What am I doing up at this hour!? đ
Re-posting my thoughts as they’ll get lost in Festival...
Trump, Justice, and The Plan
1. Revealing Election Fraud
Several states are vigorously investigating election fraud, using state legislatures and other means. Much evidence is being found, some made public. Individuals such as Seth Keshel and his team as well as others, are also doing massive work and finding proof. These states and others as well:
Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona
There is also increasing talk of decertifying electors in the states finding fraud. There are many details about what different states are doing, but this is just a broad summary. Just in the last day or two Trump has pounded on the election fraud very heavily. I think much evidence will be forthcoming soon that cannot be hidden. This will lead to:
2. Lawsuits
So far no lawsuits have gained any traction at all, despite the fact that much evidence was gathered proving without any doubt that fraud occurred in many states. Lindell has a large case with most likely all the available evidence (not sure about military surveillance evidence, the capture thingies included). He was going to file with SCOTUS right before Thanksgiving, but governors refused to sign on.
I am thinking that his case may go forward if just a few statesâ legislatures or Attorney Generals sign on, and/or at least one or more states decertify electors. I think a case will go to SCOTUS. And not long ago, President Trump made a statement that soon there will be a very important or big case going to SCOTUS so it was vital that some good people were on SCOTUS (paraphrasing). He made no reference to issue although the tenor of his statement indicated he was thinking of a specific issue, not a generalization.
Once a case makes it to SCOTUS, it would be a case that has overwhelming and massive evidence of not just election fraud, but coordinated fraud clearly affecting the outcome of the election. Whether this case would have the Chinese and/or other foreign interference, I cannot surmise, but I assume it might. But even without that, there would be no denying, even for the leftist justices, that the election was stolen.
SCOTUS would have to make a decision; there is no higher court to send it to. I think they would be forced to make the decision that the election was null and void. If the case brought before them showed clearly that DJT won, which I think likely, I cannot know whether they would declare him the actual winner of the election, or propose some other remedy such as a new election. Or throw it to another branch of the government to determine the remedy?
Meanwhile, Durham and his large team have been rolling along; President Trump mentioned this in the last few days. âDurhamâ was the last written Q drop. Q also said âFISA will bring down the houseâ. Which house? House of Representatives? I think it means the whole house of corruption of government, as various agencies and departments were involved, as well as media. Thinking of the clip of âLaw Abiding Citizenâ that Q posted several times. Once Durhamâs investigation is completely finished and large numbers of indictments and arrests are made, this will also shake up the political situation to the point where the public will be crying out for justice and the real president to be back in the White House.
Whether this would likely happen before a case being decided or going to SCOTUS - I do think it possible that Durhamâs investigation will be finished before President Trump is back in office, and that the current AG will be prevented from stopping anything.
Durham has never lost a case, expert at RICO, brought down mafia families and corrupt politicians. He is extremely ethical, thorough, and sees his job as âgood vs evilâ. He avoids any limelight and rarely speaks in public. Techno Fog recently wrote a very good article about Durhamâs progress, using court filings. Clintons, CF, various government agencies, Coie Perkins and so on have been subpoenaed and testified in grand juries.
5. Military Action
Early Q drops said that when the military action â large number of arrests â happens, POTUS would be safe on AF1 in a secure location, in CONUS or another location. And that such action would be over swiftly, maybe he mentioned a couple of weeks. So this indicates that no military action in this regard will occur until after President Trump is back in office. The arrests that the military make may be mostly in connection with anyone working with/for China. Dong the Defector had a terabyte (whatever that isâŚ) of information; every US person in business or government (or university!) that had taken money from the CCP or given the CCP information. Add to that anyone assisting or even knowing about and not preventing China and/or other foreign interference in the election. This is detailed in an Executive Order.
6. The 2022 Election
President Trump has stated many times and very emphatically that â2022 canât happen until 2020 is fixedâ. This says to me that he will be back in office before 2022, and that action will happen regarding elections before then. Until the criminals are arrested, and state elections cleaned up, there is nothing to prevent another stolen election. Quite a few states have been taking actions to clean up their elections, but not enough to guarantee honest elections in every state.
According to Seth Keshel, there was fraud in around 3000 counties, and every state had some fraud counties; some of course a lot more than others. Sidney Powell also said something similar. Trump has stated that there has to be voter ID in order to fix elections, and since states are in charge of how they run elections, how could this happen nationwide? It could if Congress (a good one of course) legislated that voter ID has to be used in elections of federal officers as there is already some kind of election rule about federal elections.
7. The US Military Will Save the World
Q mentioned this once. Very recently, an article surfaced that the DoD has a 60,000 person army, budgeted at $90,000,000, scattered in different locations around the world, and is also working with other entities or organizations. This was completely unknown until now. Could this possibly have something to do with assisting other countries in taking down their own corrupt governments? Such foreign government corruption might be in concert with the CCP, or other globalist schemes, such as perhaps working with Pfizer or other pharma companies. And not forgetting foreign governments that worked with US entities in trying to take down Trump such as FiveEyes and likely some others such as Italy.
PS - left off the part about sorry for no sauce, should have kept track of everything to have at my fingertips but sadly did not.
Would appreciate any feedback or thoughts from people.