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To: ransomnote
Pfizer vaccine adverse event reports per data as of 4/16/2021. Data sorted for Pfizer vaccines in which the adverse event record included the word "paralysis".

Records are sorted by age - youngest to oldest.

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SeriousAgeVAERS ID
 Adverse Event DescriptionClick to sort by Adverse Event Description ascendingClick to sort by Adverse Event Description descending
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes18-29 yearsNumbness and tingling bil upper extremities, seizure, temporary paralysis R arm. Started day after vaccine given, was observed overnight in hospital.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes30-39 yearsFollowing the first COVID vaccine dose on Dec/18/2020, I had headaches that started on the third day and ended on the tenth day. The headaches were usually light, unilateral, and alternating from one side to the other. I was usually functional except on the fourth and seventh days where the headaches were moderate to severe, and I took naps to help with the headaches for those two days. I have never had an issue with headaches before, and these symptoms were a new experience for me. I did not take any medications as treatment for the headaches. Following the second COVID vaccine dose on January/7/2021, I felt fatigue and generalized muscle aches within six to twelve hours, and these symptoms lasted for two days. On January/10/2021, when I woke up that morning I again felt light, unilateral, and alternating headaches. In addition, I noticed that I was unable to move the left side of my face. I felt moderate tingling sensations associated with the distribution of the paralysis. When I looked in the mirror, I could quite noticeably see asymmetry in my face. I immediately went to the emergency department at the hospital where my primary care doctor is located. I was kept in the hospital into the next day for observation. After evaluation by a neurology team and an MRI, I was provided with the diagnosis of Bells Palsy. I have never previously been diagnosed with Bells Palsy, and I have never previously had a hospital stay before. The doctors prescribed medications which I am currently taking. As of today January/12/2021, the symptoms have had some improvement, but the symptoms still continue.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes30-39 yearsCardiac event; Paralysis; Fever; Numbness; Chest Pains; Dizziness; Weakness; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 30-years-old female patient started to receive first dose bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration in Left arm on 15Jan2021 14:15 at SINGLE DOSE for covid-19 immunisation. The patient was not pregnant. Medical history included tachycardia, Pre-ventricular contractions, allergies to Latex, covid-19 (reported as covid prior vaccination: Yes). Concomitant medication included metoprolol and multivitamin. No other vaccine received in four weeks. On 15Jan2021 14:30, the patient experienced chest pains, dizziness, weakness. On 15Jan2021 18:20, the patient experienced cardiac event, paralysis, fever, numbness, chest pains. The events resulted in: [Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care, Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event)]. Treatment received for the events. No covid tested post vaccination. The outcome of the events was recovering. Information on batch/lot number was requested.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes30-39 yearsUnable to move the left side of my face/I could quite noticeably see asymmetry in my face/I was provided with the diagnosis of Bells Palsy; I felt moderate tingling sensations associated with the distribution of the paralysis; Generalized muscle aches; I felt fatigue; Dizziness; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Physician. A 32-year-old male patient received second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, lot number: EL3246) on 07Jan2021 at 09:00 a.m. intramuscular on left deltoid, at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Relevant medical history was not reported. Concomitant medications included omeprazole. The patient received first dose of BNT162B2 on 18Dec2020 at 09:00 on left arm (lot number: EK5730) and experienced headaches that started on the third day and ended on the tenth day. Following the second dose on 07Jan2021, patient experienced fatigue and generalized muscle aches within six to twelve hours, and these symptoms lasted for two days. On 10Jan2021, he noticed that was unable to move the left side of his face. He felt moderate tingling sensations associated with the distribution of the paralysis. When looked in the mirror, he could quite noticeably see asymmetry in his face. Patient immediately visited emergency department at the hospital where his primary care doctor was located. Patient was kept in the hospital into the next day for observation (as reported). After evaluation by a neurology team and an MRI, patient was diagnosed with Bells Palsy. He had never previously been diagnosed with Bells Palsy, and never previously had a hospital stay before. It was also informed that patient underwent Nasal Swab for SARS-CoV-2 test on an unspecified date in Dec2020 and on 10Jan2021, both resulted negative. At the time of the reporting, the symptoms continued.; Sender's Comments: A possible causal association between administration of BNT162B2 and the onset of diagnosed Bells Palsy presented as unable to move the left side of his face/felt moderate tingling sensations associated with the distribution of the paralysis/asymmetry in his face cannot be excluded, considering the plausible temporal relationship. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes30-39 yearsOn Thursday 1/21/2021, around 10am: I felt my left lip and mouth had a numbing taste and effect, I was slowly throughout the day unable to drink out of a cup without dribbling, my right eye was constantly watering, around 4pm: my right arm started tingling and bothering me, around 9pm: I tasted a Novocain(numbing) like taste in my mouth, I showered and went to bed, while in bed around 10:30pm: I drank out of a water cup and immediately drooled water onto my shirt and my right arm was starting to tingle even more, I thought that was out of the ordinary and got up to look in the mirror, when I looked in the mirror, my first thought was to smile and the right side of my mouth drooped, my right eye was drooping and I was unable to smile or close my eye. At 12:30: I went to the ER for tingling on my face and right arm, I thought I was having a stroke. In between home and traveling to the ER, paralysis started on my right side of face
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes30-39 years"numbness has moved up her neck; she touches her neck, it hurts a little; maintains numbness and ""no control of her arm""/can barely move her right arm; paralyzed at the shoulder from the elbow up;it's numb; can barely move her right arm; paralyzed at the shoulder from the elbow up; flu like symptoms; Threw up a couple times; mild pain at the injection site; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse reporting for herself. A 31-years-old female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Batch/lot number: EL3247, Expiry date 31May2021, via an unspecified route of administration in right arm on 16Jan2021 at 07:30 at single dose for COVID-19 immunization as frontline worker. The patient had no relevant medical history. There were no concomitant medications. The patient received BNT162B2 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine in Hospital. The patient reported that she was fine all day Saturday (16Jan2021), she just had some very mild pain at the injection site started a couple hours after getting injection. She developed flu like symptoms on the following day (17Jan2021) at 18:00PM and threw up a couple times. On 18Jan2021 at noon she noticed that she could barely move her arm: anything above her elbow on her right arm was not moving; it was paralyzed at the shoulder from the elbow up. If someone were to pick it up and let go, she couldn't control it at all. She also stated that she had no pain at all in that arm; she couldn't feel anything at all; it was numb. When she woke up on 19Jan2021 the numbness had moved up her neck, instead of being localized to her arm. She stated that when she touched her neck, it hurt a little, but it was not super significant. She stated that it was debilitating at that point as she was maintaining numbness and ""no control of her arm"". The nurse reported that this event had not required yet a visit to physician, but she has a feeling it will. She will probably have to go somewhere due to her paralyzed arm, but she had not yet. At the time of the report the event ""No control of her arm""/can barely move her right arm; paralyzed at the shoulder from the elbow up; it's numb"" had not resolved yet; the event ""mild pain at the injection site"" resolved on 17Jan2021, the events ""Flu like symptoms"" and ""Threw up a couple times"" were recovering and outcome of the events ""Numbness has moved up her neck"" and ""She touches her neck, it hurts a little"" was unknown. The reporter assessed the events ""Pain injection site"" and ""Flu like symptoms"" as non-serious and assessed the event ""Can barely move her right arm; paralyzed at the shoulder from the elbow up; it's numb"" as disabling. She assessed all the reported events as related to BNT162B2 Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (method of assessment: Global Introspection).; Sender's Comments: Based on the temporal relationship, the association between the events numbness of upper extremity and arm paralysis with BNT162b2 use can not be fully excluded. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate."
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes30-39 yearsFacial numbness/paralysis started 10 minutes after injection. Paralysis of tongue and jaw muscles followed an hour later. Paralysis of eyelids followed. Medical staff on-site were not informed on how to proceed and recommend to take a benadryl and sleep it off. Muscle function returned 12 hours later.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes30-39 yearsSyncope I was treated for a split lip, severe neck pain, pinched nerve resulting in L arm paralysis Muscle relaxers and pain killers were prescribed Arm movement returned after about 3 weeks
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes30-39 yearsBell's Palsy (left side of face paralysis); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable healthcare professional (patient). A 35-year-old female patient received the 2nd dose (at the age of 35-year-old) of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE lot# EL8982), via an unspecified route of administration on the left arm on 05Feb2021 at SINGLE DOSE for COVID-19 immunization. The patient had no known allergies and medical history reported as none. There were no concomitant medications. The patient was not pregnant (including the time of vaccination). The patient received the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE lot# EL1283), via an unspecified route of administration on the left arm on 15Jan2021 09:30 (at the age of 35-year-old) for COVID-19 immunization. The patient developed Bell's Palsy (left side of face paralysis) on Friday afternoon 19Feb2021 (2 weeks after second dose of the vaccine). The patient went to the doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit and Emergency room/department or urgent care due to the event (which was considered as serious disability or permanent damage). The emergency room (ER) doctor prescribed valacyclovir and prednisone. Outcome of the event was not recovered.; Sender's Comments: Based on temporal relationship and known drug safety profiles, a possible contributory role of suspect drug cannot be excluded for the reported event Bell's Palsy. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes40-49 yearsVisual problems, diplopia, concerns for left 4th cranial nerve paralysis
