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To: ransomnote

All credit Belongs to the Anons of The Board and Q


The first crumb Q posted was on 4chan, an image board Internet forum launched in 2003. Q first posted in the thread named “Mueller Investigation” on the board named /pol/ on October 28th, 2017, and on other threads until, on October 31st, 2017, Q then posted in the thread named “Bread Crumbs - Q Clearance Patriot”. On November 1st, 2017, the thread “Calm Before the Storm” (CBTS), named after President Trump’s perplexing phrase uttered on October 5th, 2017, was created. Q posted on multiple iterations of CBTS (536 threads) until stating that 4chan had been infiltrated and security compromised, necessitating a move to 8chan in order to maintain readers’ assurance of Q’s authenticity.

8chan, a non-affiliated image board similar to 4chan, was launched in 2013 as a free-speech alternative to the increasing censorship at 4chan. A board was created with the same name as the thread Q posted in on 4chan, /cbts/, on November 19th, 2017. Q posted on /cbts/ until January 6th, 2018 (308 total general threads), stating that that board had also been compromised. Q had problems using the tripcode, a pseudo-registration that verifies a poster’s identity, notably on December 14th and 21st, 2017, among other instances. This inability to use the tripcode forced anons to make a new board: /thestorm/. Q first posted on /thestorm/ on January 5th, 2018. Q and anons stopped using /thestorm/ after 41 general threads due to internal disputes and self-promotion, forcing a migration to yet another new board.

Then, on Monday, January 8th, 2018, the board still in use today was created, named /qresearch/, which will henceforth be referred to as “The Board”. Q has been able to post freely on The Board since that date, and continues to post crumbs up to the time this was written. Also on January 8th, 2018, Q made a private board for Q alone to post in, named /greatawakening/.

On March 28th, 2018, Q stopped using /greatawakening/, stating that it was under attack. Finally, after a delay, Q made /patriotsfight/ on May 4th, 2018, the private board that Q uses today. On all these boards, Q has posted crumbs that anons can discuss on /qresearch/ with Q, although those who are new to The Board are encouraged to first observe how anons operate and research before contributing. However, it should be noted that there are no communications outside these boards or with anyone privately and, as Q has stated, anyone claiming otherwise, “should be considered fake news and disregarded immediately”!

End of excerpt from an early history of Q.  /patriotsfight/ was abandoned and Q's current board /projectdcomms/ has been compromised.

Poor Q Team, having to rely on the platform to provide for secure posting and getting bumped from 4chan to 8chan to 8kun and having to authenticate themselves to anons each time there was a problem or compromised password, tripcode, platform or disruption before anons would believe it's Q.  Except for now. New Q don't need no stinkin' tripcodes and to hell with those anons who've witnessed so much and have required authentication from outside of kun since the beginning.  Perfectly fine for the inexperienced and ignorant filled with hopium to blindly follow their itchy ears and conformation bias as long as it sounds good, or, those with an agenda.

Here we have Babyfist's imageboard on 8Kun where his Benevolent peeps appologize for compromising Q's PRIVATE board and returning Q's lunch money.  They did it out of love.


B !!qMFQqVT8Uw  06/02/21 (Wed) 22:30:09ab5bb8 (1)  No.7559

This is a start of a new chapter.

We are not Q. We do know Q, notice he has never denied us. Look back and see.

Do not believe verify..

Real Q:

We know you are still Watching and Waiting as many of Us are. Thank you, you will never be forgotten for your sacrifice. You did what others were unable to achieve.

Laughing Man (babyfist):

We are sorry, if you feel betrayed We understand. But you knew the path would be rough. Just not how rough. Don't ever give up.

We are glad you were clear and honest with anons.

You don't have to forgive us but soon all will understand.

Jim and 8kun staff:

Sorry please forgive the intrusion. This is not Laughing_Man's fault. Please don't hold this against him, it is Us. We could of done this differently but decided this would be easier to clean up for you. The other way would of caused way more issues for the Q and Truth Community.


We love you anons, We are sorry for the confusion we caused.

Time will tell. Just Watch.

Never stop fighting, Freedom has never been given it is always taken. Patriots Fight!

Thank you.

Q is now an Idea. It is no longer a person/team, ideas never die. Q is now forever.

Many still use the backchannel use discernment.

