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To: Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn.

Here’s an interesting theory by the individual called Burning Bright. He’s been on Patel Patriot, The Liberty Den et al and has his own substack page.

Bright Brief - Ghosts of Justice
Exploring the Civilian-Military Alliance


.....some narratives exist almost exclusively in the realm of the Potential, while others see their foundations set in the Actual. The debate between this Potential and Actual distinction can and has spilled over into the larger Truth community of late, with Anons, citizen journalists and truthers arguing about everything from public-facing comments of former—or still current—Trump allies and those some would paint as enemies, traitors or snakes in the grass.

I have already explored my thoughts on this trend in recent Briefs, including Tuesday’s Hot Potato, so if you’d like a more direct reading as to my thoughts on kayfabe and playing to the Narrative, that’s a good piece to check out.

Today, however, I’d like to explore the beginnings of a thought that lodged itself in my mind while watching a recent episode of the Devolution Power Hour with Patel Patriot, Patrick Gunnels and Just Human, during which communications from and between former DOJ leaders were at the heart of a scintillating conversation.

I believe Patel is onto this angle in a deep dive, Micro way only he can be, and I ended up having a private conversation with Just Human regarding it following the episode.

In short, the nagging question that has latched itself into my psyche of late is the following:

What if the Civilian-Military Alliance many of us believe was actioned or codified with the launch of the Trump Admin and, more directly the launch of the public intel dissemination program known as the ‘Q Operation’ is a bit more overt than we have considered up until now? What if the ‘Civilian’ term in said alliance goes beyond us, and also includes members of the Trump Admin itself?

In fact, what if ‘Civilian’ powers wielded by Trump officials are what will ultimately bring down the Deep State, or at least contribute more directly to that corrupt apparatus’ decline than some of us have believed up until now?

On its face, the prospect seems nonsensical. After all, wasn’t the point of installing Trump into office—both by us and, if some theories are to be believed—an alliance of patriotic Military Intel assets—specifically to wield the levers of power in the U.S. Government against the cabal? If so, what use would these elected ‘white hats’ have of relying on civilian powers?

My percolating theory isn’t so much revolutionary as it is practical. No doubt the U.S. Government and its requisite positions wield more overt power than any civilian position—official or otherwise—could. That said, most of our discussions in this little corner of the Truth community concern the Narrative War at work overlaying and underlying the tactical war that has been ‘hot’ since 2016 at the latest. We all understand the importance of compartmentalization, segmentation and obfuscation in such a tactical environment, do we not?

We also understand how compromised most institutions—especially those of the ‘justice’ variety—in our government have become over the generations. In short, if we are right about said institutional corruption, from the DOJ to the DOD to the intel agencies to Congressional oversight, wouldn’t it make sense to shield patriotic counter-ops from such corruption as much as possible?

Part of what kicked off this particular mental rabbit hole was General Flynn’s recent comments presenting the aforementioned ‘Q Op’ as a disinfo campaign, something that I believe has been completely misconstrued. In fact, I believe Flynn was giving somewhat open endorsement of the Op, drawing attention to it and even showing support for it, lending further credence to the idea that the Op has been designed to engage a Civilian arm of decentralized intelligence patriots have been wielding—or at least, guiding—against our collective enemies since late 2017.

I believe Flynn drew attention to a theme that seems to underlie many of the digs and theories Anons have had for years, largely kicked off by observation and dissection of the Q drops along with continued observation and dissection of Trump Admin officials, appointments and their roles both during and following the public-facing Admin as various investigations, scandals and narratives continue to play out in both mainstream and alternative media circles.

The key moment in the Flynn interview that sticks out to me is his reference of the Q Op as “ultra government,” something that could exist outside of the purview of the traditional U.S. governmental structure. On its face, this isn’t revolutionary or shocking news to most of you, but in connecting this concept to the Macro theory of the Q Op being just ONE example of a larger Civilian-Military Alliance could clue us in as to the overarching and underlying war strategy employed by the Trump Admin and its foundational engineers.

Zooming out, it’s long been accepted in this community that the Q Op is or was a civilian intel operation. A triggering dissemination program meant to seed a larger-scale and longer-term awakening. In this regard, I believe the Op has been incredibly successful. After all, I’m sure many of you reading these words today were activated by this Op.

