"Aussie Patriots Build The Gallows & Parade It Down The Streets, Chanting:"
"Looks like the message "From the bottom to the top, everyone's up for the high jump" has inspired the nation. The People are preparing for Justice, Riccardo Bosi, and the world's got your back if Australia's needing a little more rope."
"Support @AustraliaOneParty so the #NewNurembergTrials can begin"
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noted the ‘hang dan andrews’ chant was in the same meter as ‘let’s go brandon’.
Was reading a 19th century novel, about the times post Napoleon when the People had to back the aristocrats down a number of pegs. He talked about how a social contract really must be sealed in blood, there’s no other way to make the point clear enough that things have got to change if the oppressors aren’t afraid for their necks.