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes50-59 years9 to 36 hours. Lymphnode swelling , pain left axilla. Fever, chills ,muscle aches, brain fog. 1 week post Facial paralysis, fatigue, vocal cord weakness, feeling of unwell.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes50-59 yearsWent to ER with left facial paralysis. Diagnosed with Bell's palsy day 19 after initial dose of Pfizer vaccine (1/5/21 vaccine given). Not sure what the recommendation is as to whether I should still have the second dose. Doctors at the ER were not sure either.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes50-59 yearsBell's palsy on left side; soreness at the injection site; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable other healthcare professional (patient). A 50-year-old female patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) Solution for injection (lot number EV1685, expiry date unknown) via an unspecified route of administration on the left deltoid, left arm, on 05Jan2021 08:15 AM at a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. The patient's medical history included allergies to Penicillin and Sulfa from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing. The patient had no current Illness and no family medical history. The patient is not pregnant. Concomitant medications included metoprolol tartrate, Vitamin C [ascorbic acid], Vitamin D3, and Multivitamins; patient received these medications within two weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within four weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. The patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to vaccination. Since the vaccination, the patient had not been tested for COVID-19. Patient had a routine Physical Examination on Nov2020 and underwent lab tests and procedures on 24Jan2021 which included unknown BW and negative Lyme Disease Test. On 23Jan2021 18:30, the patient developed bell's palsy on left side which was reported as getting a little worse every day. The event required Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit and Emergency room/department or urgent care; the event resulted in Disability or permanent damage. Since 24Jan2021, patient received Prednisone 60 mg, daily for 7days and Valtrex 1g, 3x/day (TID) for 7days as treatment for the event. The patient did not recover from the event Bell's palsy on left side.' It was further reported that patient experienced soreness at the injection site on an unspecified date with outcome of unknown.; Sender's Comments: Based on temporal association and safety profile of the product, the contributory role of the suspect product BNT162B2 to reported event Facial paralysis cannot totally be excluded. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes50-59 yearsBell's Palsy; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable other health care professional (patient). A 51-year-old female patient (Pregnant: No) received second dose of bnt162b2 (Lot number: EL9264), via an unspecified route of administration in left arm on 29Jan2021 14:30 at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included asthma from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing. Concomitant medication included ammonium succinate, calcium succinate, glutamate sodium, glycine, magnesium succinate, tocopheryl acetate, zinc difumarate hydrate (AMBEREN), collagen, bifidobacterium longum, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus rhamnosus (PROBIOTICS) and multi-vitamin. The patient previous received first dose of bnt162b2 (Lot number: EL0143), via an unspecified route of administration in left arm on 07Jan2021 14:00 for COVID-19 immunization. The patient experienced bell's palsy (hospitalization) on 30Jan2021 09:00. The patient was hospitalized for bell's palsy for 2 days. The patient was admitted on 30Jan2021 to hospital and diagnosed with Bell's Palsy. Treatment included: Prednisone and Valacyclovir. Facility type vaccine was hospital. No other vaccine in four weeks. No COVID prior vaccination. No COVID tested post vaccination. Not Known allergies. The outcome of event was not resolved.; Sender's Comments: Based on temporal association, the causal relationship between bnt162b2 and the event facial paralysis cannot be excluded. The information available in this report is limited and does not allow a medically meaningful assessment. This case will be reassessed once additional information becomes available. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes50-59 yearsepisode of amnesia, occurring on 16 Feb 2021 for about 30 to 45 minutes, (no recall of memory to this time); mild confusion/sluggish thinking lasting about 24 - 36 hours afterwards.. No physical droopiness or paralysis; negative work-up for stroke done in ER, TIA could not be ruled out.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes50-59 yearsPain and paralysis in all 4 extremities. Burning and stabbing sensation, bulging veins in hand. Was hospitalized from 2/28 until 3/5. Left hospital with no diagnosis and no real relief
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes60-64 yearsLoss of use right leg. Paralysis, numbness, tingling, severe pain, and muscle spasms. Acute onset without other trauma
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes60-64 yearshad total paralysis of the left side of his face; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (Patient). A 61-year-old male patient received 2nd dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, Solution for injection, LOT/Batch number and expiration date unknown) via an unspecified route of administration at arm left on 20Feb2021 11:00 AM at the age of 61-year-old at single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. Patient previously received first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, Solution for injection, LOT/Batch number and expiration date unknown) via an unspecified route of administration at left arm on 30Jan2021 11:00 AM at the age of 61-year-old for COVID-19 immunisation. Patient had no COVID-19 prior vaccination. COVID-19 was not tested post vaccination. There was no known allergies. Other relevant medical history was reported as none. Concomitant medications were not reported. There was no other vaccine in four weeks. Patient had total paralysis of the left side of his face on 22Feb2021 at 07:00 AM. It was reported that the event resulted in disability or permanent damage. Outcome of the event was not recovered. No treatment for the event was received. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes60-64 years2 weeks after receiving the 2nd dose, do you feel loved left neck had an apathy and sore throat, had pharyngitis laryngitis was seen by knee urgent care hand emergency room hand tested negative for Covid and strep. Developed left vocal cord paralysis and constant flu like symptoms that have lasted for six weeks. My vocal cords will mean to me injected need to paralysis
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes65+ yearsbilateral facial paralysis, Treatment: Immune Globulin - 5 infusions, steroid, anti-viral; recovering; 6 days
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes65+ yearsfall; bruised rib; bruised hip; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (reporting for his father). An 87-year-old male patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, lot number: EK9231, expiration date: 30Apr2021), via an unspecified route of administration into the left arm on 12Jan2021 at a single dose for COVID-19 immunisation (COVID prevention). The patient's medical history included Alzheimer's disease and stroke. There were no concomitant medications. The reporter was calling regarding his father who was an 87-year-old combat veteran. The reporter stated that the patient received the first dose of the Pfizer COVID Vaccine on 12Jan2021. The patient was scheduled for his second dose on 02Feb2021, but they had to cancel that appointment because the patient was in the hospital from a fall he had on 29Jan2021 where he bruised his hip and bruised his rib. The patient was hospitalized from 30Jan2021 and was released from the hospital on 05Feb2021. The reporter stated that the clinic said they are not able to make any more appointments right now. The reporter was wondering if there were consequences of, or a danger in, getting the second dose outside of the recommended timeframe. The patient is now on a waiting list to get the second dose and he would like to know how far past the recommended 21 days can he go and still have the vaccine be effective. The patient received no other vaccines on the same day as the COVID vaccine. The patient has had an MRI before where it was indicated that there were some spots from a past stroke. The reporter stated that no paralysis has been identified. The outcome of the events was unknown.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes65+ yearsPatient presented to hospital with increasing SOB, dyspnea on 2/22/21 (vaccine dose on 2/9/21). Patient is still currently admitted to monitor respiratory status and has been diagnosed with unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes65+ yearsLt parietal occlusion; DVT; Right paralysis; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Nurse reporting for her husband. A 71-years-old male patient received the first dose of bnt162b2 (BNT162B2; Lot # EL 1284) vaccine , intramuscular in the left deltoid on 22Jan2021 17:00 at single dose for Covid-19 immunisation . The patient medical history was not reported. Concomitant medication included apixaban (APIXABAN), acetylsalicylic acid (ASPIRIN) atorvastatin (ATORVASTATIN), cyanocobalamin (CYANOCOBALAMIN), metoprolol tartrate (METOPROLOL TARTRATE) , pantoprazole (PANTOPRAZOLE), sumatriptan (IMITREX [SUMATRIPTAN]), triazolam (TRIAZOLAM). The patient experienced DVT (deep vein thrombosis) on 26Jan2021 with outcome of not recovered , left parietal occlusion (ischaemic stroke) on 26Jan2021 05:30 with outcome of unknown , right paralysis on an unspecified date with outcome of unknown. The patient was hospitalized for DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and stroke from 26Jan2021 to 30Jan2021. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures including blood pressure diastolic: 84 mmhg on 30Jan2021 , blood pressure systolic: 141 mmhg on 30Jan2021 , body mass index: 26.4684 kg/m2 on 26Jan2021 , body temperature: 98.2 ¦F on 30Jan2021, heart rate: 55 bpm on 30Jan2021 , magnetic resonance imaging: acute left parietal lacunar infarct, Lower extremity ultrasound: left popliteal vein DVT, oxygen saturation: 95 % on 30Jan2021 , respiratory rate: 18 br/min on 30Jan2021. The reporter considered the reported events to be possibly related to BNT162B2 vaccine. Follow up information has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Based on the limited information currently available, a possible contributory role of the suspect drug in the reported events cannot be completely excluded given the known suspect drug profile and/or implied temporal association. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regul atory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes65+ yearsParalysis of face
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes65+ yearsPatient is a 66 y.o. male who presents as a transfer to Hospital from an outside hospital for ICH. Patient states around 1130 he was running on the treadmill and noticed sudden left-sided weakness and decrease in station. He arrived outside hospital and was found to have left-sided hemibody weakness, left-sided decrease in station and a right gaze preference. CT at outside hospital showed large ICH with 3 mm of midline shift and vasogenic edema. repeat scan was performed and showed 7 x 2 x 4 cm frontal parietal region hemorrhage. Patient is now in rehab and states he has left sided paralysis
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes65+ years9 days after receiving vaccine, pt developed rapid onset of ascending paralysis. No use of legs, minimal use of right arm. Limited use of left arm. Repiratory difficulty/failure.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes65+ yearsPatient presented with acute onset of rapidly progressing ascending weakness and paralysis and associated decrease in sensation
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes65+ yearsPatient developed ascending paralysis and was diagnosed with transverse myelitis. All work up has been negative for other etiologies. Lumbar puncture performed showing elevated cell count, elevated protein and low glucose.
COVID19 (COVID19 (PFIZER-BIONTECH)) (1200)Yes65+ years100 year old patient in reasonable health (reading, socializing, doing Zoom calls, etc.) took second Pfizer vaccine on February 5, 2021. On the morning of February 22, 2021 the patient suffered a major hemorrhagic stroke. He suffered severe paralysis, could not speak, and suffered from severe pain. Within 24 hours he was moved to Hospice Care. A day later on February 24, 2021 he died.

