liquidate to what?...bonds?....I've heard bonds are not good either...
Why Pladium my goof fellow, gold silver platinum but of these Pladium is much tighter dupply, a smaller market and so subject to the greatest price appreciation. Two specific reasons currently exist for my thesis
1) Traders have been trading “contractts” far exceeding current reserves or supply, none taking delivery, just the promise. It’s all so rigged, not unlike a Dominion voting machine. When traders begin to demand delivery, chaos ensues.
2) the Quantum Reset is reset to the Rainbow currency, back entirely of the basket of precious metals, gold, silver, platinum and pladium. Cutrent prices of gold silver and platinum are being manipulated with non delivery contracts, just as pladium. That all ends with the Wuantum Reset. Can you say BOOM
We’ve been lie to. But we’renot going to take it anymore.