***The survey identified the 80-year-old speaker as the “most unpopular elected official in the country,” scoring a 52 percent unfavorable rating and 41 percent favorable rating. The unfavorable rating includes 45 percent who view Pelosi as “very” unfavorable.
...and yet somehow she keeps getting re-elected...
The last 7 weeks have shown us that there may never be an end to this nightmare. The Rats now control the election process. Packing lower courts will begin so they don’t have to do the USSC which seems to be in their favor anyway. I watch all the talking heads complaining about what is happening. More riots are on the way in George Floyd land.
75 million sitting on their hands on the sidelines. Hoping it will all go away. Unfortunately history shows it will not. I guess it will be school busses that take us to the Alaskan Camps, not rail cars.