The only reason Potatoe Joe there in the first place is because he was the most compromised candidate, and the coup had already been planned. He was threatened into running and didn’t even do the bare minimum to look like he wanted to run. Nobody really wanted to run against Trump except the indefensibly corrupt and the psychotic ideologues. Even so, once the black-budget types sensed an uncontrollable interest trending in Sanders, they gave the entire rest of the also-ran field the ultimatum to throw in with Joe, who was the most controllable.
Bidet had 3 options:
1) Run and the coup succeeds, you’re the President, yay, Babysitter Jill is happy. But it’s blatantly illegitimate and you’re just a blackmailed sock puppet for the coup plotters anyway.
2) Run and the coup fails, you swing.
3) Decline to run, and all your family business gets more exposed than when you shower with your 11-year-old daughter. And/or Arkancide.
I believe everything biden is doing and saying are at the behest of his controllers lest he wake up dead one morning. Maybe with a pillow on his head.