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To: ransomnote

BASED Dr Bruce Patterson used Machine Learning to crack Long Covid and found Spike Proteins In Immune Cells -and then found the same in vaxxed who never got covid! FAUCI SPIKES INFECT WHITE BLOOD CELLS......

In simple terms I get the implications of spike proteins in white blood cell in Vaxx people. If one who has COVID what are the implication of the spike proteins in the un-vacced long term. How are the spike proteins removed? Can the body do it without help? Does Zinc and HCQ or ivermectin kill the spike protein?

777 posted on 09/15/2021 6:50:44 PM PDT by Wegelhof (November 6th, 2020 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States was attacked from within.)
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To: Wegelhof
Wegelhof wrote:

BASED Dr Bruce Patterson used Machine Learning to crack Long Covid and found Spike Proteins In Immune Cells -and then found the same in vaxxed who never got covid! FAUCI SPIKES INFECT WHITE BLOOD CELLS......

In simple terms I get the implications of spike proteins in white blood cell in Vaxx people. If one who has COVID what are the implication of the spike proteins in the un-vacced long term. How are the spike proteins removed? Can the body do it without help? Does Zinc and HCQ or ivermectin kill the spike protein?

~~~My reply got so long I'm going to add a short summary here and put a skip link below it to 'save' others' scroll wheel or touch screen.

Spike proteins are a natural part viruses - our immune systems attack and dismantle spike proteins routinely.

The problem may be timing - how do we destroy them before they do damage?

The problem may be that there are other bioagents doing the majority of the damage for which spike proteins are blamed because they are 'on the scene' at the same time when damage is occurring.

Wegelhof, you may have to wade through the long post below to find my layman's comments about how we might be able to speed the process of breaking down spike proteins or bioagents.

If you are willing to read further, leave the others behind, get a candle, camping gear, supplies to last 3 days and tell no one where you are going...this could be a dark, twisty theoretical rabbit hole.

I must warn you, I got tired of proofing my work and just closed my eyes and clicked 'POST'.


We no doubt have a variety of FReeQ opinions on this topic, so I'll toss mine into the ring.

Mine is not a popular opinion, I fear, but so far I think it is the best explanation to fit the facts. I'm going to keep my focus narrow (not talking about Vanden Bossche etc.)

There's always a lot of arguing about whether or not there are registered isolated samples of Covid-19. Dr. Mikovits and other provide solid evidence that there are none. If true -EVERYTHING has to be reevaluated.

I can't dismiss that issue for greener pastures because I've tripped over it for 3 years now. I personally believe there are no isolated samples.

AMong the many rammifications of this epic fraud, is that working without an active virus to cause the illness ("it's the flu, Bro") and using chemical agents and deadly policies (e.g., deny treatment, implement Remdesivir etc.) provides even more opportunities than problems for the Deep State. It would be worth it for them to have a mixture of measures (graphene oxide is one) because they would have far better control of the plandemic.

Following this assumption on my part, people were exposed to chemical and/or spike protein in injections prior to the start of 2020. Burdened with chemical, heavy metal and other unknwons (pathogens, paracites etc.) when the flu hit, some people who could normally handle it were overcome.

Had those people been treated with medications, as is our habit in first world countries, and had the elderly nursing care homes been left in peace, and if they hadn't artificially inflated the 'death toll' with people who simply had a false positive Covid test, or were out and out re-diagnosed on their death certificate (COPD and Cancer becomes Covid19 on the death certificate), we wouldn't have the plandemic optics.

A possible scenario - inject people with possible combinations of spike proteins, heavy metals and Graphene Oxide late 2019. Flu arrives and with 2020, we have SOME  people hospitalized with 'unsual symptoms' (the rest have only influenza but are told they have Covid).

Dr. McCullough and others remarked of the symptoms of Covid, "We've never seen blood clots with Caronavirus before...." Because illness set in with flu season and historic levels of propaganda emanating out of Wuhan (fake) and Fauci-holes in the US - good doctors weren't evaluating blood samples for bioagents. 

And then the Fauci-holes in Universities and Labs started saying that people shouldn't worry about vaccine adverse events like blood clots, because Covid has blood clots too, only worse. C wut they did there? They couldn't have mayhem arrive with the start of vaccine implementation- too obvious. So they backed up the introduction of bioagents the year before and called it Covid, and that continues to this day.

No one has ever explained where 38 million cases of flu (coronavirus) went last year, and why, at the same time, they are telling us Covid-19 (coronavirus) will never leave.

