Good ideas, but RINOs are really democRATs.
identify enemy entities that we fund, and defund 'em.
PBS, NEA, and etc.
Effective immediately after passage.
They can talk and investigate all they want, but no one goes away until you stop paying them, and the Republicans have proven (so far) their unwillingness or inability to prosecute and remove/imprison evil doers.
Dept of Education,
FBI, especially Wray’;s salary - reduce it to ONE PENNY,
No money for windmills (they KILL whales, birds, bats,...), EVs, green sh1t,
I can go on...
Ideas are just that.
End federal government grants other than Pell grants.
One of the promises Kevin McCarthy made was that the House would operate under “regular order.”
You mean there’s a promise left that he has broken yet?
“The House has vast, unique power over the federal government, and it’s currently throwing that power away. “
This is a surprise to someone? Why even bother reading past the first line here?
This is all going where it’s going and the republicans are pushing it all right along.
If the parties situations were reversed the demonseed would be absolutely maximizing the power of the House.
They haven’t got the pelotas.
McCarthy, Jordan, Scalise et al are very good talkers.
And lousy doers.
Yep, absolutely there are productive and effective actions they can take. But they think we are stupid and blow smoke up our skirts instead.
I like it,should happen,but the wimp McCarthy has shown his true colors the guy is a wimp