I’m a massive arachnophobic but if they’re not directly in my way I generally let them be unless I have to work around or near them. Not happening. I’ll leave or torch it. But when one is outside on the side of my house, and those are usually the size of a saucer or a CD, I leave them alone. If you kill all the spiders in an area, you’re gonna get overrun by other stuff.
That said, I almost walked into one of those golden orb spiders, a little smaller than a fist, and I freaked out and blew it away with a 12 gauge. I was following hog tracks and almost walked right into it’s web.
Damn near pissed myself lol
It’s how they move, just freaks me out.
That's when I see them. On occasion, I will walk right into a web and having your face covered in spider web is one of the most disconcerting experiences ever.
Usually I end up flailing my arms and smacking myself all over my head in case there is a spider in my hair. I can only imagine what other hikers that can see me from a distance must be thinking.
"Hey, check out that dude over there, he's having a nervous breakdown...he just SNAPPED!"
I know it was not funny to you, but I can imagine what you did, hhaaaahahahahahahahahah!!!!!! (i can’t breathe, HAHAHAHA!!)
Glad you are OK........