Never has one entity known so much and done so little.
The FIB is sort of like Smilin' Al (WKRP in Cincinnatti reference), and we are all Herb Tarlek. "Oh, Andy, he did that to me twenty times... then I got smart."
In this case, they "did it to me" until 2020. Then I got smart... well, at least I stopped buying their bulls***. All the times the FIB (and the CIA and the DoJ) somehow failed to prevent disastrous and/or disruptive events despite info they had. "Gee, what are the odds of that?" Duh. To be fair, they do a great job of tying up loose ends like Timothy McVey and Jeffrey Epstein pretty doggoned quickly.
AFAIAC, the alphabets all exist to consolidate power for leviathan. I have had a "Home Army, Poland 1944" feeling since 2018: the German socialists (Democrats) are killing us while the Russian socialists (Republicans) just stand over on the other side of the aisle... until middle class working America is dead.
FIB is what spellcheck does to me also when I type FBI, appropriate!
Interesting... stimulating (thought provoking)