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To: Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn.

Corrupt Ukraine: Almost All EU Aid Apparently Ends up on the Black Market

Translated Excerpt with translator’s comments in square brackets:

Information leaked from Ukraine and confirmed by independent observers once again gives an insight into the ubiquitous corruption that prevails in the country: According to the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), which is part of the Council of Europe, aid funds of more than €55 million were diverted. That’s not all: According to the report, 22 shipping containers, 389 railway wagons and 220 trucks with humanitarian aid from the Zaporozhye region were stolen in the region in the last six months. This corresponds to almost 100% of the total deliveries for this region. The stolen goods were later offered for sale in Ukrainian retail chains.

In total, from March to August 2022, the EU sent Ukraine humanitarian goods worth more than €360 million. According to GRECO, goods worth €342 million were stolen. These figures correspond to a whole catalog of similar reports: It was already known in May that a large part of the relief supplies delivered to Ukraine had been embezzled and privately sold on.

As even the British Telegraph reported, medical supplies were also repeatedly stolen and sold in pharmacies — even though public medicine in Ukraine should be free. One doctor explained that “99 % of all hospitals in Ukraine” are corrupt — even in wartime.

Foreign fighters who joined the International Legion to help Ukraine report that even within this unit, abuse of power and corruption are rampant, with soldiers even being ordered by commanders to loot Ukrainian properties. And in June, reports of sales of Western weapons of war by corrupt Ukrainian army personnel made the rounds on the dark web.

Not a jot better than what Putin is always accused of

So this is supposed to be the Ukraine that represents the “values of the West”, “our freedom” and democracy defends Russia against an autocratic alleged criminal state? [YES, they represent these “values” perfectly.]

The truth is probably rather: This Ukraine is no better than what Russia is always being accused of — and the fact that the country was attacked by Russia in violation of international law [LOL] and that its people are exposed to immeasurable suffering as a result of the war does not change the fact that the leadership in Kyiv — courted by the EU and above all by Germany — is no better than the enemy; on the contrary. Before the war, everyone knew — even in the left-wing salon media — that the government there, which Europe so naïvely and thoughtlessly grants astronomical financial and material aid, has been plundering its own people and enriching itself for years, and who are clamoring today for more and more money, guns and moral support for the Zelensky s***hole.

It is all the more irresponsible to make this State a candidate for EU accession, to upgrade its regime, which is professionally and perfectly staged in the role of victim, on a daily basis, to send unlimited amounts of money and weapons there and to completely uncritically pay every sum, no matter how absurd, called for by the Ukrainian Government, for the alleged reconstruction of the country.

This week, the mere announcement by Ukraine’s Economy Minister Julia Swyrydenko that the country needed €350 billion in reconstruction aid was enough in order to persuade her German colleague, Robert Habeck, to immediately articulate the demand for the establishment of a corresponding fund. Although all experience speaks against the fact that even a tiny fraction of such insane sums will arrive at their supposed destinations instead of trickling away into dubious channels, more and more money is being approved for this nepotistic and corrupt political juggernaut. [I wonder how high the commission for Habeck is in this “deal”?]

Germany pays the highest social price

It is noticeable that since the beginning of the war almost every criticism of the Zelensky government, the oligarchic rule or the ubiquitous corruption in the country has come to an almost complete standstill.

That would be a bit like abruptly exculpating the North Korean regime in the event of a Russian or Chinese attack and glorifying it as a bulwark of freedom for which any help is appropriate. The fact that the Russian attack can be condemned without sweeping the highly questionable situation in the attacked country under the carpet is no longer an issue in large parts of the international media.

Worse still: We are paying an unacceptable social price in Germany for this slavish loyalty to the Nibelungen of this flawless kleptocracy: While Germany is collapsing under the weight of the energy crisis, which only arose as a result of the Russia sanctions imposed in support of Ukraine, the food banks in Germany have to increasingly turn away those in need, because they no longer receive sufficient food donations, every Ukrainian demand for money is unconditionally granted. The magnitude of the aid is also evidence of an almost perverse misprioritization: while the volume of donations from the Tafel is around €21 million a year, in the first six months since the start of the war alone, almost 18 times (!) the amount of food and supplies was transferred from the EU to the Ukraine — only a fraction of which reached those who really needed it.

Afterword from the translator:

Apparently Ursula von der Leyen was in Kiev last Thursday and praised the reforms of the EU accession candidate: “It is impressive to see the speed, determination and precision with which you are making progress.”

Join the EU’s internal market, which allows for the free movement of goods, services and capital. Access to it is a very important issue for Ukraine: “It will be one of the most important victories of our country.” I bet it will, just imagine all the contraband that can be shifted then to Islamic terrorists within Europe, especially with no border controls. The amounts of money to be made from the war “surplus” will be staggering to the mind, and the total collapse of Western Europe can then be counted on the fingers of one hand. But what can one expect when one mafia clan merges with another mafia clan, especially one that is utterly ruthless in ALL its “business” practices?

