Apparently so...
The process is for the actor/worker to contact at least 35 individuals in their circle of influence (friends, family, coworkers, social, fraternal, etc.) per week, and get them to vote for Democrat candidates. In turn, the organization will pay $250 a week for 2 weeks, for a maximum of $500, leading up to the election, for their organizing effort.
Basically, the same blueprint that they use to HARVEST ballots at $10 a piece.
One of the ways that our side learned about the scale of the ballot harvesting was an anecdotal story about a mother that discovered something like $40,000 in her son’s room and demanded to know how he got the money. His excuse was that he was hustling ballots to the drop box at a rate of 25-40 ballots a day. $250-$400 a day, adding up to 40K over the entire window of voting period. A great gig for anybody with a semblance of work ethic. Beats mowing lawns or delivering newspapers or pizzas, eh?
The kid, was hustling 25 - 40 ballots AT A TIME, not 25 - 40 a day.