1,597 posted on 04/21/2021 9:10:16 AM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote
The Secret Religion that Rules the World - This is Long but Very Insightful! - YouTube

5 hours 17 minutes

FReeper Firescreek saw him in another video (now deleted) and suggests his name is Altiyan Childs of the X-Factor. Father In Heaven, please bless and protect this brave man who loves you so much from all harm for what he has revealed. 

Computer Generated transcript of the soon-to-be-deleted video.
May God bless the man who risked his life to tell us what he knows about the Satanic core of our world 'elites' controlling the world.

well i need to tell you all something and it's  the most important thing i could ever say to you  

in a little while you'll know for certain  that i'm putting my very life on the line  

and the safety of my family  by sharing this with you  

so i hope that that buys me at least  a few minutes of your precious time  

if this video is taken down it wasn't taken  down by me all right now i'm partly doing this  

to assure blood off my hands because god saved  my life on a midnight highway one fateful night  

for this very cause and he's watching as he  clearly proved that night see i should be dead  

my sleeping driver was hurling us toward a  concrete wall at 100 kilometers an hour when  

an angel of god was sent to wake me up from a deep  sleep with just a whisper and just in time and for  

what not psych will win x factor or buy that dream  porsche or marry that dream girl but for this  

for these words for this moment so i can tell  you something so i can warn you about something  

nothing could be more important than this  so cancel that movie you want to watch  

skip that gym session don't scroll down to  the next post just stay with me stay with me

now don't worry about the quality of the video or  the audio just focus on the content listen to my  

voice and trust your eyes most of you won't care  for the shocking thing i'm about to expose to you  

because no one cares no one cares not  my exes former friends former band mates  

work colleagues parents family  members strangers no one cares  

but still i'm doing all this for one  person one single human being out there

god is calling you and he's  looking for the last ones  

before the storm and if you think  you know where i'm going with this  

please keep watching because the most important  part of this video comes at the end everything  

you're about to hear is a fact and i'll prove  it to you i will leave no room for doubt  

and nothing can stop what's coming so this isn't  a call for an uprising boycott protest no the  

titanic is sinking and it's unstoppable all i'm  going to do is point you to the life raft and  

if you want to ignore me then fine proceed around  peril god knows i've tried if you want to mock me  

then at least share the video let others mock  me too tell your friends check this freak out  

anything to help me reach someone who has eyes  to see and ease to hear and like i said in a  

