Uh yeah, as a pilot myself I’m going to have to call BS on that. I’ve never known any GA pilot who didn’t have total respect for airline flight crew members and who didn’t comply with every FAA reg, even when just a commercial passenger. When flying commercial, I often am disgusted at how much some people take the miracle of flight for granted and act like they’re on a city bus. I know, the airlines have packed people in so tight that the bus would often be more comfortable, but people still act like idiots when they fail to appreciate that you’re about to fly somewhere very far away in mere hours that once upon a time took months (if those early travelers even survived the journey), and that to do so you’re going to be zipping through the sky at over 500 mph and about seven miles above the ground. In addition to appreciating the incredible convenience, just maybe that’s also not the best environment in which to start a fight or otherwise act like a complete moron.
Well put and spot on.