Here’s a tip on how to think about things better than you’re doing. Operate in the objective mode. What you’re doing is coming from the subjective mode.
This is seen in your personal attacks on me, in every post.
To operate in the objective, you have to first understand that the truth originates external to the self.
Once you’ve accomplished this, you won’t be so distracted by your desire to throw personal insults at people you disagree with.
Then, eventually you’ll probably reach a point where you can understand that your own statement—”There is no escaping the Law,”—refutes your entire thesis in our conversation, which is that people should abandon any impulse or plan to follow God’s Law.
"Brace for Rationing" - Food Crisis Escalates - EU farmers furious - (12 min) YouTube
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my friends welcomethe mainstream media is now warning usthat it's time to get ready for foodrationingof course they're blaming putin for thefood crisis but you and i know better ifind it interesting that they're evenusing the same verb bracethat i used early last year when iwarned you we were about to face thistriple threat of inflation supply chainscollapsing and food shortageswell we're now at that moment of impacttonight i want to demonstrate that thisis a deliberately engineered situationand that they're still taking steps toaggravate it and then more importantlytalk about how to start growing food ina way that can insulate your family fromthe effects of this food crisisi'm christian and this is the ice agefarmer broadcast and before i even beginlet me just observe that telegram'sbanning of rt does not bode well forother alternative news sources who'vebeen called russian bots for the lastfew years right this censorship isgrowing quickly i highly encourage youto bookmark iceagefarmer.comdirectly and even bookmark the ipaddress which will help you get arounddomain name level censorship which asi've covered is already happening soyesterday in my report i mentioned thatmoldova had banned the export of grainstrying desperately to hold on to thefood supply that they do haveand that other countries would befollowing suit that this was now goingto escalate quickly into a global foodcrisis indeed that has happened withhungary following suit just a few hoursagohungary is a big producer of grains anda net exporter so when they ban exportsof grains that means that there areother countries the net importers whodon't have the foodwho are up a creek without a paddle nowzero hedge is picking up on thesituation uh food crisis is imminenthungry bans grain exports effectiveimmediately those who have grains are nolonger giving it away and those whodon't will soon find themselves in themiddle of an epic food crisis one of theeurope's most grain-rich nations haseffective immediately stopped exportingtheir grains expectgrain prices to continue to rise eventhough they're already at record highsin the weeks next few weeks as the worldrealizes the extent of the global foodcrisis that is coming and it's here nowyou can't just cut off 40 percent of theworld's grains from the black sea regionand expect things to keep working asplanned indeed here are the countrieswho depend on those grains to feed theirpeople with egypt by far the largestbuyer of grains from the black searegionthey are all rushing out to the marketand frantically trying to buy any grainsthey can which by the way is what zerohedge and any thinking person wouldrecommend you do go buy flour ricebarley anything you can get your handson don't wait because it will not betherehere's something about egypt rushing tofind alternative wheat suppliersfollowing the ukraine crisis egyptscrambling to find alternative sourcesof wheat after the russian invasion ofukraine has put the supply in jeopardythis is especially urgent to egyptbecause the price of bread in egypt hascaused in the past protests in thecountry you remember the arab springyes quote we must purchase and stockpilewheat as quickly as possible before thiswar breaks outwell it may be too late for that soegypt desperately trying to bolstertheir food supply is the eu doing thesame thing is the us trying to protectits citizensnoneither is yesterday i mentioned thatthe eu on wednesday convened a meetingof their agriculture ministers andis enacting a eu food crisis contingencyplan a crisis mechanism to monitor afood shortagehowever yesterday thursdaytheagriculture minister of germanyannounced that despite calls to relaxthe restrictionson farmers right there's the eu commonagricultural policy the cap under thefarm to fork program says that farmerscan't use all their land they have toleave four percent of it or more fallowin order to receive subsidies which makefarming economically possiblethe agriculture minister of germanyannounced yesterday they would not berelaxing those restrictionsin other words we're not even going toput our land to use we're not going totry and grow wheat now that we've cutoff the 40 percent of global exportsfrom the ukraine just forget itwe want this crisis is what he istelegraphing and that's why germanfarmers were furious here's one video uhby a farmer named christian i'll post alink to his youtube channel below andyou don't have to understand hislanguage to get the message here he isvery clear in his words when he sayshunger is murder by the agriculturalminister what you're doing is murdersome of his choice quotes quote in themidst of this catastrophe this greeneco-fanaticism equates to puttingecological madness before human livesin other words putting your land and notusing it for growing crops even aspeople are starvingis murder because that's the whole thingthey're saying it's global warming andwe can't grow as much food because ofthe carbon emissionsand we're not going to relax theserestrictions even though there's a foodcrisis even though on wednesday theyacknowledged it but still yesterday