few minutes you'll know why my well-being  is in danger and that of my loved ones too

now let me ask you something real quick who  do you think generally speaking runs the world  

what type of people are the leaders of our  countries and corporations and the rich and  

the famous too i mean like are they christians do  christians around the world well no of course not  

buddhists no do muslims around the world no what  about atheists it's got to be atheists right  

because we've come such a long way as a society  and atheism is the rational state of mind for  

the modern type of person right no what about  a mixture of people different types of people  

around the world let me tell you something all the  leaders from africa to europe to the middle east  

israel syria iran all the way to the americas  all these people and we'll get to the celebrities  

in a second they're not atheists buddhists  or muslims no what if i told you that they  

all belong to the same religion a secret religion  one that none of them are allowed to talk about  

one that you should worry about because it affects  you beyond belief in ways that you never imagined  

before i tell you what this worldwide secret  religion thinks of you and plans to do to you  

let me tell you what this religion is  and how do i know about this religion  

because i used to belong to it and today i'm  renouncing it publicly breaking my oath of silence  

which they imposed upon me and every single other  member during ceremonies under this under the  

penalty of death that's why my life is in danger  every person you're about to see has taken the  

same oath as i did over and over no matter where  on earth they're from including scott morrison  

your prime minister and mine but see i was  plucked from it saved from its camouflaged clamps  

from its extravagant deception and its  spiritual corpse by none other than god almighty  

no one else is going to tell you this not your  favorite singer or politician who more than  

likely also belong to this hidden religion  nowhere will they speak because they love  

it they love their lives they love their  success the money the worship they receive  

and then there are those who have left but have  never broken their oath out of fear trust me you  

don't know who you're messing with here the few  that have spoken out well they lost everything  

or either their reputations and livelihoods are  threatened or destroyed or they're framed for a  

crime and end up in jail or they're murdered  and made to look like an accident or suicide  

now just for the record the god  that saved me which god was that  

jesus christ of course the one and  only and he's the only one they hate  

along with his disciples so i'm invincible until  he's done with me that's why i don't fear him  

now please don't let the name  of jesus scare you off just yet  

because if you're an atheist you're especially  going to want to hear this christians and atheists  

are the most pathetic bunch in the eyes of this  ancient religion the one that rules them all  

and i'm only going to show you the tip of  the iceberg and just like an iceberg the  

full body of this secret religion continues  down past the line of sight beneath the ocean  

it widens in mass and scope until it continues  further into the depths into ever increasing  

darkness and invisibility until it reaches  its foundations which is firmly established  

in thick blackness completely unimaginable  and not perceived at all to those who only  

ever get to see its tit peeking out of the  ocean top including most of its members at least  

75 80. and unless you're a member of this  religion and this secret society as they call it  

you won't be granted access to the world  stage or of a position of influence  

it's become a prerequisite for success  now now that they've gained pretty much  

full control and their members are in  every place of prominence and power  

so brace yourself for the truth that has  been hiding in plain sight every day of  

your life and for the mind blowing out of this  world climax to this video now look at this

there's a few different ways they display  their religions they don't do it often and  

some don't do it at all but most of them can't  help themselves because when they do it in public  

it's a hidden statement and that statement  gives them a lot of satisfaction the celebrities  

usually cover one eye or hide it in some  way and obscure it or emphasize it like this

or they close one eye or peek through it  

through this hand gesture all to highlight  one single eye it's called the all-seeing eye  

other times they'll just display a drawn eye  somewhere or a tattoo of it the other method  

they use it's what's commonly known as the hidden  hand here for example river phoenix is doing both  

the hidden hand and the all-seeing eye so you  can see the direct connection between the two  

but in the political world usually it's  done with the hidden hand and of course this

that's a secret handshake for the members of this  secret one-eyed religion we'll start with scott  

morrison here hidden in plain sight as usual for  everyone to not see as usual look at the handshake  

i was taught this very handshake or grip as they  call it during my time in this great school of  

deception here's a picture of a normal handshake  and here's the secret handshake normal secret  

now here's scott morrison with daniel  andrews normal handshake secret handshake  

all of them are sworn to secrecy under the  penalty of death and remember i'll prove it  

to you very soon here's form prime minister  john howard giving the secret handshake  

and kevin rudd bowing down to to  this bloke in front of julia gillard  

all of whom are members of the religion and tony  abbott you'll see in a second and he's julia again  

now i once heard julia being asked in a brief  interview on tv while she was the prime minister  

the interviewer asked her what religion  are you my ears picked up as i was eating  

breakfast and i froze to hear the answer  and she actually said with a sinister smirk  

i'm a member of a secret society next question  please and what happened nothing no one cared  

no one cared that the person who represents  them just confessed that she's a member of a  

secret society when the australian society is  at large the only society that should matter  

and why is it a secret in the first place i'll  show you very soon you'll know their beliefs  

and you'll know their master plan and you'll  know why they take such extreme precautions  

with such hideous oaths of silence under  the unbelievable penalties including death  

to stay hidden from the public so what's the name  of this religion well i'll tell you right now  

but keep in mind the magic word you're about  to hear only hides the true religion inside of  

itself that's how it's secretly flourished  to spread like a cancer around the world  

it's a religion within a fraternity the  name of the international fraternity the  

one that camouflages conceals and cloaks  the secret religion inside it is this

freemasonry this is their official  symbol the square and compass  

sometimes with the g in the middle and  sometimes with the eye the all-seeing eye  

this is the same i that these people are  referring to that's where it comes from the  

eye is sometimes placed in triangle and that's  where this comes from the eye in the triangle  

here's chris angel doing it standing also  next to a mate with a square encompassed  

shirt on not a coincidence this  is not something jay-z invented  

this is the religion jay-z belongs  to and proudly as you're about to see  

the freemasons also place the eye at the top  of a pyramid because the egyptian pyramid is  

integral to their secret system here it is  on chris angel's shirt and madonna's jacket  

that's a masonic symbol the freemasons  are sometimes called the masons for short  

it'll all come together and make sense really soon

here it is hidden in plain sight  at the australian mtv awards  

and this is the mtv headquarters by the  way trust me there's no doubting this

here's the same eye in a pyramid on a crowded  house logo yes initiated freemasons here's the  

eye on the harbour bridge for a new year's e new  year's eve gig and i wonder what that i could  

be referring to so what's the connection the  religion is the connection the sacred religion  

and you'll see prepare yourself for an incredible  revelation and the amazing climax that comes  

at the end of this video now this is where the  freemasons are counting on you to lose interest  

or roll your eyes and move on because in  their beliefs the uninitiated meaning you  

are ignorant and stupid compared to them you're  technically called the vulgar and the profane  

please prove them wrong prove them wrong  and stay with me just a little longer

now the secret identity of this one eye lies in  the heart of this religion that lives breathes  

feeds and grows deep inside of freemasonry and  freemasonry camouflages it very successfully  

so it goes undetected and undisturbed until it  ultimately fulfills a thing called the great work  

that's what they call it and  they will succeed very shortly  

nothing can stop it now and i think some of you  can sense that something's coming and who do we  

trust more than anyone in the world right now  this bloke and there he is giving the sign of  

the hidden hand in front of the whole world the  hidden hand sign is technically technically called  

the sign of the master of the second veil  in freemasonry veil get it meaning hidden  

now am i saying that this thing that's happening  in the world isn't real no i'm saying this

