If you think about them as “advanced earthly tech” then the paradox goes away.
Why should be believe the government when it tells us, “They are not ours?” The government lies about so much it seems a safe assessment that they would lie about this.
I steadfastly believe that these are real craft. I believe they are ours. I believe the government will look us in the eye and lie about them.
The reasons they will lie is that many faceted.
1. They do not want to let our enemies know that we have this tech. We want our enemies to spend vast sums on their defensive and offensive capabilities so we can maintain economic superiority.
2. They know the energy generation techniques would disrupt our economy—and the stability of the world economics.
3. They know if they disclosed this technology as ancient (lost eons ago, and recently discovered) it would disrupt the religions of the world and the social fabric of many cultures.
Consider for a second that this was tech that the Nazi’s developed. How would that go over in today’s “woke” culture. (It wouldn’t bother me....but I am not “woke.”)
So, the government will look us in the eye and lie to our face.
” I believe the government will look us in the eye and lie about them.”
As well, they should. Lie and deny, with a clear conscience too.
History has demonstrated over and over and over that whenever advances in technology become know, or worse when they become exploited against them, any viable competitive will work diligently to make their own advancements, either matching the technology itself, or some type of counter measures. When the soviets sent up Sputnik, the U.S. brought full resources to bare in their space program. When the U.S. got the atomic bomb, the soviets went full tilt to get their own.
It would be in our best interest not to expose the existence of certain technological leaps.
The government lies about so much it seems a safe assessment that they would lie about this.
I think the general drift of what you’re saying is probably right. Basically, the government (a very tiny and highly secretive part of it) is concealing highly advanced technology that would open up a Pandora’s Box of issues they would rather not deal with.
Compartmentalization is a feature of life in the world of classified work.
Recall that Bob Lazar invited friends to view scheduled “flights” of strange craft back in the 80’s. Could be that very sophisticated technology has been in development for a long time, which was also the case with the U-2 and similar advanced projects. Just sayin.
That's insane. Only someone who has never worked in government in any capacity could believe such nonsense.