Oh, yeah. He was mentioned as well. Bummer.
I'm going to take this document as if I came from Missouri.
Ed Dames and Uri Geller were mentioned in connection with the remote viewing program of the Monroe Institute.
I do not know enough about that program to be able to evaluate what was legit and what was fake.
It is clear that some .gov officials thought there was a “there there”—and did have strong evidence of it.
My main takeaways on the topic are:
—Remote viewing technology is legitimate science—though there are con artists and fakers hiding in the bushes for sure.
—Remote viewing is still being used today in classified government programs.
—Remote viewing is considered a tool to try to figure out where the aliens “live” and what they are like.
I think this is something like the early days of studying meteors.
At first the only evidence that meteors existed were anecdotes from folks who saw them fall from the sky.
Some of those folks were liars and con artists.
Eventually science figured out that the meteors were legit—but in order to do that they had to learn a lot more about what was in outer space.
So—we will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff—and then history will mostly forget about the scam artists and their antics.