Gab Hacked; Group Promises “Gold Mine” Of Info On “Militias, Neo-Nazis, QAnon”
The free speech alternative to Twitter, Gab has been hacked, with those behind the action promising to release a treasure trove of information including passwords, private posts, and messages.
The hacking group calling itself ‘DDoSecrets’ says it has obtained 70-gigabytes of data, and has dubbed it “Gableaks”.
DDoSecrets cofounder Emma Best told Wired that the data “contains pretty much everything on Gab, including user data and private posts, everything someone needs to run a nearly complete analysis on Gab users and content.”
“It’s another gold mine of research for people looking at militias, neo-Nazis, the far right, QAnon and everything surrounding January 6,” Best claims.
Gab released a statement Gab announcing that it is “aware of a vulnerability” on its platform, claiming it has fixed it.
Torba charged that Wired is “in direct contact with the hacker and [was] essentially assisting the hacker in his efforts to smear our business and hurt you, our users.”
The Gab CEO labelled those behind the action “mentally ill tranny demon hackers”, further suggesting that they are “The same people” who “targeted law enforcement officers and their family members last summer.”
In addition to Trump, the hackers also claim that they have obtained the passwords of Infowars’ Alex Jones, Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell.
It is claimed that so far neither Wired nor DDoSecrets has attempted to decrypt the passwords, or gain access to the accounts.
Far-Right Platform Gab Has Been Hacked—Including Private Data
Good morning friends. It was good to see and hear our president yesterday. I had hoped for a few things different but on reflection, he is the master and I am a “guesser”.
I think he needs to be rah rah GOP at this point because he has to count on them for congregional good conservative votes. Aleineting them all wouldn’t be wise. He only alienated the ones who were already turncoats.
I was glad he called out the SC so strongly and named names on many congress critters who were against him and us.
I find it fascinating about the posibility of body doubles.. a whole new world to me. I guess Ive always been to naive.
Not much news here - well some but not of publishing wisdom. Sunny and cool. On my drive home yesterday saw the results of melting snow/high water table and 24 hours of heavy rain fall. Roads closed/flooded. Lakes in many peoples front yards that are normally lawn
The flowers from the group are still beautiful and on our dining room table. Not that I need to have another reason to think of you all but ... well, you know
later.. Got a lot to do in next few hours.
Transfusion day again Wed.
Guess there is no way to find out if the donor had one of the C19 vax. dang.
love/hugs from NE Ohio
Well, that ought to be fun.
I joined Gab when Parler was taken down. Way too much Q for me, as well as talk about ‘frog marching’ the current administration down the street and watering trees. If someone honestly doesn’t understand what they’re talking about, you can mail me; I’m not stupid enough to post it in a public forum.
Now, the ‘peaceful divorce’ option is something I’m willing to entertain. come the AuntyFa peeps.....the ACTUAL insurrectionists....don’t ever get hacked? With all of their info, passwords, private COORDINATION and FUNDING messages, etc???
We know why.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this Gab hacking groups had some very special assistance, if you get my drift.