You didn't know what the swamp was 7 years ago. Trump is the one who exposed all this historic widespread corruption and tyranny. Not convinced he can handle it? Who do you think the swamp's target has been for 7 years now? And if he can't handle it, or is not capable, why have the done everything but assassinate Trump?
Truth is Trump handled it by publicly exposing the fact the government has become weaponized to the point where they're trying to put their opponents in prison. Exactly like they do in the 3rd world countries. Them being exposed like this at the highest levels is historic and has never been seen in this country before.
Right out of the gate, even Trump didn't know the depth of this corruption. In Trumps announcement speech after the escalator ride on 6/16/2015, he never mentioned words like, "Swamp, corruption, weaponized" etc.
It would seem to me, people should be thanking Trump for exposing this epic corruption.
The swamp has been known for years. The depth has been known for years. Either Trump under estimated the task or had no idea how to defeat it. Fail.
BTW, Reagan routinely used the term swamp. Deep State is just a new term for New World Order.