Killing more babies doesn't help!
Janet, The fact you've failed at your first responsibility is NOT a sign you should start branching out!
“We have over ELEVEN MILLION job openings without the people or the talent to fill them!”
Ending the murder of children does not need a horseshiite statement like that for justification.
Pay people enough to live near the job, with basic security that the job will be there in a year or two and see what you get.
Paying $25 an hour means nothing if an apartment costs $1,500 a month.
Asking for 5 years experience, but paying entry level wages doesn’t work either.
If your business model depends on hiring ILLEGALs, then get a different business model.
Your job in a Shiitehole town surrounded by a wasteland does not make for a big draw for any folks looking to improve their lot.