Trust yourself, verify verify verify!

Together WE Win!

WRWY! Then, Now, Forever!

Sgt B


Anonymous  06/27/22 (Mon) 15:14:31967f49  No.16536375

File: 2660a0d3f433025⋯.jpg (91.99 KB, 1024x834, 512:417, 2660a0d3f433025d19a2e49a7a….jpg)

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How Jim Watkins, Babyfist, Doge/Austin Steinbart and Flint faked the Q posts

Laughing_MAN aka Babyfist was a Global Volunteer and BO of /ABCU/. He used his GV account to post on Qs bread after larping on Q research for a year straight. He was immediately caught because, just like last night, these people are fXXXing stupid, and he did it without even using a VPN. So, because we all have what are called IP hashes (scrambled version of your IP posted with every post you make) it was easy to prove Babyfist posted on Qs board and then tried to lie about it. He's so stupid though, 28 seconds after faking a post on Qs board, he came to this board and posted under the same IP address. Jim then went on a press tour and told everyone it came from Babyfists GV account, only to 6 months later have video come out of Jim hanging out in a hotel with Babyfist.

In the last week, it was exposed that not only is Jim connect to Babyfist, but also Austin Steinbart, aka Doge, and a bunch of other Cicada 3301 grifters. They all post on /deepdigs/ together, where Doge is the only baker and the board owner. Needing something to take the heat off of themselves, they hatched the plan to fake Q posts. Cracking the trip code would be difficult. So with Jim's assistance, they created a password and then rotated the SALT so that the created password would output a trip code identical to Qs last Trip code. This can be verified easily and already has been. Anyone that is a BO/BV that posts without a VPN can see that their IP hash has changed, any anon with a trip code that existed before the SALT rotation will see that even though their password has NOT changed, their tripcode has as is demonstrated in picrel. They planned it out so that the fake Q posts would happen while Jim was on stage so he could have plausible deniability, but because THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID, he didn't expect anons to notice the SALT rotation so quickly.

Anons knew last night that something was way off with these Q posts. 1. There was no content, just recycled phrases from old Q posts, as Babyfist and the fake Q were caught doing last year (picrel). 2. Q ALWAYS re-verified his trip code after long absences because SALT gets rotated, and trip codes can be brute forced. (picrel) 3. In the past, whenever Q would start posting, the board would experience MASSIVE lag when they connect and disconnect from the site. It was a noticeable enough lag to the point anons were able to start calling out when Q was about to post. This did not happen last night.

Being that Anons realized quickly something was wrong, some anons started calling into doubt that these were real Q posts. No verification, No delta with PDJT, no posts from Scavino, Nunes or anyone else to confirm. So anons started talking about it being fake. Immediately the well known shills on this board that Jim has aligned himself with started attacking anons. This should ALWAYS be a big RED FLAG. If shills are attacking someone, they are doing it for a reason. Everyone was waiting for a confirmation, but the shills were shoving the fake Q posts into the dough and telling everyone that disagreed to shut up. Until Dan scavino posted (picrel). A literal BABY FIST. In fact, if you go to GOOGLE, type in BABY FIST and search images, this will be one of the first pictures you will find. Dan Scavino was letting us know who was posting the fake Q posts, Babyfist, the same person that comp'd Qs board previously, lied about it and Jim Watkins assisted in doing it.

It was at this point anons started to notice that their own personal trip codes & IP hashes have changed. It was at this point also that BV Dart started to delete posts calling out that the SALT had been rotated. (picrel) in an attempt to cover up the fact that BO Flint was colluding with Jim Watkins, Babyfist & Austin Steinbart to dupe Qs trip code in an attempt to drive traffic back to this board. If there are no anons, Jim's grift is over, along with the money they make from aggregators. Whenever bullshit happens you have to ask Who Benefits? And the person that benefits the MOST from a Q return is JIM WATKINS. T-shirt, coffee, honey sales skyrocket, advertisers pay for banners, etc.. Jim Watkins has been doing everything he can to destroy what this place was and turn it into REDDIT 2.0 because he thinks he can get rich, but nothing he had done up to this point reached the level of absolute comp'd fXXXXtry last night did. Now, knowing that the game was up, and Dan Scavino had completely BTFO of their gay op to take over the Q trip code, they switched from attacking anons to claiming "Dan posted a fist bump to celebrate R v W" except this is how dan has always operated. If he needs to comm with anons he does it in a simple way for us to figure out quickly. I.E -"Dan, who is posting as Q?" - Dan "Posts a BabyFist." Knowing that he (babyfist) is an idiot and had been exposed Babyfist rushed to TS to try to cover himself and responded to Dan with Picrel 2 an hour after Dan posted. But Dan did not like the post or retruth it, as Dan would have if Babyfists excuse held water. It doesn't and thusly Doge, Flint, Jim Watkins & Babyfist were all exposed last night again for the grifting XXXXXXXking pieces of XXXt they are. Hope that clears it all up! You may all return to being newfaXXXt retards that oldfXXs hate for discrediting what real Anons accomplished here.

