While I understand that the Senate, at the moment, wouldn’t support biden impeachment, the HOR should get it going anyway. And remember this: Money comes from the HOR. If McCarthy and company start holding back on dumbokrat district money It shouldn’t take very long to get ten or so dimSens to agree that impeachment might be a good idea after all.
And I think Bidum would fight it to the end. Remember, Nixon left when the congers guys told him he would be impeached. But Bidum/Hunter are laying low and will fight to stay in since they are hiding from the actual law. If SloJoe leaves early Humper is done (no pardon for you, putzboy) so the Humper will lean on ol’ dad to stay until the UHaul comes.
And note the story above about Rand Paul’s office getting torched. I wonder how many dim senators would have to lose an office before they adjusted their ‘tudes? What with tornados and all hitting places like the Ffizer plant one never knows what disasters might lie ahead?
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Did tricky dick pardon anyone on the way out the door before he resigned?