Collectively, you represent an engaged and psychologically (never actually) weaponized, decentralized intel arm of the Trump Admin, serving to both expose Deep State actors and operations while helping to disseminate information to the masses, effectively bypassing the Media Industrial Complex.

That said, something I have been considering lately is the possibility that the means through which the Trump team itself—and whatever MIL Intel it has at its disposal or, more likely its foundation—has been engaging the Deep State on a legal and administrative level has been staring us in the face for some time.

One of the running jokes and criticisms of the Trump Admin while in office has been the continued, seemingly ubiquitous tension with his own current and former appointees, from public spats with his said officials to firings, releasings, resignations and the ensuing ‘public scandals’ of folks many of us still consider to be Trump-allied patriots of the highest order, from Flynn himself to Steve Bannon, Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, Mike Pence and on and on.

We have discussed the optical reasons for these departures many times, from Narrative Separation and the continued deployment of ‘Fog of War’ obfuscation, but I’d like to touch on a more practical theory regarding the game of Musical Chairs the Trump DOJ and DOD became in the early and waning days of his Admin, from Christopher Miller and Ezra Cohen-Watnick to John Huber, Michael Horowitz and the aforementioned Trump-adjacent names whose only agreement this community can seem to come to regarding is a mutual non-agreement stalemate.

(IE: Exactly the point. But I digress.)

Most of us hold as a somewhat foundational belief the prospect that the Deep State has and possibly continues to hold great sway within the halls of the U.S. Government. Some of us even believe the current, ‘Acting’ Admin is more of a puppet show (on either side,) than others, but the fact remains that large swaths of the DOJ, DOD and specifically the intel agencies have been weaponized against the American people. Thus, it stands to reason that Trump installing a few new managers of these institutions would not automatically be enough to purge them of corruption overnight.

Enter the ‘Deputized Civilian’ aspect of the ongoing war.

What if the civilian arm of the Trump Admin isn’t only focusing on Anons? What if Trump’s appointees are Ghosts in the Machine, appointed to governmental positions only long enough to get in, action specific objectives, expose specific modes of corruption and use the considerable might of U.S. Administrative and Constitutional powers to gather evidence before phasing back out, only to continue investigations and patriotic duties on the civilian side?

From Ezra Cohen-Watnick floating in and out of Oracle, one of the most powerful and long-standing software companies in the world, to Christopher C. Miller, Kash Patel and other DOD appointments floating in and out of DOD and likely kicking off Devolution protocols in the waning days of the Administration, to storytellers and narrative-setters like Bannon sliding out of the ‘official’ War Rooms and into civilian-facing comms bunkers, to Flynn acting as a scandal magnet while serving as one of the great morale leaders among the aforementioned decentralized civilian intelligence network, all the while his brother serves as the current Commanding General of the U.S. Army Pacific, many of Trump’s appointees seem to do their best and most active work AFTER their ‘official’ duties have been completed.

Thus, I’ll wrap up my theory in Socratic manner:

Where’s Huber?

Are the folks who have ‘handed off’ investigations speaking in a mirrored dialect?

What if the hand-offs are not so much occurring on the way OUT … but on the way IN?

I thought of opening with the proposed general mechanism through which this Civilian-Military Alliance has functioned within and without the public-facing Trump Admin, but I’ll close with it instead.

This was the theory as presented on Truth Social a few nights ago:

Percolating theory on how far the civilian-military alliance inherent in Devolution goes:

I believe we often focus on Trump’s cabinet and sub-cabinet appointments and stints in official government positions, and sometimes assume that, when they “stepped down” or were replaced, their job was done.

What if their job was only just beginning?

What if, by returning to “civilian, private” roles, they could put everything they learned in governmental positions to use, and “start” their investigations?

This general reading of the game of musical chairs we saw during the Trump Admin in the DOJ and DOD could be explained by the following strategy:

Get in, root out as much Government corruption as possible. Collect evidence using Government powers = Full power of DOJ/DOD.

