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To: Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn.

The New ‘Good’ and the New Evil

We are approaching Endgame after more than a hundred years of the Culture Wars.


Most modern medicine assumes that God does not exist, and that mankind (‘experts’) must therefore control medical ethics in order to ensure that doctors and others with an interest in medicine do not sacrifice their ethical integrity in order to either maximize their wealth from an exceedingly profitable industry, nor pursue greater knowledge at the expense of the health of their patients.

In 1947, following cruel and murderous experimentation by seemingly normal doctors on inmates of concentration camps in Nazi Germany, international law was laid down concerning human experimentation, coercion and informed consent.

These laws are now being violated on a daily basis by politicians, doctors, nurses and health administrators who advocate and enforce the COVID-19 vaccine. This is not new; it is an old, old story. We are back to bleeding, scoring and purging, leeches and mercury; the medicine of barbers and barbarity.

The Covid vaccine is experimental, and under the Nuremburg and Helsinki LAWS, it cannot be mandated. YOU cannot be forced to violate your bodily integrity — even if granny is in danger.

But granny is not in danger, at least in any statistical sense any more than she usually is, and if she were to take the correct prophylactic treatment to raise her zinc and vitamin D levels then her chances of surviving a CV19 attack are much improved. Unfortunately, it seems, the Powers That Be in medicine and politics want her dead, so they are withholding the real science and the real medicine from her. Granny dead from Covid is a bounty that can be collected…

The ‘science’ as dictated by the government/Big Pharma alliance is to leave CV19 granny alone until her lips turn blue, then put her on a killer ventilator until she dies. For this, a hospital gets a substantial government grant. She is a useless eater — Aktion T4 for her. Do we inject her with phenol, gas her, or put a plastic bag over her head? No, we withhold crucial and effective treatment and inject her with an experimental gene therapy — and this is ethically acceptable?

We are so, so ignorant, we don’t realize that although all the names have changed, the methods have not.

On the whole, the billionaires who are financing this modern Holodomor are stupid frightened individuals who believe in a humanist-based cult whereby:

There are too many people on the planet.
The planet is being poisoned by too much ‘carbon’
That the ultra-rich are entitled to rule over all other groups and use all available resources.
That Islam, by its ultra-controlling influence, can be used to divide and rule dangerous ‘Christian’ populations.
That fossil fuels can be replaced by ‘batteries’ (where does the electricity come from to charge the batteries?).
That solar and wind power can provide enough energy for the remnant population to survive.
That putting God at the centre of the Constitution in 1776-1784 had no effect on the subsequent rise of the American Dream; it was purely a coincidence.
And that removing God from society is therefore no problem and will not turn the dream into a nightmare.
It is difficult for us to understand the role of God in society, for without God, societies are basically two-tier master/slave societies where the masters work hard to keep the peons in abject slavery.

In the historical British feudal system, the serfs were largely village idiots, kept in a state of abject poverty and malnutrition. The role of the then-Church was to perpetuate the system by removing any intelligent children at an early age into the cloisters for special indoctrination. Wise lords of the manor also took bright children into their service, thus removing leaders from the peasant body.

...We now have a much more powerful means of coercion than compulsory Sunday worship. The intelligent peasant is much more easily subsumed by social conditioning and constant propaganda piped straight into our living space.

...Our modern world is just full of politically correct junk ‘science’, with its familiar odor of coercion, but what is problematic is that the idea of ‘consensus’ even has a place in scientific debate. Consensus ‘science’ causes a bottleneck in real scientific debate, because scientists have a tendency to be ‘science’ whores, taking money, and cozying up to the donors to find (or fabricate) the correct ‘science’ to reinforce the client’s wayward desires, financial, political or social. This tainted ‘science’ is then passed on for human consumption by an equally tartish and corrupt media.

We quite rightly abhor sex trafficking and modern slavery, but getting those in power to shut it down is like doing a mud run in a diving dry suit (been there, done that — my mother claims it triggered my first heart attack). Somehow, with sex trafficking, the foxes always get to investigate the henhouse.

Tommy Robinson exposed the Rotherham debacle, and he and his family have been hounded by the authorities ever since — talk about shooting the messenger. So too with Loudon County school board trying to cover up the rape of a minor in the girls’ restroom by a trans biological male. It was the outraged father who faced criminal proceedings, not the responsible public employees.

When political expediency takes precedence over law and science, we can usually assume that we are in a tyranny. Somehow the tyranny of the majority has led to a self-perpetuating elite who are rapidly dismantling the Republic and the democracy that serves it. We may believe in the idea of “build back better” but do we really understand the unsaid prequel to “build back” — the assumption that we have first demolished what pre-existed?

