That’s true, but I’d rather have it so. We are independent thinkers.
This is true we do not march in lockstep.
There have always been factions
Just keep it civil is what we want..
“That’s true, but I’d rather have it so. We are independent thinkers”
There’s nothing wrong with independent thinking and healthy debate - it keeps us honest and it makes us stronger.
But if we are such independent thinkers, why can’t we tolerate President Trump having a different opinion from ours about the vaccines?
He isn’t forcing them on anyone - he is just making a personal choice and expressing his opinion.
By the way, he also doesn’t drink beer - another of his personal choices that I totally disagree with.
But again, as long as he doesn’t try to make beer illegal - why should I care what he thinks about drinking?
The Left loves to find ways to divide us and start false narratives - so we will turn on each other. They are terrified of President Trump’s popularity. They would LOVE to find a way to make us give up on him.