spoken like a true freemason

and you remember this guy

a safe place and a dangerous place we must  treat this new world order near this new  

world we've covered we must treat this  new world of code even in our own homes

so what is this new old order that he accidentally  mentioned it's common language in freemasonry and  

it has been for a long time for at least  this long since the u.s one dollar bill  

hidden in plain sight complete  with the pyramid in the eye  

it's the ultimate goal of this religion  and i'll show you what the great work is  

at any cost and australia like every other  country is now up to its neck in this pyramidal  

one-eyed occult religion you think  there's nothing hidden on our own money  

what about this shadow of a bloke  who's he hiding in the background  

well these numbers right here will tell you and  i'll show you that too did you know there's a  

giant pyramid in australia you want to see it  sitting right at the center of australian power  

look closely cause you'll miss it  because that's the way they designed it  

there it is hang on do you see it yet

and what about now

that is the frame of an egyptian pyramid which  we can now firmly call a masonic pyramid complete  

with a missing capstone and if you're still in  doubt that you're looking at a pyramid there  

you go a perfect two scale pyramid hiding out of  sight inside the giant frame that surrounds it

this is going to be so unbelievable to  you that you probably won't believe it  

or if you're that far gone if you really have  lost touch with your own soul you won't care  

and you'll miss the opportunity to have your  own eyes open first to the worst news and  

then to the best news you could ever wish for on  this godforsaken planet in which you're destined  

to lose everything you have and everything  you love until eventually you lose yourself

we have to establish what this religion that's  hiding inside a freemasonry actually is and we  

will and it's shocking but it's reality the symbol  of the freemasons itself is not what it seems  

it's a squaring compass on the surface but it  conceals something something that'll become  

obvious when i show you but before we uncloak  freemasonry to see its true nature it's ugly  

face and it's shameful nakedness because i gave  you my word that i'm going to prove it to you  

this is the oath they have to take this is the  earth that i took and your favorite actors and  

singers just about all your heroes just  about even some of your relatives who  

probably have no idea what freemasonry is  or was and why they took such gruesome oaths  

so for those who are going to say my grandfather  was a freemason he was a great bloke or don't the  

freemasons run that retirement home just wait  because i'm talking to freemasons here as well  

and don't you worry they're going  to come out of the woodworks  

but they're all under the oath of secrecy  don't forget that no matter who they are  

adele neil finn chris angel or scott morrison the  oath comes first and here it is this is taken from  

an official masonic publication not intended for  the public this is duncan's ritual the freemasonry  

in brief i of my own free will and accord do you  hear by promise and swear that i will never reveal  

any of the secrets arts parts point or points of  the master mason's degree to any person or persons  

whom so ever this i solemnly sincerely promise and  swear under no less penalty than having my body  

severed in two my bowels taken out and burnt to  ashes so no more remembrance be had of so vile  

and wicked a wretch as i should i ever violate  my master mason's obligation so now you know  

what they think of me i'm a vile and wicked wretch  for breaking my oath so how can anyone ever trust  

a freemason when he speaks of our freemasonry  unless you're speaking to a rare breed like me  

never reveal any parts not even a single point to  anyone here's another penalty from another degree  

this time from richardson's monitor of freemasonry  a legitimate masonic publication for instructing  

and laying out the ritual binding myself under  no less penalty than having my throat cut across  

my tongue torn out by the roots and my  body buried in the rough sands of the sea  

these are the penalties they swear to and yes  the lodge has penal authority to execute this  

is how they look when they're initiated they  have to remove all their clothing and jewelry  

including wedding rings crucifixes  the most meaningful things to them  

no matter what they have to go because complete  allegiance to the society is required you're  

blindfolded at every initiation because you  symbolize someone who lives in utter darkness  

before you receive the light of freemasonry and  that light will become so obvious to you in a bit  

the secret that is being unveiled by  incremental degrees to the candidates  

in the lodge is staring us in the face in  daily life and that truth is pretty scary  

if all you know and all you have is this world  but they know much more than that at one point  

when the blunt blindfold comes off this is what  you're surrounded by blokes dressed like this  

holding swords to your face and that's nothing  compared to what comes later so your own wife  

or daughter don't qualify for discussion in these  matters unless they too are initiated to the same  

level as you so please don't tell me that your  grandfather or your neighbor is a freemason and  

there's nothing wrong with freemasonry how would  you know when they're under oath never to reveal  

anything to anyone the whole successful  system is constructed by the art of lying  

to the public and to their own members of  lower degrees and we trust these people  

now here are the illustrations for the signs  and handshakes and you only receive them after  

the oath has been taken this is the sign you  do upon entering and exiting the ritual room  

while facing the grand master it stands  for throat slip and it goes like this

a continual reminder of where you are and  what awaits you if you have a change of  

heart or rebellious spirit and here you have  the illustrations of the secret handshakes

look familiar and this is the sign of the  master of the second veil see purely masonic

you don't pick this stuff up off the street

now this is how it's generally  executed in the public arena

sneaky sneaky huh so when you see this or this  

you know for certain where it comes from and who  they belong to look at kramer on the front page  

of the privately circulated freemason magazine  officially a mason like fellow brother tony abbott  

and he's doing this that's a direct link to the  mysterious all-seeing eye freemasonry there it  

is on the walls of the inside of a lodge room so  there's no reason a doubt that those who do this

belong to this this is another  sign they do quite prominently  

it's the sign of silence this is from richardson's  monitor freemasonry again a finger over the lips

now these signs are slightly morphed  over time so covering the mouth in the  

in a variety of ways is the expression  of being bound to secrecy in silence

silence or death as little  wayne here is portraying

here's the oath of a second degree freemason on  page 21 of richardson's monitor of freemasonry  

binding myself under no less penalty  than having my left breast torn open  

and my heart and vitals taken out thrown over  my left shoulder should i willfully transgress  

any part of this my solemn oath in this degree  the penalty is to have your whole body dissected  

bowels removed and heart cut into  pieces and thrown into a field  

where you are eaten by animals all to protect the  secret religion of the rich powerful and famous  

in the ninth templar degree the penalty is to  have your head cut off listen to this penalty  

and this one has happened throughout history  more than any other because it works so well  

without having to resort to death or the  threat of death and it's easier to execute  

now this applies to all areas of industry it's  done through the ruining of your reputation by  

fellow freemasons pointing him out to the world  as an unworthy vagabond by opposing his interests  

making life very hard for you by deranging his  business by transferring his character wherever he  

may go and by exposing him to the contempt of the  whole fraternity the secret society and the world  

wow how many people do you think they've  threatened ruined framed cheated and utterly  

destroyed to protect their secret religion  and in case you think the masonic lodge  

hasn't got the authority over the initiates  especially the ones in the higher degrees  

this is from the encyclopedia freemasonry under  mandate the orders and decrees of the grand master  

or of a grand lodge are called mandates and  implicit obedience to them is a masonic obligation  

and in sickles monitor freemasonry you  plainly see they have a right to kill  

a lodge has a right to exercise penal authority  over its members exercise the penalties  

so don't let a mason tell you oh no  that's that's just symbolic the oath  

their laws are above the law of the land and the  proof are the oaths themselves because in normal  

society you can't ask someone to accept having  their throat slit as a penalty in order to be  

a member of any club or workplace unheard of but  not in freemasonry not in the secret society world  