It assumes the total unsuitability (and destruction) of what went before it.

...Socialists have a very solid record of demolishing the old, but their performance of even building back at all is dire, let alone better. This is because they assume that their IQ is such that they KNOW how to build back better; better than the hundreds of years it took to build the old, effective wall. It took 200 years to build the USA, and the Founding Fathers themselves were standing on the shoulders of the giants who had built the first Parliamentary Democracy over the previous thousand years.

King George did not like the Parliamentary Democracy, so he sought to build a new Monarchist tyranny in the colonies. To him, this was ‘building back better’, where he alone had control of the cheque book. The ‘better’ here was subject only to his own judgement, and most of the colonialists disagreed with him — the rest is history.

Danton too, wanted to build back better. His “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” was well-meant, but he did not survive to see it. Robespierre, who deposed him, had a different interpretation of what was ‘better’ and hundreds of thousands of people died in the Terror that followed.

In my view, it is the Bible that is BEST! And that following ten of God’s rules cements the stability of the land, the most important of which is the idea of one LAW for all, including the elites.

For example, RICO needs to be applied to the Clinton foundation, BLM, Antifa, and to Pfizer and Modena. There is good reason to believe that these are all criminal concerns.

I once had a conversation about defalcations, where the bank where I was working was prosecuting a person who ‘borrowed’ a hundred pounds from the cash draw. At the same time, the same bank itself was being prosecuted for SEC violations and insider trading, gaining millions in the process. The petty thief went to prison, the guilty directors got away scot-free because the shareholders paid the substantial fines.

The two (or more) tier system of law enforcement is now endemic. Nobody expects ‘too rich to fail’ celebrities to be prosecuted for mundane crimes such as involvement in underage sex at Lolita Island. Likewise, the Islamist exploitation of vulnerable white minors is above the law for fear of violating political correctness. George Floyd was a criminal, and as a criminal he knew that he risked being apprehended by the police. The prosecution of the policeman concerned for ‘murder’ for doing what he is paid to do is incomprehensible and political. Drugged violent criminals cannot be treated like little lambs; they are more like rabid dogs…

The international LAWS on medical experimentation are very strict, and following the Nuremberg trials, especially the Doctors’ Trial, most nations signed on to the various treaties and protocols on informed consent. These protocols have been egregiously violated by the coercion and the mandating of experimental therapies sold as ‘vaccines’ to try to avoid various loopholes in public consciousness and exploit many years of relentless propaganda. I was an anti-vaxxer before Covid and have seen nothing in the last two years to make me change my mind.

But when governments are committing FRAUD, ably assisted by Big Media, Big Pharma and most of the medical profession, we have not got much of a choice.

Most of us now live in an electronic cage, gilded maybe, but still a cage, where we are fed only what the jailer wants us to see. The movie The Matrix caught this beautifully, but because we don’t have nasty wires attached to our backs, we don’t always get the connection.

A little flat rectangular box now encapsulates our existence. We wriggle our thumbs in the correct sequence and it splats the ants and crushes our brain cells at the same time....

...When I read, I am dangerous because I am acquiring new ideas (to me), but when I am head-down blasting pixelated parasites, then I am placid and passive. Who needs the living dead when most people are zombied to a gadget?

As a retired IT professional, I do not believe in AI, but I know that 80% of jobs in this world could be replaced by computers and robotics. It is therefore very easy to cross-correlate and believe (and implement) a need to remove 80% of the useless eaters, especially if one believes there is no God and therefore no judgement before the Great White Throne.

Whilst the only proof of God is His Creation that we inhabit, it is very easy to discard that proof because it is all so familiar. But once we discard God and His Creation, anything goes. There is no accountability, and Rose is there for the plucking. Once upon a time, our society cared for our Roses. Now being ‘nice’ to ‘refugees’ is much more important and Rose can go suck.

To open our borders to those who keep our God-given Laws is not terribly problematic but opening the door to all that is amoral is a form of lunacy. Kosovo is a case in point: a Christian country conquered by the Ottomans, liberated from Ottoman rule before WW1 as part of now Christian Serbia, it allowed heavy immigration from Albania (It did not have much choice; the border was open), and it is now basically an Albanian Muslim satellite state.

Albania occupies Kosovo, so Clinton bombs Serbia — wow, what a noble deed…

“All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” (Attributed to Arthur Schopenhauer)

COVID-19 truths appear to be in the second stage, If, as I suspect, Covid is a manmade bioweapon designed to kill off a substantial part of the 80% (especially the elderly) with plausible deniability, then we are going to need a Nuremburg 2 and a substantial, maybe robotic/AI gallows.