“Step down,” or be “replaced,” return to private sector, kick off civilian investigations using what was gathered.

New appointee/replacement repeats Step 1.

Civilians brought back during trials as expert witnesses.

Some reasons for this “hand-off” strategy:

Shields “outgoing” DOJ/DOD leaders and their real investigations from compromised Congressional, Agency and Government scrutiny.

Ensures fresh eyes with specific expertise are rotated in to action specific Ops and gather specific evidence.

Gives the Trump Admin and allies the outward appearance of being chaotic, uncontrolled/scrambling.

The nature of step-downs/departures obfuscates the current standing of said leaders with Trump.

A few anecdotes that point to some version of the above:

Trump saying “we had to go around them. And we went around them like no one’s gone around them in history.”

If Government institutions are compromised, how do you bring justice?

In line with the Constitution. If a Government betrays its people, citizens/civilians have the duty/power to abolish it.

Fits in perfectly with the self-described National Security-adjacent Q Operation, which will never be officially acknowledged.

In summation:

Many of us read the “civilian-military” alliance as being a reference to Anons. To us. An energized subset of the population responsible for exposing/digging on corruption and disseminating that info to sleepers.

I’m saying it goes further than that. Trump himself is believed to have been an asset of law enforcement for decades. A CIVILIAN asset.

I believe many Trump allies are using this strategy. Get in, get what’s needed, get out & continue civilian investigations.

In closing, perhaps I’ll let an old, dusty piece of parchment speak for me:

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.”

Perhaps, my fellow Anons, the levers of power in the U.S. Government are not so much under siege by [them,] but rather by us—more specifically, by those of us who have been on the inside of the beast, and have learned its ways, but who will never bear its mark.

1,156 posted on 09/15/2022 10:00:12 PM PDT by Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn. (All along the watchtower fortune favors the bold.)
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To: Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn.

Richard the Saint who also appears on X22, PatelPatriot, The Liberty Den has a theory on what may be going on in the background/shadows.

The Enemy of My Enemy

Welcome to the Donald Trump global puzzle.

Jig-saw, Jenga, and Scrabble rolled into one.

Saying we need to go back years to understand how all the pieces fit together would be an understatement. We would need to go back years and multiple geo-political layers. But for the time being let’s take a step back 2 1/2 years to February of 2020. Then Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo was delivering some remarks to the National Association of Governors. Here are a few candid statements made by Pompeo. This was in a room full of sitting State Governors.

“Last year a Chinese government-backed think tank in Beijing produced a report that assessed all 50 of Americas governors and their attitudes towards China. They labeled each of you as either friendly, hardline, or ambiguous. I’ll let you decide where you think you belong but someone in China already has”.

Never have I witnessed a sitting Secretary of State deliver such direct remarks to an audience that was expecting more of a pep rally speech. You could easily see he was telling the governors “We see what you’re doing”.

Now let’s fast forward almost exactly a year to 2021.

Imagine waking up one morning to find that the current Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines or the DNI before her, John Ratcliffe had suddenly disappeared. And I mean that quite literally. It would be quite easy for the story of the Chinese defector to be a distant memory given the absolute flurry of events that have transpired over the past few years. But one day back in February of 2021 the Chinese Vice Minister of State Security, Dong Jingwei (henceforth referred to as DJ) just up and defected to the United States with his daughter and placed himself under protective custody of US officials. This was a whole two weeks into a Biden administration. I even remember reading the Newsweek article. Here is the headline:

Who is Dong Jingwei? Alleged China Defector’s Disappearance Shrouded in Mystery.

Shrouded in mystery? Isn’t a defection ‘shrouded’ by it’s very nature? I mean call me crazy but I’m struggling to remember the last time someone telegraphed either the timing or nature of their own defection. But perhaps my journalistic expectations of Newsweek are a tad too high. It was interesting because all the initial reports from June of 2021 parroted the exact same point which was DJ defected to the U. S. bearing potentially damaging evidence regarding the alleged origins of COVID-19. Follow-up reporting (which is code for ‘we hope you don’t read this’) revealed that DJ allegedly handed the U.S. intelligence community a list of American officials passing intelligence to China, as well as the names of Chinese spies operating in the United States. That sure seems like some important information to leave out of the equation now doesn’t it? Back in June of last year Jennifer Van Laar of RedState was the first to report that DJ had defected to the West but since that story broke there’s been staggering amounts of information brought forth.

