Yes, because that’s what mass55th meant. 🙄 Good grief. 😂😄
Just stop with the distorting a person’s comment and then replying to it trick. It wasn’t cute over a year ago and it’s not cute now. That’s MSNBC behavior. It’s so “I know you are, but what am I?”
I know 10-year-old kids who are more clever than that.
“Absolutely, PUTIN is ‘hoisted’ on HIS own petard and left marooned, abandoned, and isolated with little hope.”
I understand even some of his allies are backing away from him. But, more on that later.
Think about this: Those who strive for homogeneity of viewpoint by crushing opposing views are totalitarians at heart. There's no getting around that. And what's left in a society once you've silenced opposition to your opinions and agendas? The dull, colorless, soul-crushing, fear-filled grind of living in a totalitarian nightmare.
Those who censor opposing views are cowards and weak. As Jordan Peterson says, if you fear what kind of evil strong men are capable of you should be terrified at what weak men can do.
When cornered, a weak person will lay waste to everything around them without conscience or restraint and they will often do so with a twisted sense of joy - and of course, righteousness. That is why we must fight against those with totalitarian proclivities.