Personally, I use y’all or all y’all and I’m from Missou-uh. All this drives my Yankee wife nutz because she’s a grammar nazi. She can’t tolerate me saying warsh, far truck, over yonder, chim-ley, ain’t, cain’t or I reckon and ahm ah fixin to without correcting me.
I just thought this was language used throughout the south since my family migrated from Virginia to Kentucky then here. Too late to change now but I can speak yankee when I have to.
My ex-wife (commonly referred to here as 'Satan in a red dress') used to say, 'affen under' which is hillbilly for 'out from under'. Top that one.
I didn't go all grammar nazi on her, I just laughed at her. Come to think of it, maybe that explains why she's my ex-wife?