“ He is an anesthesiologist from Florida.”
Thanks. He’s also more than just a bit of a D bag.
I have a friend who’s an anesthesiologist. She knows how to knock people out. And she does it very, very well. But she’s not a specialist in immunology or virology and she’d be the first to admit it.
“I’m Dr Happy Juice.” Is how she introduces herself. “My job is to make sure you don’t feel a thing and that you wake up when these other Doctors are done with you.”
I’ve learned to completely discount the opinions of people who talk outside their specific fields of expertise. I wouldn’t ask my plumber how to re-wire my house, or ask my lawyer how to fix the brakes on my car, and I wouldn’t ask a proctologist how to treat esophageal cancer.
And I most certainly wouldn’t ask an anesthesiologist for advice on how effective this particular medication in preventing a viral infection for the simple reason that it’s completely outside his area of expertise.
His job is to safely render people unconscious so other doctors can fix whatever problem requires surgical intervention without killing them in the process. That’s it.
Taking his advice on any other medical issue is foolish. And as a Dr, if he really is one, he should be professional enough to admit that immune responses to brand new vaccines is beyond his area of expertise. That I could respect.
But he doesn’t do that. So that renders him unworthy of respect in my view. If I found out he was scheduled to be the one administering potentially lethal drugs to me while I was undergoing a surgical procedure I’d refuse to allow him to work on me at all for that reason.
Good post....