For the record, we still don't have the flu anymore. Fauci forgot when he said he was going to combine the Covid vaccine with the flu vaccine that 'we don't have the flu anymore'. 

I think they're hoping they can round up more Covid vaccines by giving it to the public in the flu vax, on the assumption the public is 'trained' to get the flu vax, even though "we don't have the flu anymore.'

With a fake PCR test and MIA influenza, false death certificate diagnoses, witholding treatment from sick people etc. (there are more reasons), I don't have a reason to believe there is a massive contagion out there, running amok.

There is no reason why white hat physicians are unable to find Covid-19 in their sick patients, particularly 'long Covid.' There are no legitmate reasons why the PCR and the fake vaccines were specified in FDA documents (and Chinese documents) to have been developed without isolated virus samples. None.

When Florida 'misbehaves' and won't lock down and mandate, I believe Deep Staters target the distribution of more bioagents there to bring them to their knees. They can't allow the rest of us to run free.

I read rumors that toxin or spike was being sprayed in Florida (think busy airport terminal) or sports bars where MAGA gathers to watch Trump rallies. The Deep State proudly taped images of people unable to stand while waiting for their monoclonal infusion, getting close enough with a microphone to capture the groans of the woman we're shown lying face down on the lobby carpet. That didn't look like the flu, Bro. Something else, but what?

We pray and we keep going; and ask God to protect us and our families where we go.

I know Posobiec theorized at one point that early Covid 'panic' videos probably showed patients in isolation wards being attended by doctors/staff in full moon suits (like Ebola or John Glenn) because, as he theorized, spike proteins were being pumped through the isolation ward. It may have just been optics (run for your lives!) and it may have been chemical agents like Graphene Oxide.

That's my private fear about the ventilators - there's a tight seal around the mask so staff would be less likely to be exposed if key areas (non masking or otherwise lockdown resistant or MAGA) were supplied with ventilators which incorporate Graphene Oxide gas or some other agent. 

Since I don't know what's causing the visible damage and symptoms observed by excellent doctors, it's hard for me to answer your question.

A key symptom said to be unique to Covid is that supposedly the spike proteins lacerate the epethelial lining of veins (pardon my guestimate terminology). However, if you injected graphene oxide, and the body's immune system attacked it to break it down, graphene oxide can lose it's oxygen molecules and become graphene, which is documented to be able to take the shape of hexagonal platelets that lacerate the lining of blood vessels.

Yes - there's now evidence the body can treat graphene oxide like a pathogen and trigger an immune response. This was previously unknown to the West - that your neutrophils etc. can respond to break down two dimensional objects (chemicals rather than viruses).

Months ago I saw a video that showed geometric hashmarks in cellular samples viewed under a microscope - before Ivermectin was applied.

The next image was random granuals in a slide sample - and the author stated that Ivermectin had disrupted/broken down the hydrogel (nano, graphene oxide or other tech). I did not post it because with anonymous content and no one to take the countless arrows of abuse to stand by it, we don't know if it's fake.

But -the action of Ivermectin suggests at least to me that the immune system, and likely chemicals, disrupt toxins. People are shocked that those receiving Ivermectin can go from near death to comfortable recover in 2 hours, as if nothing happened. Sounds like antivenom, because I've never seen anyone recover from a pathogen in that duration of time.

I get my graphenes confused, there's a variety and they can be broken down and transformed in the body, some variations of graphene do not let anything larger than electrons pass throug (I think that's graphene sheets). What if you coated your lung tissue with saranwrap, and clogged your veins with strips of saran wrap - and then had the patient ingest something than broke down the saran and cleared the clogs? Food poisoning is usually 2 - 4 hours. Might we be witnessing the break down of chemicals impeding cardiopulmonary action?

With your immune system triggered to respond to an injected toxic brew with normal immune functions like neutrophils, wouldn't you have a fever, chills? It was either (or both) Dr. Yeadon or Dr. McCullough who speak often of neutrophils in the lungs, lung infammation. 

I don't rule out that the deep state has been changing it up, tweaking their plandemic. The 'vaccines' in December may be less damaging than the vaccines today because they likely tweak the recipe on demand, raising and lowering components to keep vaccine acceptance and harm happening at the same time. 

Two vaccine companies 'confused' their product development in the US for an entire month, which is not possible. They engaged in creating a vaccine (I think, Pfizer) with all the ingredients and procedures needed to produce the Covid 'vaccine' for AstraZeneca, which cannot be administered in the US.

