Purina/Lakes/Ford——well that’s just weird? I tried to web search “Purina chicken feed” and the machine kept taking me to Tractor Supply, whose feed apparently slows the cluckers down. But then that references a Who’s Who of Wall Street double dealers, Blackrock and a bunch of their friends. It seems there’s a bunch of big money behind the chicken sabotage and they’re maybe willing to lose Tractor supply to kill off the layers. Maybe we do need more processor/mill fires?
Big AG continues to merge and consolidate... and what remains is joined at the hip at the boardroom and investor levels.
"One ring corporation to rule them all and in the darkness bind them."
Everywhere. We. Turn.
2.7.23: Beginning of SORROWS? Deceivers exposed, Trump on SOTU, Many reject GRAMMYS. PRAY!
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