The FR warmongers hate Putin with a passion they are blind to their hypocrisy. They trash John McCain and Linda Graham’s insane warmongering, they trash the deep states never ending wars and my God Biden is a drooling idiot.
Aside from McCain having assumed room temperature, astoundingly the FR warmongers lap up everything these people say about fighting a WWIII and a nuclear war. The Ukraine is a noble freedom loving democracy. The deep state is looking out for America and it’s interests-never mind they have screwed up everything they have been involved in since Desert Storm. The joint chiefs love all of America and especially conservatives, so much so they are hunted down and dismissed from the military. And then there is the FR warmongers warrior of warrior presidents: Joe Biden and his cabinet of experts, why that’s the bunch we want leading us into a nuclear confrontation—couldn’t ask for anything better! They buy the propaganda like it’s going out of style and are clueless to their rank hypocrisy.
That being said they are going to have their war conventional or nuclear or both, doesn’t matter, come hell or high water...
Objectively, Putin is a menace. There is no good reason for name calling and insults against those who point that out.