This is testimony by dr. Richard Fleming on covid 19 being a bio-weapon its very well documented.
What follows is a summary I did on the one hour video,I missed some of it but got enough to get the idea across.
This guy,dr. Fleming has guts.
This guy has credentials up the wazoo!!
There are numerous manipulations that have to be done in a lab to make covid 19 able to stick to a human,most covid virus’ do not.
It has to be manipulated in a lab through numerous transactions.
Many things are inserted into the virus to make it toxic to man and able to “stick” to humans.
The development of a prion is hard to do and can only do harm to humans. Fleming says “it's quite a weapon”
Hiv has been inserted into the virus this violates treaties and is playing God accd. to Fleming.
No animal studies were done by big pharma.
Here are the problems caused by the man-made virus and they are many:
Brain damage,from prion disease,madcow disease,blood clotting,miscarriages,death no research using animals was ever done by pfizer,moderna or the others.
effects on the blood are:
red blood cells that carry oxygen can no longer carry oxygen,cells turn from red to gray meaning the blood cells can no longer carry oxygen membrane of red blood cell has been damaged. from all three vaccines moderna pfizer and the other.
It's not reversible and causes clotting accd. to Fleming
carbon dioxide can not be carried out when blood cells are damaged.