Also, For almost 2 years Torposting has not worked. It was both turned off at the board level on Q research by Fastjack, and disabled Site-Wide by Jim Watkins. Which means not only was it re-enabled by Jim, but also by FLINT. Meaning not only did Jim collude with Babyfist to adjust the SALT to make the password match Qs Tripcode, he also colluded with FLINT to have Torposting turned back on, on QR less than 24 hours before last night's fake Q posts were made. What that means is that EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of /QR/ is comp'd. From Jim who made all of this happen, to Flint who colluded to fool anons, to BV DART on clean-up deleting posts that were calling out the XXXXery. Jim, Babyfist, Flint, Dart & Austin have utterly destroyed what Q research once stood for: Finding truth.

One last thing - With the SALT being rotated, Q's tripcode would have changed even if the passcode to get the tripcode did not. Q's is the only TRIPCODE that DID NOT CHANGE. Meaning that they gamed the SALT system to get the result they wanted. They created a passcode, and adjusted the SALT for it to output what they wanted, cracking the TRIP could take years. Adjusting the SALT can be done by the SITE ADMIN whenever they choose.This 100% shows Jim Wakins was involved in this attempt to steal Q's TRIP, Babyfist could not have done this without the ADMIN ACCOUNT. So, either Jim Watkins is no longer in control of the ADMIN ACCOUNT, or Jim Watkins did this HIMSELF.

Update: On 06/25/2022, Jim Watkins came to the board, told everyone he was incapable of changing the SALT because he was in SoCal and it had to be Q. Less than an hour later Jim Watkins reverted the SALT to it's original form meaning that tripcodes reverted to the their original output before the ignorrance of last night happened. Not only did Jim have the ability to change the SALT from Socal, which he did, he lied to everyone in claiming he could not & did not.

Update 2: In 2019, Fredrick Brenan, original owner/creator of 8ch, laid out on Twitter that 8ch code had an option for what is known as "custom_tripcode". Hotwheels stated "Jim and @CodeMonkeyZ are in a unique position to take over Q. They don't need Q. And I can prove this with the open source OpenIB code underlying 8chan." He then went on to lay out exactly how 8kun, which copied its code from 8ch after Jim Watkins stole the website from Hotwheels, the following:

"mG7VJxZNCI, for the uninitiated, is QAnon's tripcode. But there's no third party way to verify; 8chan's server was the final source of truth. 8chan's server didn't sign Q's posts, and Q's password, if Ron doesn't know it already, can be overwritten; this feature already exists!"

'The relevant discusion can be found here

Robert Amour demo'd how the Custom Tripcode setting works in a video here

This is why "New Q" is posting from TOR. TOR does not relay an IP address. They learned from their mistake when they were caught with the "B" post when they initially tricked to take over the following Q had built. Q set up a specific IP address to post from that CodeMonkey had the ability to verify. As long the fake Q poster is posting from TOR Jim can claim that he doesn't have the ability to verify the IP address.

In conclusion, the SALT rotation as earlier speculated, was not for the purpose of them "gaming" the TRIPCODE. The SALT rotation was meant to lock the real Q out of the actual TRIPCODE and remove the ability for them to step in and let everyone know that Watkins & crew were lying. Not only did Jim try to takeover the TRIP code in the same way he took /projectdcomms/, /qresearch/ and 8ch itself for that matter, he tried to directly interfere with actual Q's ability to stop it. If I were Jim Watkins I would be highly concerned about what happens when the storm comes.

Anons used to be all about using logic.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

 Necessary minor edits made, do your own diligence.