Bill Gates can have his own AI version powered by Windows 12, and while he waits for it to self-index before the drop, he can be proud that it only works on the very latest chips and motherboards (if there are any available).

It is the height of arrogance to want to destroy a few thousand years of progress that we know works, and replace it with a supposedly fair and equal system that has failed every time it has been tried.

Brandon wants to empty America of Americans. What is an American? He used to be a well-trained engineer, an inventor and maker of things that the world wanted to buy. What is Brandon now selling — Chinese-made technology?

An open southern border? I am almost tempted to fly to Mexico myself, but as a ‘white’, educated English-speaker, I suspect I would be on the first plane out, designated as undesirable…

Not ‘racist’, of course. Taxpayers’ money must only be spent on specifically defined victim groups (a.k.a. potential Democrat voters).

...Can anybody name a socialist country that fought slavery as the USA did? Did the USSR fight a glorious campaign against slavery? (No, it enslaved its people and built the White Sea canal.) When did China fight against slavery? (Never, it is just another current slave state.)

Did the USA fight slavery? Did the UK fight slavery? Yes and yes.

Did the Democrats fight slavery? No! Will the Democrats fight our future enslavement? No, they will enable it, as they did in the USA.

God defined ownership in Tanach, and even the King did not have the right to take away Naboth’s vineyard. Do I own my own body? Presumably the SCOTUS will eventually rule on that, but so far I have managed to avoid becoming a State-compromised jelly donut. My body, my choice (oops —wrong victim group).

...Judeo-Christianity endows its adherents with a kind of magical creativity that is not matched in those countries that prefer atheism or other religions. This, of course, is the foundation of the accusations of ‘White Supremacism’, and whilst it is probably accidental that it was ‘white’ northern Europe that adopted the Bible, wokism is not going to replace it with anything constructive. PoCs can adopt biblical values and become productive, but wokism destroys all culture. Socialism is about crushing and demolition, not about building.

I do not think most people realize how bad it can get: no gas, no transport; no transport, no food; no gas, no electricity, no water; hundreds of thousands of people ill from COVID jabs; no medicines or healthcare, no police, no fire, no power workers…

Bread queues, food riots, marauding thugs, unchecked thugs, hungry thugs, ruthless thugs, Antifa thugs.

And eventually, no smartphone…

The real virus in our society is socialism, a mind virus which renders us unable to discern right from wrong, good from evil. Before Marx renamed it, socialism was called feudalism. It described a social system where an ‘upper class’ (party members) kept the peasants and workers in near slavery, forever dangling the carrot of utopia, whilst wielding the big stick of terror and the gulag.

When the Bible became available in readable form to the public at large, the feudal (socialist) bubble burst, when good men everywhere read the book of Exodus and realized that they were petty pharaohs or downtrodden Children of Israel…

For a while the people were free. They met together and communed together and valued each other in their communities. They took on the problems of slavery and skin colour prejudice, and were winning.

But slowly the new ‘good’ of Socialism/Fascism/Communism crept up Main Street. The people became frightened of being labelled a ‘Babbitt’ and adopted progressivism as a new fashion fad, ably supported by the re-emergence of the KKK and the rise of the Eugenics movement.

Slowly but surely, evil became good and good became evil, just as the Bible predicted, and here we are, with unindicted criminals in the White House (election fraud is a crime) and a faux-Democrat (neo-Communist) Capitol. (Isaiah 5 v 20)

End Times are here, folks — enjoy them while they last.

1,986 posted on 11/23/2021 8:44:33 PM PST by Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn. (All along the watchtower fortune favors the bold.)
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To: Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn.

It is the height of arrogance to want to destroy a few thousand years of progress that we know works, and replace it with a supposedly fair and equal system that has failed every time it has been tried.

That was a very interesting post and the above is the only minor thing I would question. I assume you’re referring to socialism as the “fair and equal system that has failed every time it has been tried”.

I’m 100% certain that socialism or communism is only the interim system. Once everyone is dependent upon government or has been subjugated, it will quickly morph into a dictatorship or monarchy-style of governing, where one or very few make all the rules and their minions enforce them.

1,989 posted on 11/23/2021 9:06:11 PM PST by LittleLinda
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To: Sobieski at Kahlenberg Mtn.


The only part he missed is that they worship satan.

2,005 posted on 11/24/2021 5:08:06 AM PST by smileyface ("The illuminati's whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children.")
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