Beavers, Foxes and Propagandists
Donald Trump and Fox News have had a love-hate relationship from the moment Trump began his foray into Presidential politics. Fox loves Trump because he brings them enormous ratings. They also hate him because of his anti-establishment, America First campaign platform.
Trump loves Fox because they have an enormous base of conservative American voters who have gradually embraced the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement. He also hates them because at the most crucial of moments, they pull the rug out from under him.
…Fox News has certainly shown their true colors at critical moments during the Trump timeline.
In this article, we will go back in history to gain an understanding of the man behind Fox; Rupert Murdoch.
….propaganda is an invisible weapon. The collective consciousness of society is unaware that it has been fed lies, and therefore it remains oblivious to the actions they take (or do not take). These blatant lies are labelled as truths and bull-horned as “trusted news”.
….When Aitken (Beaverbrook) arrived in the UK, he struck up friendships with news mogul Lord Northcliffe, the future British Prime Minister Bonar Law, as well as people like Rudyard Kipling. With Beaverbrook and Northcliffe’s control of national newspapers, the two men had the ability to shape the British narrative of world events, as they saw fit.
….Beaverbrook became Director of Propaganda in Allied territory, and his friend Lord Northcliffe was appointed the Director of Propaganda in enemy countries.
Under this new ‘Ministry of Information’, truth often became an irrelevant nuisance. The only thing that was important was to shape the minds of the subjects of the British Empire, informing them that the war effort was not only necessary, but vital to support in every way possible; either as a volunteer soldier, or as an investor...
…..The efforts of Beaverbrook and Northcliffe lead directly to the formation of the Tavistock Institute. Julian Huxley was appointed to Tavistock, and the rest is history ...
The accomplishments of Beaverbrook and Northcliffe did not stop at Tavistock. We will show that they had a profound effect in the establishment of the Murdoch media mogul dynasty.
The birth of the Murdoch family as media barons begins with Rupert Murdoch’s father, Keith. The Murdoch family had emigrated to Australia from Scotland. Keith Murdoch’s father was a Presbyterian minister. After Keith graduated from Camberwell Grammar school in 1903 he was unable to follow in his father’s footsteps as a preacher because of an unfortunate stutter.
Keith was an intelligent man, and the exclusive education he received polished his writing skills, as well as providing him with a network of some of the most influential Australian families of the era. Instead of preaching, Keith pursued a career in journalism. Keith Murdoch proved himself a worthy Australian journalist, and by 1910 he was in demand by the most established newspapers in the country.
At the outbreak of WWI, Keith Murdoch failed in his attempt to become Australia’s official war correspondent. However, this rejection did not deter his ambition, and he set sail for London in 1915 as a representative of the United Cable Service. It was at this moment that Keith Murdoch’s career received global notoriety.
….What transpired at Gallipoli was perhaps one of the most significant defeats incurred by the Allied Forces…
Militarily speaking, the Dardanelles campaign was a disaster. What is most interesting is what lead to the decision to make a hasty retreat from the region. The answer lies with a man named Keith Murdoch(KM).
…..KM was on his way to London in 1915 as a representative of the United Cable Services when he asked for permission to visit the ANZAC forces fighting on the Gallipoli front. The commander, Sir Ian Hamilton agreed on the condition that KM submit anything he wrote to military censorship. In London KM broke his promise…
The actions taken by Keith Murdoch have become known as the “Gallipoli Letter”.
….At the onset Hamilton urged the commission to table the ‘Gallipoli letter’, penned by British correspondent Ellis Asmead-Bartlett, which Keith Murdoch agreed to carry to London, before he was intercepted, and the letter confiscated, by the Marseilles police in September 1915. He than sought to table the embellished version of the letter drafted and circulated by Keith Murdoch….His request was not granted.
If the commanding officer of the Dardanelles campaign, Sir Ian Hamilton, claimed that Murdoch’s letter was “the embellished version”, would not such a release be classified as propaganda?
What, exactly, had Keith Murdoch embellished?
Murdoch claimed that during his four to five days ashore he had spoken with almost all the Australian generals and officers, along with some British officers, had expressed to him and they had left him with the impression that the whole expedition had failed. When pressed to elaborate on his sources he stated that he had not obtained information from any British general and that he had not met with the generals whose character and competence he most severely criticized.
…. What is certain from the entire fiasco is that Keith Murdoch’s letter significantly altered the military strategy of the Allied Forces during WWI.