The pharmas promised that no doses marked Pfizer, while actually containing AstraZeneca, were delivered to patients. :(  Changing the formula, or combining differerent bioagents on the fly over time keeps good doctors off balance, and defeats feasible forensics.

I have seen researchers and doctors put their names and faces to research demonstrating the 'vaccines' contain portions of graphene oxide, and this can show up as damaged blood cells, strips of reflective material and what almost look like wires  when viewed under the microscope. But only our enemies know the forumal for 'vaccines' actually delivered to different parts of the world, different age groups, and different weeks or months of adminsitration.

The body does break down graphene oxide. Glutathione in the body performs this task. The young have more glutathione than the old. We can boost glutathione production by eating healthy and taking supplements like NAC (there are others). NAC is the one people like Dr. Merrit go on record advocating for lung inflammation (I'm over simplifying). HEalhty eating and excercise boost glutathione levels.

Actual glutathione supplements are generally destroyed in the stomach so they are best administered by IV. There is 'new technology' that puts glutathione in lipid bilayer to ferry it through the stomach protected - so it is not destroyed - however 'lipid bilayer' sounds like the 'new technology' the Covid vaccines are using so I think foods and natural supplements are best.

What if there are spike proteins to worry about? We can break down spike proteins. We always have in the past. Spike protiens trigger immune responses which tackle the spikes. The problem is the vaccine and whatever agents they are seeding into the public realm can  attach to vital organs which can be damaged in the fight. This is autoimmune and ADE territory. 

Because we have fantastic doctors like Zelenko, McCullough, Merrit etc. telling us what works - we can follow that regardless of WHAT is in the vaccines. I believe I was wrong when I assumed we wanted to strengthen the immune system to ward off vaccine harm or ADE etc. Those processes are actually more like overly aggressive immune response; antinflammatories would like be better in stead.

I continue to think the supplements (high dose C, D, antioxidents, NAC etc.) are good policy. I think Doctor Merrit is right when she advises we not take Ivermectin prophylactically as she believes it will become scarce.

I believe we have to refuse to be tested, let alone weekly! They can and likely have been applying hydrogel to the nasal cavity on the tissue that separates the cavity from the brain. They've been doing this deep nasal swab even though coronaviruses and others are present in the mouth.

I tried to draw a map of my mental image of the strategy I think the Deep State is using, because it's really in posts like these that I discover new complications (and errors) to my thinking. 

One person looked at my diagram and asked, "Well, what about wuhan?" 

I do believe Gates/Fauci/NIH etc. all work with Wuhan and other enemy labs.

I believe Fauci is caught suppling gain-of-function funding and support, but with Graphene Oxide theory for Covid-19, I believe Fauci helped them develop a repertoire of bioagents for various uses.

I think it possible that Fauci may be facing indictment for having helped develop the next biowarfare agent, the one that makes Bill Gates smirk when he says, "The next plandemic will get more attention." *smirk*

I'll put my diagram here:

There is hope because there is God. I pray that guide us through the fog of the information war to the truth. I ask God to be our Master Physician and guide us to the best alternatives and decisions. I pray that we turn to Him, as President Trump asked us to do, and that He will heal us, and rush aid and comfort to those targeted by bioweapons. I ask God teach us to resist, resist, resist. I ask these things in Jesus' name, Amen.

When the psyop is intense, a favorite verse or chapter in the Bible can help renew me when I'm feeling sick of all these, and can't stand to look at more. For example, the Deep State put out a monstrous PSA, where a haggard 'nurse' asks, "Hear that? It's the sound of an unvaccinated person...." and then we hear moaning. I'm so tired of looking at evil-in-a-labcoat.

I think I'll change my computer monitor 'wallpaper' or background to something beautiful and uplifting, and try to look at it often. :) The road were on is a blessing, but it is also going to become exteremly challenging and continues to angle uphill. Sooner rather than later, we are going to have to move faster than we ever have to adapt, adjust and encourage effectively.

Until then, some may find Psalms uplifting. As things heat up, and we turn to watch our Heavenly Commander in Chief, we'll need to have the mind set that we will have the answers we need (God will provide) and all we need do is follow Him, Pray, Resist, and Help one another.

Here's a Psalm that I'm trying to learn to use a prayer, as I've often heard others say they do. I  think a lovely FReeQ tailored the text to make it easier to use as a prayer but I've misplaced the link. For those intersted here's Psalm 91 NIV - Whoever dwells in the shelter of the - Bible Gateway


1,004 posted on 09/16/2021 8:19:45 AM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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