The financial records of organizations and governments providing research funding on SARS-CoV-2 for reasons of biological warfare.

Forecast models of predicted COVID-19 spread and the projected damage to the U.S. and the world. TRANSLATION: Planned

Named Chinese spies working in the U.S. or attending U.S. universities.

Names of U.S. citizens who provide intel to China.

Details of meetings U.S. government officials had with Chinese spies.

Financial records showing businessmen and public officials from the U. S. who have received money from the Chinese government.

Low level details on how the Chinese government gained access to a CIA communications systems (this lead to the death of dozens of Chinese people working with the CIA).
As a result, the American spy network in China was all but destroyed.

But the larger point that we need to drive toward is not who defected or what they were delivering when they defected. Don’t get me wrong, those are important points but secondary…at least for now. What is critical is that when he defected to the CIA….oh wait…he didn’t defect to the CIA? What about the FBI? Nope. Not there either. For some reason he apparently decided to defect to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). But why is this important nearly one and a half years after he defected? It sent an interesting message that the man who knows the identity of all the Chinese spies in our country chose to defect to the DIA and only the DIA. It was further reported that the DIA was not sharing the information it was receiving with the FBI or CIA. Now, why would that be?

Sometimes the enemy of your enemy may not be your friend, but they can sure be helpful when the circumstances call for it. What we see transpiring is the continued exposure of the corrupt FBI and CIA at a time when we need to trust them the most. But the DIA? That may be an entirely different story. Let’s not forget the origins of the DIA in light of what we know and continue to unearth about it’s counterparts from the FBI and CIA.

The DIA offered a safe haven for the defector. A place where the critical trove of information that he had to offer was at the least risk of being buried in the sewer of U.S. intelligence. But what I find most interesting is that DJ defected to the DIA during a Biden administration of all times and somehow his decision to hand himself over to the DIA was kept so under wraps that neither FBI Director Christopher Wray nor the CIA had any knowledge of it. Remember one of those bullet points above?

Financial records showing U.S. businessmen and public officials who’ve received money from the Chinese government.

Can you say Hunter Biden? Joe Biden? And who even knows how many scores of others? In thinking back to the beginning of this article and that room full of governors being addressed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, it was an interesting dynamic. Not only was he addressing them as Secretary of State but perhaps more importantly as the former Director of the CIA. Pompeo knew the score.

Is it possible that the perfect timing we are so accustomed to seeing from Trump has manifested itself once again? Did the defector deliver the final goods and they ended up at a certain golf resort in Palm Beach, FL? The DIA was established by JFK for moments in time precisely like this one.

This would not be the first time that 45 referenced a page from a 35 playbook.

But it may very well be the most consequential.

1,159 posted on 09/15/2022 10:17:08 PM PDT by Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn. (All along the watchtower fortune favors the bold.)
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To: Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn.

interesting take

1,229 posted on 09/16/2022 6:33:49 AM PDT by thinden (buckle up....)
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To: Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn.

“we had to go around them. And we went around them like no one’s gone around them in history.”


Thanks for the illumination…


1,326 posted on 09/16/2022 11:15:13 AM PDT by EasySt (Say not this is the truth, but so it seems to me to be, as I see this thing I think I see. #MAGAA)
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To: Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn.

About the Burning Bright article:

“Part of what kicked off this particular mental rabbit hole was General Flynn’s recent comments presenting the aforementioned ‘Q Op’ as a disinfo campaign, something that I believe has been completely misconstrued.”

Nitpicking... I did read what Gen.Flynn said and i recall him saying “psyop” but not “disinfo”.

Also did you or was is someone else who posted an article that had a mention of Pompeo speaking with governors about a list the CCP has of “friendlies/non-friendies” Governors? Made me find PP’s Devolution article about Dong the Defector, going to post link and snip shortly.

1,399 posted on 09/16/2022 3:24:17 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Never worry about anything. Worry never solved any problem or moved any stone.)
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