You ought to paying the man for the education his giving you.
You f’ing Rebs are the limit. Coming here calling yourselves conservatives while you worship treasonous Southern Democrats.
No one is on here worshipping southern Democrats, big shot. The majority of white people in the south both before and after the CW were as cowed by whomever was in power just as most of us are today by our evil government—they were poor-to-middling sharecroppers, local tradespeople or farmers. Planters who owned slaves were a very small percentage of the population, just as today’s majority of Americans are not Silicon Valley titans and do not approve of the tech titans’ anti-Americanism; but they continue to use computers, just as the southerners had to put up with an inherited slave system and its aftermath, taking all the blame for the exploitation of its products by the north. Whites as well as blacks chopped cotton and ate what northerners consider the leftover parts of the hog.
I have an Ivy grad degree, and read history well before the Great Revision as well as ever after, and have lived for extended periods in both the north and the south, so you can stop your pissing contest.
My question is, what’s in it for you to feel so superior to people whose land was invaded and despoiled, and who were subjected to what amounts to an occupation for the next century? Is is the liberal moral preening over your captive audience of sophomores?