i told you you don't know who you're dealing  with and what's coming for us all here's what  

they think of the public here in speaking to  the candidate it's stated but have a care not  

to defile the sanctuary by a spirit of curiosity  meaning don't try to join us just for fun and take  

care not to increase the number of the vulgar and  profane meaning don't invite too many outsiders  

to join because they're vulgar and they're profane  this is more or less an invitation only fraternity  

hear from the encyclopedia of freemasonry again  written for masons only and written by 33rd  

degree masonic legend albert mackey stating  the same thing masonic definition of profane  

one who is ignorant of the sacred  rights the sacred rites of freemasonry  

one who is not allowed to enter the temple and  behold the mysteries and here being uninitiated  

that's the world at large and here from this  old ritual book written by the same legendary  

author in the 33rd degree initiation  the mason drinks wine from a human skull

which has been the cause for a few to leave  masonry because they wonder whose skull is this  

in the 30th degree part of the ritual involves  stabbing skulls illustrated right here  

the process of submitting the member further  and further involves things like this see the  

candidate who's seeking admission into the next  degree to receive more light has to be humiliated  

and intimidated this guy here has his foot on the  candidate's head this is what our celebrities and  

politicians and the most prominent members of our  society have done and continue to do no one is  

exempt from this and this is the intimidating and  frightening path that you must take that binds you  

to the secret society before you were revealed  the true beliefs of the religion so can you see  

the risks i'm taking you have to stay till the end  don't let me down don't let yourself down or your  

fellow man believe me it'll be worth it now here's  one of the three greatest freemasons of all time  

who actually helped construct the 33 degrees  or rituals of modern freemasonry albert pike a  

hideous man with a deeply complicated mind and one  who will soon help you to see who they really are  

this is how important he is to  freemasonry he's buried here  

in the house of the temple a washington masonic  lodge just around the corner from the white  

house he was called the grand commander sovereign  pontiff of universal freemasonry a giant of this  

secret society the only confederate general who  has his own statute and who were the confederates  

the dudes that fought for slavery not  against it defeated by abraham lincoln  

who was surrounded by these freemasons and who  was assassinated by this one john wilkes booth  

doing the same sign of the master of the second  veil a freemason assassinated abraham lincoln  

undisputable when you have the eyes to see now  albert pike writes in his colossal work which  

some refer to as the bible of freemasonry called  morals and dogma and on page 113 he says what can  

there be in common between the vile multitudes and  the sublime wisdom that's what freemasons possess  

sublime wisdom that's what their secret is it's  sublime the secret i'll reveal to you now just  

quickly here's freemason kanye west here he's  giving a sonic grip to his brother mason jay-z  

look at the lapel he's wearing in this picture  it's the same double-headed eagle as on the front  

cover of the so-called bible of freemasonry morals  and dogma written by the grand commander sovereign  

pontiff of the religion that kanye and jay-z  have been sworn into and thus granted access  

to international success his christian conversion  isn't what it seems and you'll soon see what job  

he has to do now look at what else freemasonry  thinks of the uninitiated from the words of the  

grand commander himself the truth must be kept  secret and the masses need a teaching proportioned  

to their imperfect reason i hope you're  listening because we're about to get going here  

these truths were covered from the common  people as with the veil there's that veil again  

and the mysteries were carried into every country  freemasonry was secretly imported from the east  

into the whole world to weave its web in the  darkness to increase and advance its agenda  

the sages meaning the enlightened ones always  had an esoteric creed unknown to the vulgar  

and here he says to the end that the vulgar heard  

seeing might not see anything and  hearing might comprehend nothing  

are they right am i wasting my time laying it all  down for nothing because they know you so well  

your favorite celebrity and politicians  secret religion is beyond the re  

with the reach of the vulgar vulgar is what you  are to them he won't tell you she won't tell you  

and they won't tell you

because the other obscene  penalties from the rituals  

of freemasonry include having your  ear and hand chopped off or both hands

being hung in your own home

and my personal favorite having the top of your  skull cut off so your brain is cooked in the sun  

now can you imagine what they're hiding  and then the ritual monitor goes on to  

illustrate the same secret handshakes  and signs hidden hand sign of silence

these people mocking us sometimes  to our face with their symbolism  

while we respect them admire them and  sometimes even love them and idolize them  

all of them partaking in the same initiation  rituals to belong to the secret society a  

prerequisite for success to belong to the  religion that gives you everything you want  

everything your heart desires while the gospels  teach accurately that the heart is wicked

now here is a practical example of how freemasonry  comes first even above the title of president he  

is a portrait of george washington doing the  sign of the master of the second veil and here  

freemason before and above president and if you  think that's just by chance that they put the  

word freemason above president then here  read this genuine quote from harry truman  

this should tell you how deep the  consequences of masonic initiation go  

and what lies deep within it's  freemasonry above everything else

there's the queen showing  her allegiance over and over

and he's the queen leaving a very special hospital  with a very special nurse and this was the queen's  

father fully dressed in his masonic regalia  and that god forsaken apron they wear which  

also hides something just like the squaring  compass in fact what the apron hides is what  

the squaring compass really represents and it's  staring you right in the face can you see it yet

prince charles handshake hidden hand prince harry

prince william

and he is the grand master of english  freemasonry prince edward also in full gear  

what a lovely looking chap and  now he's giving them a sonic grip  

in front of this stone that was placed there  to memorialize his visit to cape town lodge  

and what about this guy prince philip husband  of the queen do you remember him saying this

yeah and here's the article in case you think he  didn't initiated member do you slowly see what  

the masonic mindset is we are beneath them and  the craziest thing is if they can turn you into  

what they think of you then you deserve what's  coming it's a natural law it's the law of nature  

and i'll soon show you their real bible for lack  of a better term which justifies it all and the  

one which guides their morals and it makes a  lot of sense because the power of the deceptive  

phenomenon of freemasonry lies in the fact that  it contains real truth intertwined with untruth  

now this actual book that guides their morals  and plans it isn't written by hand and it's  

been around longer than the bible so they  think it's pure sublime as they call it  

and it's the foundation on which the religion is  built upon and that bible so-called that unwritten  

bible is the key to unlocking its secrets i'm  going to hand you that key and it's all going  

to come together like a flood so they're going  to own it all by their own words and actions  

and they're going to introduce us  to a new system a new system of life  

but only after a number of shocking events  take place which i'm so close to telling you  

about but first i have to tell you the name of  the secret religion and the identity of the eye  

now for the few of you that think of hospitals  and charities and nursing homes when you hear  

the word freemason a word which i soon  hope to never speak again after this video  

well it's a front a cover story and like  everything else in this presentation  

i'm gonna show you this too is for the poor  freemasons that are going to have the call  

to make an appearance in the comments section  trying to defend their beloved fraternity this  

is 33rd degree freemason manly hall who was  named freemason of the century by the scottish  

rite journal in 1990 and you'd be surprised how  many masons haven't heard of him because they  

don't bother entering the masonic library and  searching out the mysteries themselves these  

same masons think they know something and they  parade themselves on websites and social media  

calling people like me oh he's just an anti-mason  anti-mason blind fools at best deceivers at worst  

well the freemason of the  century wrote in this book  

and in this chapter freemasonry is a fraternity  within a fraternity an outer organization  

concealing an inner brotherhood of the  elect one visible and the other invisible  

