Hey y’all, sorry I’ve been so silent - I’m fine!
It’s been harder than usual to keep up with the threads because real life is going so well lately! Truly, right now is the happiest of times for me. And nothing, absolutely nothing whatsoever that Bidumb, a hurricane, or anyone/thing else does can harsh my mellow one iota!
No, I haven’t gone back to work. It may or may not be in the cards for me to return, it’s still uncertain at this point. Frankly, I no longer care if I don’t. Many other good things are occupying my time. Like our small worship ensemble at church really homing in lately and finding its own unique sound, and being an utter fun pleasure to play with every Sunday. And finding a “BFF” (more like the sister I’ve never had, really), who’s near my age, on the same wavelength with me about every matter in life that’s even slightly important to us - a true kindred spirit. Prior to this, neither of us imagined such a friendship was even possible, and we’re very blessed that God put us in each other’s path at the perfect optimal time. (Just goes to show that you’re never too old to receive a wonderful surprise!)
So I’m lurking and trying my dangedest to stay current around here. Please be assured that I’m still stealing and sharing all the best memes - thankQ bigly, and y’all know who you are. ;) I usually jump ahead in the threads to catch the memes, and then try to go back and read all the posts. I’m usually at least several days behind everyone else.
W W G 1 W G A, and I love all of y’all, my FreeQin’ frens!
Good to hear! Life goes on amidst the insanity.
I've been mostly out of the loop myself for the past week or so. I was attending a retreat on the Oregon coast with a small group (11 total) of highly spiritual/highly intuitive people, mostly women. As each of us introduced ourselves, we were given the instruction to tell something about ourselves that we hardly told anyone else. As the others did their introductions, I was planning to talk about something that happened at another retreat just two weeks before, but when my turn came I decided to out myself as a Q fan. I had no idea what anyone's politics was, but I decided to go for it.
A little surprisingly, my revelation was received very positively. As it turned out, the organizer of the retreat and her assistant have been following Q for the past two years, and there were others who were either Q fans or ready to turn. No one had anything critical to say.
On the flight coming back to Arizona I sat beside a 50ish woman who gradually revealed that in 2020 she was completely skeptical of the election results and was a strong Trump supporter. Although she didn't follow Q, she had a sense that everything about the last couple of years was completely corrupt, and that big changes were afoot.
I'll end with another revelation. August 15 was the amicable end of my 44-year marriage. The former Mrs. AZLiberty and I are still friends, and I still consider her family my family, but living together was no longer working.
Our two children were surprised. With one having a new baby over in Germany and one STILL hidden in her COVID bunker with her hubby, we didn't see a good opportunity or a good reason to have them involved.
Now we're both moving forward.
Stay safe! How great to be so happy!