Post with Matlock now removed. Hmmm. Specialized in Soviet affairs. Hmmm.
Joseph McBride, the attorney of J6 defendant Ryan Nichols, is alleging that one man at the scene of the violent scrum was acting as a provocateur in conjunction with the Capitol Police. McBride is alleging that a man he’s calling “Red Face 45” engaged in a series of coordinated acts with the Capitol Police, including obtaining items from a Capitol Police bag, communicating with officers using hand signals, possessing equipment used by the Capitol Police, and working with the officers to clear out rioters from the tunnel after initially acting in concert with them. The acts McBride identifies as suspicious occur between the 2:00:00 mark of the footage and 2:30:00, with McBride timestamping them in the description of the upload of the footage on his Rumble channel.
The CCTV footage also reveals a seemingly defenseless woman, who McBride has identified as Victoria White, being beaten by Capitol Police (2:06:16) after entering the besieged tunnel. A Capitol Police officer wearing a white shirt repeatedly strikes White with a nightstick, as other officers continually pepper-spray her. Red Face 45 appears to enter the tunnel in similar fashion as White in the footage, although he’s not subjected to a similar use of force.
If nothing else, the capital police displayed a level of misogyny and cowardice that day... they went after women!