Thanks. I’m tired of people who may very well be expert in one field or another feeling that they can pontificate on a subject completely outside of their training. It comes as close to unethical behavior as almost anything I can imagine.
If he did this in a clinical setting he’d very likely end up before a formal Board of Review with a very real possibility of being fired and losing his license to practice. But behind a keyboard with a cloak of anonymity he can give medical advice on a subject completely outside his training.
Do you suppose he’d ever dare to tell a cancer patient he’s scheduled to anesthetize that he disagrees with the surgical procedure the Oncologist recommended? He’d be bounced out of whatever hospital he works at so fast his head would spin.
But he can show up here and hide behind a medical degree that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand. And as a bonus he can be a complete ass about it and belittle Freepers who have very valid questions about this medication that people are being forced to take against their will lest they lose their livelihoods.
A person who does that deserves no respect at all in my view. He’s a garden variety jerk. He’s a well trained jerk, but a jerk just the same.
I work with real people....RT's, RN's APRN's and Doc's...
Most I respect very much...Some not so much.