Sounds like pelosi is trying to start a squirrel hunt….LOOK!
Sounds like pelosi is trying to start a squirrel hunt….LOOK!
Yes. I think you’re right.
Perhaps it’s a multi-purpose ‘SQUIRREL!’ alert.
Sometimes, when these people loudly attack him or threaten to expose him (remember ‘Trump’s TAXES!’), I think they fear he is about to expose THEM.
For Pelosi, that might mean that she’s afraid her involvement in the Jan 6 or some other criminal behavior is about to surface so she’s setting the stage to act like he’s retaliating to keep her from exposing him via her ‘Star Chamber’ panel.
I thought the same when Pence was making noises like he’s running for office a few weeks ago - even though he was booed when he tried to make a public appearance. “Why did he bother trying?” I wondered. I now think he was afraid his involvement in Jan 6 with Nancy Pelosi or some other doings was about to be exposed. So, he pretends to run for office and if his past surfaces, he will claim President Trump is working to damage a presidential rival.