I must be living on another planet...This topic/article is about a man stabbing and severely beating a woman to a pulp because he didn’t like what she was wearing. And some people, maybe you too, apparently think it’s cute and funny and a source of humor. Very odd.
I was just happy to see the picture from the long ago past as my memory is a bit sparse in a few places as the years tick by. As for the topic at hand though, that inbred savage should be put down immediately with a bullet to the brain. He will never be a productive member of society, he will never be rehabilitated, and it is a certainty he will hurt others the next time his underdeveloped brain thinks some one ‘dissed him. Somalis are an entirely differnt breed of 3rd world s-hole savages and how that brotherf@cker ended up in the HOR is something else i will never understand beyond the fact that there are so many evil people who want nothing more than our destruction. So i will be glad to have a couple of minutes of levity when i can find it.