the visible society is a splendid  camaraderie of free and accepted men  

and women and joined to devote themselves to  ethical educational fraternal patriotic and  

humanitarian causes and concerns like hospitals  and charities but the invisible society is a  

secret and most august fraternity whose members  are dedicated to the service of a mysterious

meaning mystery of mysteries

now i wonder what that could be so once again  don't listen to the lost or deceptive masons  

that'll come here trying to cheat you  from the truth telling you that i don't  

know what i'm talking about or calling me an  anti-mason because there you just heard it  

there's a masonry for the majority of  masons and then there's the real thing  

the secret religion which should  shock you when it's announced  

these same lost or deceptive masons also love  to repeat like parrots that freemasonry is not  

a religion well what does the freemason of the  century have to say about that from this book he  

writes masonry is essentially a religious order  not just a little bit religious but essential

and here the iconic giant of freemasonry says in  morals and dogma every masonic lodge is a temple  

of religion and its teachings are instructions  in religion so please sit down masons because  

freemasonry is a religion and soon i'm  gonna tell you what it's really called  

now look at this from the same book and speaking  about fellow freemasons being initiated in the  

lodge part of the symbols are displayed there  to the initiate but he is intentionally misled  

by false interpretations their true explication is  reserved for the princes of freemasonry the whole  

body of the royal art which you'll know all about  soon was hidden so carefully in the high degrees  

so you see the whole thing is built on  lies and the ultimate liar lives inside  

the triangle above the pyramid so that even  the highest masons are living a monstrous lie  

wake up masons even you are deceived just as the  public is unless of course you're hungry enough  

to want to acquire all the power and climb up  that pyramid closer to the eye that sees all  

in that case close your mouth go back to your  lodge and good luck to you or of course grow  

some kahunas and be honest but then you can't  right because you'll be breaking your oath  

sad oh it's good to be free  under the wing of the true master  

stick around if you're interested and you'll get  to see some wonder when i pull that cloak called  

freemasonry right off and those that are still  here watching will get to see the true colors of  

the nakedness and the horror of the masonic lodge  and the religion that rules them all another thing  

that masons will repeatedly say is that this  has nothing to do with freemasonry and it's  

just a conspiracy theory while the 33rd degree  freemason of the century also wrote this book  

about 100 years ago the secret destiny of america  and look at the front cover and i'll tell you why  

america is so important for the ultimate  goal of the secret society it's disturbing  

but it's also essential in understanding the new  future and what's going to take place so for the  

freemasons that still say that this it's not a  masonic design especially this masonic website  

called masonic info insisting here that even the  eye in the triangle or pyramid is not masonic  

completely laughable and pure disinformation  for the stupid masses try arguing against this  

this is from a 1960 copy of the new age magazine  an official organ of the supreme council of 33rd  

degrees no higher authority in the united states  to speak of the relationship between freemasonry  

and the us one dollar bill masonic symbolism  in a one dollar bill look at them all 13  

leaves 13 bars 13 feathers so on and so forth  and of course this the masonic all-seeing eye  

located in the pyramid so you think this is a  conspiracy theory or just a plain conspiracy  

well he's jfk yes a freemason but one who  had enough when he wanted to print money  

disassociated from the masonic central  banks just like abraham lincoln  

and he paid the price for it as well listen to the  speech we never hear about in school more proof  

that they control the education system here and  everywhere please just have a quick listen to this

ladies and gentlemen the very word  secrecy is repugnant in a free and  

open society and we are as a people inherently  and historically opposed to secret societies  

to secret oaths and to secret proceedings for  we are opposed around the world by a monolithic  

and ruthless conspiracy that  relies primarily on covet means  

i am asking your help in the tremendous  task of informing and alerting the american


as i said in the beginning you're just seeing the  tip of the iceberg peeking out from the ocean top  

i told you all personalities in the field of great  influence are initiated members of freemasonry  

otherwise they wouldn't be there within 60 seconds  of me telling you what international freemasonry  

really is i'll prove it to you unequivocally  within 60 seconds and then i'm going to drive it  

home and then i'm going to show you what they're  planning with this new age they're implementing  

and then the conclusion which is by far the  most important part of this presentation  

so when you hear me tell you the truth in  just a moment don't switch off in disbelief  

because you can't believe that your favorite  idol or whoever could possibly be involved  

like you know them or something  you don't know these people  

you do know that they're under oath never to  reveal their beliefs to you the vile multitude  

it's time to trust your eyes now not your  feelings especially after all that i've shown you  

this is why the secret religion is so hidden  this is why it's so ingeniously designed through  

layers of lies upon lies cloak upon cloak and oath  upon oath concealing the truth for its chosen few  

what is freemasonry what is the most secret yet  

most powerful religion in the world well  that's easy we live in an evil evil world  

so there's only one religion that befits  it freemasonry is satanism in disguise

now start the clock from morals and dogma  prepared for the supreme council for 33rd  

degree that's the highest degree in freemasonry  and written by the undisputed heavyweight  

champion of modern freemasonry albert  pike on page 321 he boldly states lucifer  

the light bearer strange and mysterious  name to give to the spirit of darkness  

lucifer son of the morning is it he who bears  the light doubt it not did you hear that  

lucifer is god and do not doubt it come on  now stay with me here from the encyclopedia  

freemasonry written by 33rd degree freemason  a beloved member of the craft albert mackie he  

tells us whose name represents the good principle  in freemasonry secret worldview writing under the  

masonic meaning of the word pentagram he says the  pentagram depending on its position represents  

good or evil see how he puts the positive aspect  in the first position good first evil second good  

or evil light or darkness victory or death  initiation or profanation lucifer or vespa  

lucifer is good lucifer is light lucifer  is victory and lucifer is true initiation  

see if you're not initiated you're profane if  you haven't figured out that god is lucifer  

you're vulgar and profane you're stupid in their  own words that's the beginning of their big secret  

god is the devil and we're  already in hell right now

now from the freemason of the century manly  hall and this will make it three out of three  

legends of freemasonry stating the same thing  in the lost case of freemasonry on page 76  

when the mason learns that the key to  the warrior on the block is the proper  

application of the dynamo of living power  he has learned the mystery of his craft  

the seething surging energies  of lucifer are in his hands

do you see the world's hidden religion  with its universal one eye symbolism  

who was revealed slowly and by  degrees only to its dedicated members  

is satanism or luciferianism as they prefer to  call it now all the oaths make sense don't they  

now all the rituals make sense now all the  penalties make sense and their secret signs  

and symbols and handshakes all make sense while  the bulk of freemasons make the external image  

of the fraternity and know nothing of who rules  over them and who or what they're protecting

but which craft do you think the freemason  of the century is talking about here  

which craft which craft witchcraft


you need to slowly wake up now witchcraft is  the royal art of freemasonry jealously guided  

and reserved for the few i'll show you clear  as day that this is in fact is in fact true  

this is a symbol of satanism and this is the  symbol of the lodge of female freemasonry  

called the order of the eastern star look  at that satanism freemasonry trust your eyes  

this is the symbol of the church  of lucifer founded by a 33rd degree  

freemason which i'll prove look at the  masonic scoring compass in the design  

the church of satan and lucifer two sides  of the same coin nurtured and brought to  

an organized international level of power and  influence by freemasonry in secret and all done  