956 posted on 09/22/2022 9:37:39 AM PDT by Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn. (All along the watchtower fortune favors the bold.)
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To: goldbux

* * * Ukraine / bottomless corruption * * *

965 posted on 09/22/2022 11:21:43 AM PDT by goldbux (“The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The main thing is to have no fear at all.” -- Nachman)
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To: Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn.

Have been following a blog series called Prussiagate, which has some very interesting history tied to current events on the “invisible enemy”.

The latest installment:

An Ode to the Prussian Pickle - Part III


Parts 1 and 2 explored the possibility that royal authority-seats may not be as insignificant as we are led to believe. We are observing that intelligence agencies appear more connected to royal families than we’ve previously understood, and that intelligence officers move seamlessly between agencies and private contractors. For instance, we learned that Hakluyt works closely with GCHQ, and that it was founded by Mi6 spies. These public-private partnerships in the world of intelligence are now so pronounced, that many are suggesting that intelligence agencies have been weaponized against their own people.

.....To set the stage, we need to provide some context. Also remember our assertion that the invisible enemy considers the world as a trade network, and seems intent on having all cargo and all movements monitored by its intelligence agencies. Within this overall context, let’s look at the connections between the EU and Iran

.....Knowing Iran’s pending accession to the World Trade Organization makes these 2019 sanctions by Trump on Iran far more interesting. It is possible that all Trump’s new sanctions are destroying the Prussian’s credit-fuelled trade networks?

Supporting this possibility, France, Germany and the UK immediately created a new special purpose vehicle to bypass the newly-imposed US sanctions

Link has cited image data

The EU now has a non-USD and non-SWIFT way of trading with Iran. Trump then responded in January 2020 with his own initiative via “Executive Order on Imposing Sanctions with Respect to Additional Sectors of Iran”.

This article will not explore the detail of this EO, but suffice to say, there is anecdotal evidence here revealing the invisible war Trump is waging against the globalists; and trade is a huge part of Trump’s offensive.

It has been the style of the #PrussiaGate articles to go back in history, in order to understand the times we are in. On this occasion, we only need to go back to the period around Trump’s election. We can observe that in October 2017, German Foreign Minister, Sigmar Gabriel was extremely upset about the Iran sanctions....

One year earlier, in October 2016, we also see signs of panic, just before the Presidential election. Why were the globalist’s worried? Because Trump was questioning The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

The media launched their assault, espousing the benefits of globalism, but they structured their attack in an extremely unique way:

The article concludes that the German pickle may have an “uncertain future” if Obama can’t finalize the Trans-Atlantic Trade Partnership during his term....

The Atlantic article went on to focus specifically on the Spreewald pickle, and provided a very specific link

Go to link to see image.

From researching trade partnerships in the EU and Trump’s Iran sanctions, I have now learned that “… not all pickles are created the same.”

Is the Enemy in a Right Royal Pickle?

During this series, we’ve learned about the British Royals being heavily involved in global espionage and whatever else these spy networks might entail. We’ve learned of King Charles’ bloodline connection to Dracula and his family’s deep involvement with GCHQ. We’ve learned that the largest intelligence agency in the world is called the Pickle Factory.

One is compelled to ask what on earth the Pickle Factory may be. One is also compelled to ask why everyone seems to be in a ‘right royal pickle’, since Trump arrived on the scene:

The exit of Prince Harry and Megan from the royal family has also captivated the news

When President Trump was asked about Prince Harry and Megan’s interference in the US election, his response was extremely intriguing. His answer carried a sense of foreknowledge and confidence that royals truly are in a pickle:

The pickle references in the media were also being rolled out for another high-profile case. There is little to no chance, that these unusual headlines around such a world-famous case are the accidental work of random journalists:

Image with data at link

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but having Ghislaine Maxwell headlined as being “in a pickle” while reading a book entitled “The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives”, when we’ve now learned that the CIA is nicknamed The Pickle Factory, is a little more than coincidental. This is all becoming somewhat compelling. The reason it is just so hard for people to believe, is because it is so bloody ‘unbelievable’!

One could even contemplate that Trump may be helping to expose an ancient and elaborate spy network!

Even the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II had an interesting message on the hearse, which sent the world into a tail-spin

Most people considered it highly-inappropriate that the name of the funeral company was left on the car for such a high-profile event. The royal family quickly removed the name from public photographs. This funeral happened during our research into the Pickle the Spy, meaning we already had a lazer-focus on key players in the UK spy game.

Did you know that there is another William Purves, and that he has been knighted?

