The generator has a 100 foot extension cord with a 220 plug at the gen side and a 220 clothes dryer plug at the remote end.
the generator is positioned out of earshot (quiet running anyway) and convenient to the laundry window.
In a power outage, I shut down my main breaker box, disconnecting my house from the external electric supply.
I move the dryer away from the wall and plug the dryer plug end of the extension cord into the dryer wall socket
When I start my generator, it is feeding 220 into my entire house via the clothes dryer wall socket.
I can have lights, low wattage microwave (it wants 1200W but doesn't get it)
I have a $100 Best Buy 7W TV that plugs into the regular 110 wall socket so we have TV
We have back-up kero (actually we use diesel) wick space heaters that provider warmth.
We've never had outages longer than 4 days and we've survived with boiled water food (over the space heaters . . . perfect cook stoves . . . sort of) ... Ramen, eggs, hot dogs, etc.
Everyone should have cases of water to drink and every laundry jug and etc filled with water to flush the toilet.
Water can be (has been) warmed hotly over the space heaters for washing up etc.
We back feed as well, pluging the generator into the welder outlet in the garage. So instead the house powering the garage, its the other way around. And the gen is in the livestock trailer, which muffles it some, and is a dry place to refuel, etc.