Absolutely nauseating some American people are such fools, doesn’t matter what the hell we object to the bastards do it regardless BECAUSE it is enhancing their wealth on OUR DIME!! Our republic has gone way past the point of no return, the fraudulent election with NO consequences was the end of our republic voting means NOTHING any longer!!
Absolutely nauseating some American people are such fools
Has there been any doubts? Covid vax hoax, Covid lock downs, Covid mandates, 6 foot distancing, masks…..now trillion dollar funding for Biden and the Demoncrats war….America is being hood winked and destroyed one hoax at a time. I am throughly disgusted by American’s idiocy….not to mention boys in girls sports, men in woman’s bathrooms, Mentally ill Transxyz’s emplaced in the military and highest government offices, when do Americans wake up?