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To: reasonisfaith; ransomnote

“I once asked a guy involved in AI about the prospect of AI acquiring free will...”


I have an answer for you... They will give AI to humans that already have free will, via brain implants.


The Neuralink company is on track to start human trials of its implant technology and it seems likely that brain implants will be ready for human use within this century, sooner rather than later. What does that mean for you?

What Is a BCI, or Brain-Computer Interface?

The name “brain-computer interface” already tells you most of what you need to know, but in essence, it’s a direct path of communication between the neurons of your brain and a computer system.

BCIs have been around for a long time and have been successfully used to allow, for example, paralyzed people to control robotic arms with just a thought. BCIs are distinct from devices that, for example, read the signals from your muscles or are connected to nerves outside of your brain, but those technologies are obviously related to BCIs.

In the case of the Neuralink prototype, it consists of incredibly fine electrodes referred to as “neural threads” that are installed by a robotic system, along with a connected Link device. Power is provided to the link device wirelessly without any break in the skin required. Older BCI devices, such as those made by BrainGate, require a port that connects the brain to the outside world. So a fully sealed implant, such as the type Neuralink promises, would already be a big advancement.

At this early stage, Neuralink is pitching its implant as a next-generation medical device. To provide a link between different parts of the brain and computer systems that can help restore visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive functions. It’s important to understand that Neuralink is trying to perfect the connection, not the computer technology that will actually provide those solutions, but these sorts of medical applications are part of the roadmap.

There’s no way to understate how important BCI technologies that could help people with profound neurological problems are, and no one is seriously arguing against that application. However, in the long-term, the idea behind implants such as the Neuralink example is that people who are otherwise perfectly healthy will choose to have a BCI installed.

When you move a device like a BCI from being a lifesaving or restorative medical device to an elective operation, the considerations change. After all, no operation is trivial or without risk.

Augmentation and BCI Benefits

Artificial augmentation of humans is a scientific field that’s advancing rapidly. Prosthetic limbs now exist that can move in response to signals from nerves or remaining muscle tissue. There are even limbs that can feed sensations such as touch back to the brain!

Since technology has no limitation other than the laws of physics (and how smart we are,) it stands to reason that some of these replacement parts will eventually be better than the fleshy bits that were originally there. Plenty of cyberpunk fiction has been written to that effect, but the reality of this situation may be closer than most people realize.

If you could operate your devices using nothing but the power of thought, fly a drone-like it was an extension of your body, or beam VR experiences directly into your brain, how many people would line up for the procedure?

This is a question you may have to answer for yourself as the 21st-century rolls along, or it may be one that your children will face. It could be a particularly tough choice when people who opt-in to get implanted may have cognitive advantages that make them preferable as employees or allow them to achieve more than those who turn down the implants.


Would You Get a Brain Implant?

Assuming that a product like the Neuralink was safe and worked as advertised, would you let someone drill a hole in your skull to install one? How much benefit would you need from such a device to make the invasion of your neurology worth it? None of us will really know until we actually have to make the choice, but it’s a good idea to start thinking about it now because that day is around the corner.

More at the link...

My Dad asked me what I thought about this subject.

I replied that I won’t be making myself into a “God” by tying my brain to the internet with an implant, but there will be people that do so, if it hasn’t been done already. Humanity is not ready for this, but a great many will do it anyway, given the chance, and merge artificial intelligence into the process as well.
It doesn’t seem like something that good and wholesome people will be attracted to, so I suspect that those that gain power doing it, likely will not be good and wholesome people.


54 posted on 02/05/2022 11:29:34 PM PST by EasySt (Say not this is the truth, but so it seems to me to be, as I see this thing I think I see.#MAGA)
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To: EasySt

Sounds about right.

55 posted on 02/05/2022 11:35:22 PM PST by reasonisfaith (What are the cosmological implications if the Resurrection of Christ is a true event in history?)
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To: EasySt

Yeah ur Brainbox will also be equipped with a killswitch in case you get uppity

or turn 40, hello Logans Run

69 posted on 02/06/2022 1:17:20 AM PST by Gasshog
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To: EasySt

I have alwasys “guessed” that AI was involved in the creation of the bio-weapon.Now i add on Charles Lieber as well since I read what he had done last week.
I think he undoubtedly played a part in the creation of the bio-weapon and who knows how many others in the pipeline.
here is what I did last week:


A few days ago I stumbled on an interview with Vaxter writer Maryam Henein and had to listen to it twice and am in the midst of the third try to get it all.

Its scary as hell and may be the story of how the evil vax was created nano style by the “Nano King” accd. to Henein who has him pegged beyond belief.

Here’s my take I put on the Q thread earlier this morning.

To: rodguy911; All; ransomnote; LucyT; pugmama; bray; Alas Babylon!; bitt

Below is an incredibly long interview between Maryam Henein and Kerry Cassidy primarily exposing who Charles Lieber is what he has done and the possible ties to the vax.