Sir John Monash was the first military commander in 200 years to be knighted on the field of battle. …He was, however, never elevated to the giddy rank of field marshal.
Why would such an accomplished military man never reach the rank of Field Marshal? That may have something to do with the recommendation of Keith Murdoch…
Why did Keith Murdoch not like John Monash?
….his motive was he couldn’t manipulate him.
…..However, the true intent of Keith’s ambitions did not lie in a desire to promote truth, but in selling as many newspapers as possible.
As Keith Murdoch began building a national news chain, another interesting connection began to come to light:
…..Bound up with Keith’s business interests were ideological inclinations not just about how power should work but who should be allowed to exercise it: He was a member of the Eugenics Society of Victoria.
….In 1947, Murdoch wrote to Beaverbrook of their great success in an Australian election:
We have had some successful elections in this corner. ..I have no doubt that Australia is going to remain sane and somehow or another we will destroy the present banking legislation…
…one must wonder why media barons were so intent on using their platform to influence elections and control policy. These are not clandestine communications; they are proud boasts that have been kept for posterity by the National Library of Australia.
Elections should represent the will of the people. Political leadership can have enormous consequences for national policy and law-making. Manipulated or stolen elections have catastrophic consequences, because not only is the will of the people ignored, but those installed as leaders represent an invisible unelected power.
If we apply this metric to media barons attempting to influence the outcome of elections using propaganda, as Lord Beaverbrook stated was the sole purpose of his newspapers, who is this hidden unelected power they are serving?
In 1952, Keith Murdoch unexpectedly died…
The news of Keith Murdoch’s death deeply upset Lord Beaverbrook, and he took Rupert under his wing in London…
The work experience proved invaluable, and Beaverbrook was impressed with the young Rupert’s work ethic. As a mentor of the now-famous global media mogul, we should remember Beaverbrook’s true purpose behind his newspapers:
“I run my papers purely for propaganda”
…The Beaver’s Fox
We now come full circle; to the 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections in the United States of America. Recall in the beginning of the article, the predictable patterns that Fox implemented with respect to MAGA and Trump, particularly at critical junctures during the election. Also remember that many of these sensational anti-MAGA actions have come from the top of the Fox command-structure, and not just Rupert.
One can be forgiven for having strong differences of opinion, and there are many who disagree with Trump. However, for the likes of Paul Ryan and Rupert Murdoch, it does not appear to be about differing opinions, but about who is in leadership.
Recall that over a century ago, Keith Murdoch admonished one of Australia’s greatest military commanders, Sir John Monash. It was claimed that Keith Murdoch did not like Monash because “he could not be manipulated”.
Today, Trump and the MAGA movement represent an unstoppable force where power is being wrestled back to We the People. Like his father did, is Rupert now seeking to use his media arsenal to end a leader and a growing movement of people who cannot be manipulated?
Is America now receiving the Sir John Monash treatment?
That is indeed what Monash's biographer says, but Monash was Jewish and that didn't make him popular with the Establishment back then. Also, the prime minister and other politicians feared that he might go into politics and beat them, so he didn't have many friends in the government.
Here's a clip:
We now come full circle; to the 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections in the United States of America. Recall in the beginning of the article, the predictable patterns that Fox implemented with respect to MAGA and Trump, particularly at critical junctures during the election. Also remember that many of these sensational anti-MAGA actions have come from the top of the Fox command-structure, and not just Rupert.
One can be forgiven for having strong differences of opinion, and there are many who disagree with Trump. However, for the likes of Paul Ryan and Rupert Murdoch, it does not appear to be about differing opinions, but about who is in leadership.
(bottom line above)
Recall that over a century ago, Keith Murdoch admonished one of Australia's greatest military commanders, Sir John Monash. It was claimed that Keith Murdoch did not like Monash because “he could not be manipulated”.
Today, Trump and the MAGA movement represent an unstoppable force where power is being wrestled back to We the People. Like his father did, is Rupert now seeking to use his media arsenal to end a leader and a growing movement of people who cannot be manipulated?
(Bigger question is will he pass all this BS manipulation on to his sons?)
Is America now receiving the Sir John Monash treatment? (Excellent question.)
So the key to the Fox empire is manipulation.Looks like they have to get in line.What makes them different from nbc,abc,cbs and the rest of the driveby nets? They all want the right to shape the future of our country's leaders. When a DJT comes along they have to go batshit crazy! Looks like they have.