Everyone should watch this.
If covid was as horrific as they made it out to be, China would not have had to make numerous fake videos, pretend to bulldoze new hospitals, the two Navy hospital ships and the Javitz center in NYC turned into a huge hospital all would have been used instead of staying empty, the huge surge filling up hospitals would not have had empty parking lots and ERS as recorded by people, Fake News would not have had to use an old video from a few years ago showing “covida panic in the hospital”, and the CDC would not have had to use bogus numbers of sick and dead.
Everyone should watch this.
I know & agree.
In the video, you’ve got a credible source i.e. someone actually participating on the COVID task force & who knows first hand what was going on, an MD as well ... check out some of the comments on the thread .... all I can say is “Hear now this, oh foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears and hear not.” Jeremiah 5:12.