AZ Senator speaks out:
The DOJ should be called “the department of jovial activity,” Borrelli said. “Everything in there was basically a joke.”
“It’s going to energize us more because we’re right over the target,” he said.
“By the way, they have no jurisdiction here,” Borrelli said. “Canvassing is not voter intimidation because the election already happened…it’s basically a poll survey. It doesn’t intimidate anybody. It’s amazing how freaked out they are at something so trivial.”
Borrelli said auditors are investigating things like 20 people registered at a vacant lot.
“We need to get to the bottom of that,” he said. “If dead people didn’t vote, great.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who disclosed on Friday that she only plans to persist in her current role for the Biden administration for another year, recently admitted that the “president” is often told “don’t take questions” from the press.:
LOL!! Is that a Priceless display of humor, or what!!
Truth can be Fun!
Who Knew?