nowe're not gonna let you grow food it'spure madness and that right there tellsyouthat they want this food crisis theyneed it to push their agenda through thesame thing is the case inthe u.sthe biden administrationinside sources have leaked that they arestudying whether a biofuel waiver couldease food inflationquote u.s president joe biden'sadministration is studying whetherwaiving biofuel blending mandates couldhelp offset the surge in prices for keyfood ingredients like corn and soilfollowing this invasion of the ukraineaccording to sources in theadministration however when reuterscontacted them quote the administrationsaid quote there is no seriousconsideration of this by the white houseright because ethanol is good for globalwarming and we've got to save the earthnever mind the people that don't havefood they want this crisis and they willnot take stepsto feed their people not in the eunot in the u.sin my video yesterday i also asked thequestion what does it mean when youenact the eu's food crisis contingencyplan because details are quite scarceand although i wrote them and asked forsome details somehow i doubt that i'llhear back and we'll see but i did scourtheand found only one thing by martinarmstrong here that said in 2016 themerkel's administration had put intoplace a plan that allowed them to seizefarms during a food crisiswell if you look around 2016 new germanfood policiesalmost exclusively you will findheadlines that talk about this new planrequiring germans to have a 10-day foodsupply quote the population will beobliged to hold an individual supply offood for 10 days sounds prettyreasonable rightand that's all you'll find germany tellspeople to stockpile food but if you godig up this plan called the civildefense conceptand you pull upthe plan right here and you open it upand find the section about emergencyfoodand you use google translate to figureout what the heck it says you see thatthis is exactly the case quote when thewhen this basic food supply can nolonger be achieved by the free marketthen a supply of the of the populationwith essential foodthrough sovereign management in otherwords through the government we willtake over the farms we will take overthe food and we will distribute it as wesee fitso this is that's why the eusaid on wednesday yes there's a crisisand on thursday no we're not going togrow food to fix the crisis because thisis the plan this was the plan in 2015when they convert convened johnpodesta'sfood chain reaction game and said weneed more global government we need aglobal carbon tax because of these foodshortages that are happening it's all inthe script and i think i've made thatpoint pretty clear now so i'm going tostopbeating that horse and let's move on towhat do we do about it right we all seeit we all know what's going onwe see that they're not even trying tohelp us so we have to help ourselvesif you are only now thinking about thisproblem because there are thousands ofnew people to this channelthis week so welcomesorry the conditions aren't betterhere's what we now do we need to standup emergency survival gardens for ourfamilies and for our communities and theway you structure your thinking aroundthat number one caloriestry and produce enough calories to feedyour familyif that means that you only growpotatoes because that's as much room asyou have in your garden is just to tryand move the needlefine that's good and i've done videosbefore about potato growing bags whereeven just in a four foot by six footlittle space i had a three-storytower with grow bags full of potatoesand i yielded buckets of potatoes rightyou can make a meaningful difference ina very small space that fits on top ofan rv right there's no excuse for you oron an apartment balconydo not tell me that you don't have roomto grow food everyone has to be doingthis at this pointso if that's all you have room for growsome potatoesif you can get your calories met thenyou can move on to the next stepnutrition then you can mix in some beansand other things that will have goodproteins to keep youwell fedand other vitamin producing things youcan add in some herbs for immune supportlike turmeric garlic oregano ginger it'sup to you how you structure this thenthe third priority finally would be howthose things taste if you want to mix insome hot peppers or you know just otherflavorful things to make your dishesinteresting then that's fine but youhave to first take care of the needscalories and nutrition before you haveany fun and of course step zero is goobtain what you can now and put it awaycan it store it buy the grains put themin bucketswith oxygen absorbers if you have themposition yourself to be able to with abuffer to be able to weather this stormin front of us you know we've we'veknown this was coming we talked in 2019about the un discussing openly that weneeded global food rationing to whippeople into shape to accept the agendasand the climate change nonsense and hereit is right from the mainstream mediait's it's almost surrealand it's certainly unfortunatebut let's all get to growing foodimmediately that's that's where we arenow and please spread this message ifeveryone were growing as much as theycan then we would literally remove fromthemtheir power over us they would no longerhave leverage to control us we just walkaway from these toxic practices ofindustrial agriculture so help me getthe message out folks you can find thisreport on iceagefarmer.comand in telegram t dot me slash ice agefarmer until they apparently arecensoring now too so it's disappointingif you appreciate this broadcastif you value this informationi need your support to keep it goingthere's a few ways you can do thatlisted at isagefarmer.comsupport or send me a note iceagefarmerprotonmail.comand i very genuinely appreciate yourhelp thanks for watching folks let's gogrow abundant food and raise awesomeanimals and have a good time doing itbe wellyou