Decades ago after living in N. California with earthquakes, fires and floods, Our longtime lawyer advised all of us to have a portable and lockable metal bankbox.
It contains copies of mortgages, insurance, 401ks, Keough’s,vehicle titles, BC’s for us, adult children and grandkids. Other critical stuff. It is basically a replica of what we have in our Safety Deposit box.
Our trust lawyer has copies in her safe. A son with supposedly a home fireproof safe has copies in another lockbox in that safe. His home is 60 miles from our home. We keep a lot of their personal data here and at our bank.
Our longtime lawyer has copies in his office safe.
We know of people, who laughed at these procedures, who are still battling insurance, city, county and state people re their losses 3 years ago during the big fires in N. California.
Heavy emphasis on the “fire resistant” part. That’s the single biggest risk to important documents. The residual heat from a fire can still cook documents in a strong box that is not rated.