I never realized how easy a shot it would have been for whomever was firing from the 6th floor window or how the whole setup is a perfect triangular kill zone
No easy shot from 6th floor TSBD.
. . . whoever not whomever.
Abandon "whomever" forever. Never ever whomever.
LHO may or may not have fired a rifle that day.
He was a cutout / patsy / scapegoat / useful idiot.
JFK was first shot in the neck, from the front, possibly by a second [or third] sniper.
Sniper behind fence at back of grassy knoll fired the [very close & straight] fatal head shot.
See [Press Secretary] Malcolm Kilduff's 3+_minute video clip, as he announced Kennedy's death to the world.
At the end, he responds to a reporter's question – [where was the President hit ?] – by pointing to his own right temple.
Yes, perfect triangular kill zone.
The motorcade route was changed at the last minute.
Don't know who gave that order.
LBJ let it all happen.