He’s the perpetual stalking horse candidate. Throws his name out to try to suck up money knowing he won’t win the nomination. I’ve heard the demo-commies are looking for their magic black candidate ala Val Demmings or her husband.
Val Demings represents my district and she knows exactly how I feel about her: tyrant-in-waiting - and I not only told her, I wrote her husband and told him.
Demings cut her teeth on impeachment, denying Prez Trump all of his Constitutional rights and holding impeachment hearings in a secret Court of Star Chamber. Remember, this harpie was a chief of police and sworn to uphold the Constitution - which she obviously never believed.
No wonder she is such a darling of the 'Rat Party; the problem for her is she has to compete with so many other would be tyrants such as Andrew Cuomo or Gretchen Whitmer who have already destroyed thousands of lives - although not a POTUS to be sure.
Incidentally, the first thing her husband did as Mayor of the county was announce a need for a tax hike. Then, horror of horrors, CoViD came along and devastated his dreams - here in the back yard of Disney World and Universal Studios. Now hundreds of hotels are empty, hundreds of eating places closed, tens of thousands of people seeking govt help, crime is on the rise... he should have remained county sheriff. He did a credible job there.