It’s super comprehensive yet most likely gets to patient zero or the nano world. nanotech-king-charles-lieber/


Kerry Cassisdy interviews Maryam Henein on nanotech and Charles Lieber. Here is what Nature has to say about lieber who is either in jail or faces sentencing now:

Next week will mark two years since Harvard University chemist and nanotechnology pioneer Charles Lieber was arrested on allegations of lying to US federal authorities about his financial ties to China.

Last month, a jury convicted him of making false statements, as well as related tax offenses. Researchers say that the high-profile US criminal case is already having an impact on the scientific community. It marks the second time an academic researcher has been tried on accusations of hiding ties to China since the US Department of Justice (DOJ) launched its controversial ‘China Initiative’ to root out threats to national security.

Harvard chemist on trial: a guide to the Charles Lieber case “I think it makes clear to academic researchers the importance of fully and honestly disclosing the research funding they’re getting from sources to federal agencies when they’re applying for awards,” says Tobin Smith, vice-president for science policy and global affairs at the Association of American Universities in Washington DC, of which Harvard — in Cambridge, Massachusetts — is a member. “Transparency is critical to ensuring the integrity of scientific research.”

Later Maryam Henein will describe how Lieber was seen carrying paper sacks full of cash in China to the US. Lieber was paid up to 50k per month by the chicoms to develop most likely what we are seeing today in the innoculations all over the world.Someone knew what he had and they wanted it bad.

Also from “Nature”:

Some scientists have also pointed to the effect of the case on Lieber’s research. Known for developing revolutionary nanomaterials for medicine and biology, Lieber’s lab has produced innovations that include nanoscale wires that can record electrical signals from live cells such as neurons.

Is all this tied to 5G and big govt. keeping track of individuals through nanoscale wires? Who knows.

Kerry’s interview with Henein is a blockbuster and has so much in it you have to view it several times. I’ll try and highlight it but it’s tough to summarize there is so much there.

Heinen labels Lieber “the nano-king” even as he was found guilty on all six counts.

Heinen has been covering vaccine safety since 2012 and has a good grasp of nano and what is going on.

Heinen covered an outbreak of measles in Africa which 200k were forcibly vaccinated with red handkerchiefs on their door and basically saw the handwriting of what was to come.

Back to Lieber. He was accused of Chinese espionage along with two Chinese nationals but the case was kept very quiet for the type of case it was.

Recently the case was sealed and young African American researcher Heinen does not know of anyone else who covered it the way she has.

Heinen also sees a 5G association with Lieber.

Heinen claims an Italian study has nanotech assoc. with flu shots since at least 2019.

At the time,in her original tweet of March of 2020, Heinen came out on twitter stating that “graphene oxide was assoc. with nano” and ten minutes later her account and all her research was taken down by twitter.

(that should tell you all you need to know about what the powers that be are concerned with)

Heinen claims that Lieber is the defining person in the field of nanotech,he is patient zero. Here’s a list of the people who gave Lieber money interesting at the very least:






6.jEFFERY EPSTEIN—Epstien’s money went through Harvard first.

According to Myriam Henein Lieber unleashed a Pandoras’ box a direct quote from Henein:

“he created the ability to put these little transistors that are the size of a virus inside of the body by also using a lipid and coating a little wire so once you create the initial thrust of this nanotech movement there becomes a force of transhumanism underneath it all considering all the patents.”

Lieber was or is the former chairman of the Harvard chemical and biological chemistry dept.

Heinen also writes for the publication Vaxter:

Henein describes Lieber as a genius mad scientist who was priming himself for a Nobel prize.

Heinen describes a joint nano lab with Wuhan univ.and Harvard who pretends they know nothing about anything,surprise,surprise.

Lieber is accd. to Henein “the defining influence in nano science and nano technology” she sees him as a mad scientist type.

Henein describes Lieber as taking money back to the US in brown paper bags from china—how good does this story get!!

Henein sees Lieber as a fall guy for Harvard and the Univ. of Wuahan since what he mainly wanted was the Nobel Prize,with the money being secondary.

She may have a point since Lieber now has terminal cancer and knows what he did was wrong.

Cyborg cardiac tissue is one of Liebers patents Henein wants to know who slept through that one!!

here is a list of Liebers many patents,they are a scary bunch when you put them all together they provide a map for doing almost anything to the human body on a nano scale.

Myriam wants to know why people were not alarmed with all the people that just happen to be having heart attacks through because of myriocarditis due to the clotting mechanism.

80 posted on 02/06/2022 3:00:02 AM PST by rodguy911 ((FR:home of the free because of the Brave---),ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL IT'S NOT)
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83 posted on 02/06/2022 3:02:31 AM PST by Melian ( Unity is all. )
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To: EasySt
Humanity is not ready for this...

I have been saying for the last 50 years that emotionally, man is barely out of the caves. Almost ready for fire.

130 posted on 02/06/2022 7:15:07 AM PST by TangoLimaSierra (⭐⭐Public hangings will wake 'em up.⭐⭐)
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To: EasySt
Would You Get a Brain Implant?

Cochlear implants were the first baby step.

344 posted on 02/06/2022 7:02:52 PM PST by AZLiberty (Let's make President's Day great again -- bring back President Trump!)
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