Just so we are not moving too quickly: The Queen’s Hearst carried the name of a famous UK spy who had previously been chairman of Hakluyt; who had been knighted; who had previously been a director of Shell Transport; and who is a member of the 1001 Club. …and one last thing - Hakluyt and Shell had a very close relationship, and Hakluyt had been spying for Shell, against its corporate enemies, which included Greenpeace.

With so many oddities around pickles and spying, we just had to look closer at this 2005 event featuring the global head of the invisible enemy’s espionage division, Prince Charles...

Image with headline at link

This is not to disparage Bartons Pickles in St Helens by any means, as I’m sure they are probably just a solid family enterprise, founded by UK’s Edmund Barton in 1905.

What is of interest to our research, is why such a significant figure-head would celebrate a random UK pickle business. What about all the other businesses in the country? Could the centenary celebration be about something else, as well as the Barton Pickle company?

Incredibly, the first Australian Prime Minister was also named Edmund Barton following Australia’s Federation in 1901, where the six separate British self-governing colonies (states) agreed to unite and form the Commonwealth of Australia.

What is even more interesting, is the fact that Sir Edmund Barton oddly resigned from being Prime Minister in 1903, having just been knighted in 1902, and that he was replaced by Alfred Deakin of the Liberal Protectionist Party. Deakin was the leader who had pushed for Federation prior to 1901. His appointment took ground away from the “Free Traders” who were a rising political force at this time. The Free Trade Party advocated the abolition of protectionism, especially protective tariffs and other restrictions on trade, arguing that this would create greater prosperity for all.

Between September 1903 and July 1905, Australia had four different Prime Ministers. The issue causing so much tumult was the establishment of a Commonwealth jurisdiction over all of Australia, and free trade, of course. The stakes were very high for the Commonwealth, because Australia is exceptionally rich with natural resources. The Free Trade Party did take government very briefly, however, in 1905, Alfred Deakin, the Commonwealth’s Federation man, was returned to power for a 3½ year period, which was the first meaningful period of stable government in Australia. The freedom movement was effectively quietened and ‘sent to the back of the room’. The mercantile policies of the British Empire could continue unabated.

The British colonies had been tricked into thinking they now had control, but it was a classic Prussian paper shuffle; all taking place during the window of 1871 – 1917. Edmund Barton and Deakin were close friends and they were leaders of the Protectionist Party. They each played a critical role in the transfer of power from the states to the Commonwealth, finally being established in 1905. Self-governance within the land of Australia had been brought-to-heel under Commonwealth rule.

Was this the real centenary celebration of Barton’s pickles? Does the invisible enemy celebrate publicly, without us ever really knowing what they are talking about? Are these obscure public disclosures all part of the contract-offerings that this ruling monarchy makes to us, ensuring the legality of our ongoing enslavement?

We will likely never know the truth of what Prince Charles was revealing at Barton’s Pickles, and maybe he was just celebrating a good local business. It is certainly another strange coincidence though, amidst many others.

A final thought:

Learning about the CIA pickle factory and reading a book titled “Pickle the Spy” helped us find an unusual children’s adventures book – centred around Adolph’s deli, if you don’t mind:

Image of book at link

Part 2 touched on some nasty topics about paedophiles circling around the royals and spy agencies. None of us want to think about these things, however if they present themselves as a threat to dignity, freedom and human-decency, then it must be addressed. Let’s hope that the humble pickle is just used for spy-comms, and nothing else.

Multiple images linking Heinz, Kerry and the club at link

When you are not a part of a secret club, it is almost impossible to know what goes on behind their closed doors. This is no small local club though; this secret club is global; and have members who are royals; members who are ‘elected’ world leaders… and members who are spies. Pickle the Spy is revealing that the distinctions between royals and spies is quite blurry!

The general population are certainly not invited into these clubs. We are simply presented with never-ending reams of bizarre headlines and unlikely coincidences. One such coincidence relates to the namesake of Pickle’s partner-in-espionage in 1750, Prince Charles. Carrying on a long tradition of spying, King Charles III became the first Royal Patron of all UK intelligence agencies in 2011, which was the same year that the GCHQ spies set up the Masonic Lodge Paedophile Information Exchange (Pie) which we noted in Part 2. I’m sure it’s just another coincidence though…

Image at link

Without the advantage of seeing what is in that good-old “Royal Codebook”, We the People, remain largely ‘in the dark’ about what meanings may sit behind all these unusual headlines and unsettling alliances.

To be continued….

Images are at link and add context to what author is providing. At the end of link are authors link to the information being discussed.

Here’s the link to Parts 1 and 2 and a link to the entire Prussiagate series, long detail with lots of history in it if one has time and interest:

An Ode to the Prussian Pickle – Part I

All in the Family

An Ode to the Prussian Pickle – Part II

I Spy

1,530 posted on 09/24/2022 8:50:47 AM PDT by Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn. (All along the watchtower fortune favors the bold.)
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