis Released Across US
Heres a clip from a super long investigation by Epoch Times
Thousands of illegal immigrant children with tuberculosis were released from U.S. government custody over the course of a year,
(who knows how many states they went to or how infected they were or how many US citizens are now being infected)
officials have revealed in a new report.
The illegal immigrants, all under 18 years of age, were released to family members or other responsible adults, despite having latent tuberculosis infections, (they were still released into the public)
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said in a recent disclosure.
The dates of each release weren't clear. HHS officials notified state officials from June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023, of the tuberculosis-positive youth over a web-based system operated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Aurora Miranda-Maese, an HHS official, wrote in a court-ordered report.
The CDC, which is part of HHS, declined to comment. HHS officials didn't respond to requests for comment.(no one is talking for fears of retribution of course)
The Washington Times first reported on the report, which runs 35 pages and covers other aspects of managing illegal immigrant youth who are transferred to HHS by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security after crossing the border.
Ms. Miranda-Maese said that each minor must undergo a medical examination within two business days of entering HHS custody. The examination helps officials assess the minors’ health, enables them to administer vaccines, and allows them to detect communicable diseases such as tuberculosis.
(one can only imagine how many are never given such exams especially the ones that are never caught crossing the border)
A person with latent tuberculosis infection, or an infection without symptoms, requires three to nine months of treatment to prevent potential progression to active disease, according to HHS officials. Without treatment, 5 to 10 percent of infected people will develop active tuberculosis, or tuberculosis disease, according to the CDC.(yet another kill shot by the adm. that is hell bent on destroying the country and making a fat buck while they do the job)
The CDC says that people with the disease are infectious, can transmit the disease to others, and can die if not treated. If tuberculosis becomes active, that is “a threat to both the individual's and the public's health,” according to Ms. Miranda-Maese.
Minors do not typically receive treatment while in HHS custody because most are released before one month elapses,(this is probably done on purpose to facilitate a TB epidemic in the U.S. a disease formerly wiped out in the US) she said, opening up the possibility of problems such as the development of drug-resistant tuberculosis if treatment is initiated and discontinued before completion.
(Just what we need a drug resistant version of TB one that cant be treated could race through the country unstoppable) To that end, HHS developed in 2018 a system that notifies state officials of illegal immigrant minors who have been sent to live in their states.
Officials in 44 states received more than 2,450 alerts of illegal immigrant minors with tuberculosis in the year ending May 31, 2023, according to HHS.
(Probably the tip of the iceberg...)
Over that same time, 126,069 minors were released by HHS. We are in deep shit with TB coming back along with hundreds of thousands of terrorists, drug mules,spies,prisoners released from jails etc. etc.
This is not America any more. We are officially third world.
Someone (yesterday?) on the thread posted what to take for TB. Anyone remember this? Or person who posted? I’ll try to find, might come in handy.