834 posted on 11/17/2022 12:01:30 PM PST by haffast (Double Standards Exist. Freedom of Speech. Patriots are Dying. Anons Know.)
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Trump retruthed quoting from the new Q drops:

854 posted on 11/17/2022 1:00:22 PM PST by little jeremiah (Never worry about anything. Worry never solved any problem or moved any stone.)
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To: haffast

I see you continue your efforts to FORCE FEED the Q thread your black pill content.

Did you and your posse ever get around to explaining why Trump included content from a recent Q drop in his speech (Foldy's meme)?

Q+ validated a recent Q drop and that's not good enough for you? Is Q+ not to be trusted either?

"Being that Anons realized quickly something was wrong, some anons started calling into doubt that these were real Q posts. "

Do you not see the uintentional humor in providing as 'fact' the word of anonymous people (Anons) when they say that Q posts aren't real?"

"So anons started talking about it being fake. Immediately the well known shills on this board that Jim has aligned himself with started attacking anons. This should ALWAYS be a big RED FLAG. If shills are attacking someone, they are doing it for a reason."

This may come as an utter surprise to you but Q is not my first rodeo. I have advocated for hated social change before on other boards. We  had sock puppets exposed when a 'shill' was attacking someone to make that someone seem like he was on our side - both the attacker and 'victim' were the same person.

Q has shown us that this tactic is common on the world stage, as well as Congress.

So the Anons who brought America pricelss information during wartime via their exotic skills know who they are, but we don't know who they are. You have provided us with anonymous content that could come from anywhere and employ standard shill tactics found everywhere, and you took up significant Q thread real-estate to do it.

Whatever you  believe the origin of the Q board drops to be, Q+ is fine with it, supports it. Q+ and Q could refute the content but Q+ recently quoted the content in his speech. The content does not misdirect. If the day comes where the content does misdirect, if the Q board contains content damaging or counter to the movement, we'll know about it because I really don't think larpers and Jim Watkins can hold back Trump and Q while they do whatever they want to 'sell coffee'.

880 posted on 11/17/2022 2:38:02 PM PST by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: haffast
said, "Anons used to be all about using logic."

I've not changed my mind since i first posted about Q in early Nov 2017. It's likely Q are black hats. Though in order to get our attention they have to give information you can't get anyplace else. Which means we shouldn't ignore them. Given the movement has lured millions of gamers and none voters it backfired if they're black hats.

The recent Q posts haven't said anything we don't already know. So, those posts don't help us or harm us. It's a moot point if they're white hats, black hats or the board administrator talking. They're not saying anything.
893 posted on 11/17/2022 3:07:57 PM PST by Steve Van Doorn (*in my best Eric Cartman voice* 'I love you, guys')
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To: haffast; Cletus.D.Yokel

Decent discussion. No black pill allegations disprove one single item. And, you are presenting a dig just as in the days of old, when this thread was all about that.

Evidence represents that the original Q, who raised all of us, did shadow the POTUS official position as CIC, as CLETUS reminds us.

Q, as official MIL, would or could be bound to follow the POTUS in that official capacity. Even while knowing the Law of War maintains that POTUS as CIC, the same as the law of war maintains MIL.

MIL follow ultimate Command.

MIL were born to be fluid, and things darn sure change on them. Almost anything can go upside down.

To have no patience with your dig of events denies the possible.

So, generally, POTUS could be said to be sort of “in exile”, given the Steal of 2020. I’ve seen that term used, anyway.

Therefore, CIC could also be, effectively, what(?), underground, secret, as 11.3 qualifies the MIL and their Commanding Officer, POTUS.

Damage to Q boards is plausible, and could it be that upside down development is some part offset by POTUS reliance on SPACE FORCE?

I’m counting on SpaceForce being a heck of an equalizer against technological warfare concerning these hacked and infiltrated boards.

910 posted on 11/17/2022 3:59:28 PM PST by RitaOK (Viva Christo Rey! Publik Skules/Academia = The Farm Team for more Marxists coming. Infinitum. )
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To: goldbux

* * * Q post history / 4chan / 8chan / 8kun / hackers / tripcodes * * *

1,021 posted on 11/17/2022 10:02:11 PM PST by goldbux (“The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The main thing is to have no fear at all.” –– R. Nachman)
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