My wife did some Roth conversions on hers so we will have some tax free to pull from. Meantime, I'm focusing on building up my savings - would like to have about a year of living expenses saved in cash that can be used for unexpected expenses like home repairs and such.
We “downsized” from a 3500 sq ft house to a 7800 sq ft house for less money. So we have no mortgage and netted some cash which we spent on the new house. But we got addicted to having that money in savings.
So going back to work after I retire means I can’t touch the retirement money. It’s basically a long term care policy because we will never have “lean” years because of pensions and social security.
I’m thinking about writing a book called “The Accidental Millionaire” about people who became millionaires without setting out to do it and the challenges they face. People who plan to be a millionaire have a *plan*. People who just stumble into it end up saying “Now what?”. I know plenty of these people like me who don’t really do anything with the money. One of my friends says he is a poor person who has money. That’s a great description. My wife worked out a spreadsheet last night showing how we will be in financial trouble when I retire because our income will drop.