right under our noses and if you think that your  politicians or religious leaders or favorite  

idols can't be a part of this you have to try  and step out of it or suspend your everyday  

beliefs just for a moment and i will clearly  show you how it's not only possible but it's  

actually please i feel like it's now or never  if you don't get a glimpse of this now then when  

who else is going to tell you this when  will you next be confronted with this  

this is reality and as much as you thought  that ordinary people came into positions of  

power through hard work or concern for society or  family connections combined with brains and talent  

that's not the case that's the fantasy this is the  reality they all go through freemasonry you think  

that sam worthington was so talented that he was  picked over all those american actors to star in  

avatar of course not he was a freemason and so was  the director james cameron of the highest calibre  

you have to remember that to them lucifer is good  lucifer is the liberator jesus is the suppressor  

lucifer is pure love jesus is impure love lucifer  left heaven for you jesus was crucified because  

he was a false messiah the world has always  been deceptive and we have been magnificently  

deceived here is an incredible example  pay attention this should blow your mind  

charles darwin the father of atheism and  rationalism was an initiated freemason  

doing the hidden hand of freemasonry in this  picture and the vowel silence in this one

this would have remained unknown to us because  no one's going to teach us this but now we have  

the tools to see his beliefs not through  his words but through his signs and symbols  

i told you they can't help but to show off  their religions because they think we're  

stupid vile and ignorant and i've proven that  to you as well so once again are you going to  

prove them right by switching off and ignoring  this well unfortunately more than 90 of you will  

what i'm giving you here was priceless knowledge  because no amount of money or success can  

substitute its importance and i'm risking  everything everything but my own salvation  

to share it with you if only for the for the  few of you think about what you've just seen  

here with charles darwin because i don't know if  you got it you cannot be accepted as a candidate  

freemasonry unless you believe in a supreme  being as exemplified here with phil collins  

speculated by some to be an atheist but this  seems impossible because being a freemason  

he has to believe in a higher power or  more accurately supreme being and i can  

personally vouch for that and look here in  the masonic oath itself the candidate says  

i will not aid or be present at the  initiation of an atheist a madman or a fool  

freemasonry believes that to be an atheist is to  be the equivalent of a madman and they're right  

yet while they propagate atheism around the  world in universities and schools charles down  

himself was a believer in an intelligent  designer a supreme being he had to be  

because he's a freemason and that  intelligent designer that gave birth to us  

is named lucifer in the highest degrees of  freemasonry see never tell he lied to you  

because that's what freemasons do the whole  thing is a giant lie that was carefully  

constructed by mutilating the truth because  mutilated truths make the most successful lies  

this is the secret to their success  a lying tongue and a lying spirit  

from the first degree to the 33rd degree to  each other and to us i've proven that as well

and what did jesus how did he how did he describe  their god the father of lies how accurate the  

one who comes to cheat kill and destroy how  accurate again when i tell you their plans  

look here charles darwin is noted as an  influential figure by the satanic temple  

and proof for them apart from the  intelligent design that is all around us  

that lucifer is real and that is the god of  this realm is the power of witchcraft or magic  

magic works because there's a hierarchy or  a pyramidal power structure in the spirit  

realm a realm devoid of any love for you  and these spirits can be conjured up and  

summoned by the practitioners of the royal art  of freemasonry they ask for something in return  

however listen to bob dylan a freemason  hidden hand one eye symbolism out here  

doing these songs you know you're still on  tour i do but i don't take it for granted  

why do you still do it why are you still out  here well it goes back to the destiny thing  

you know i needed to bargain with it you know  long time ago and i'm holding up my hand what  

was your bargain to get where uh i am now should  i ask who you made to bargain with with with  

you know with the chief uh commander on  this earth and this earth we can't see

how does one communicate with bob dylan's  chief commander lucifer by the jealously  

guided royal art of freemasonry witchcraft this  is from the encyclopedia of american religions  

secrecy is bolstered by a system  of initiations and degrees  

the free masonic system the material which is  kept secret is the magical knowledge of the group  

this knowledge may consist of  rituals and powerful magical formulas

do you think jk rowling isn't a luciferian in  this article jk rowling reveals the inspiration  

behind the deathly hallows symbol and what is it  the masonic scoring compass with the one eye that  

all the celebrities mimic that's the inspiration  they're all members of the secret society  

if you think that doesn't prove anything here she  is with her new tattoo it says solver coagula also  

a song titled by fellow freemason marilyn manson  and where does it come from here the baphomet  

the image of lucifer as conceptualized  by another freemason elephant levi  

in his book the doctrine of transcendental  magic this horror thing with breasts a penis  

and a goat's head with two horns has these  words written on its arms solver coagula  

the impact of the meaning of these two  words should disturb you to soberness  

when i tell you about them because apart  from other things they involve the process  

in which the new system will be implemented  at unbelievable cost to you and i

here's a statue of the ba of the  baphomet at the temple satanic temple  

complete with two little kids admiring it  that's jk rowling's religion satanism the  

sacred religion for the highly evolved and the  highly successful welcome to the real world  

the same sonic author writes in the doctrine of  transcendental magic in the ceremonies practiced  

at reception by all secret societies there i  found indications of adoption which is everywhere  

carefully concealed and that is witchcraft  and in his history of magic he tells us  

it is the royal art and that's what freemasonry  calls it and where did he get his inspiration for  

the baphomet from the knights templar another  secret society who were banned and some of its  

members were executed in the 1300s for glorifying  evil as it's openly stated here in satanic rituals

and where do modern day knights templars reside  now within high degree of freemasonry right here  

again from the encyclopedia and listen to this the  continuing impact of speculative freemasonry which  

means modern day freemasonry provided fertile  soil in which new magical orders could grow  

magical orders meaning other branches of sacred  societies of which freemasonry is the umbrella  

because freemasonry is the  king of secret societies  

just like jfk tried to tell us it's the  prestigious channel that one must go through  

and it is the reason that the oldest religion in  the world has made a colossal comeback and is now  

on the brink of success which as i said nothing  can stop now and again from the encyclopedia  

the groups where ritual garb and meet in magical  lodges and where do masons meet in the masonic  

lodge like here with a magical pentagram on  their chequered floorboard are you believing  

your eyes or are you making excuses here's another  statue of the baphomet at a satanic temple doing  

the sign of the horned god lucifer the hand sign  mimicking the horns on his head and of course the  

upside-down cross here's barack obama doing the  same sign and sign of silence with a twist who do  

you think he's mocking here you and i but mainly  christians because christianity is the one force  

that has stood between you and the inconceivable  horror that is awaiting us and is on its way  

here's an article on barack obama and that's  his hands adjusting his presidential seal  

and this is for sonic green and the sun of the  devil's horns over and over freemasonry and  

satanism are intertwined look at these masonic  politicians throwing up the devil's horns  

george w bush look how sneaky and  sinister the look on his face is he  

and the manner in which he's delivering the  sign in front of the whole world is he a  

fan of rock music is he saying i love you in sign  language for the deaf like some people like to say

this is his fraternal order called skull  and bones also known as the order of death  

where you lie naked in a coffin with what's called  a temple prostitute during initiation clearly a  

masonic order with this guy displaying the hidden  hand of freemasonry in stanley kubrick's last  

movie before his death he's telling you that all  prominent members of industry including politics  

as the movie goes on to show are members  of a satanic secret society in it he shows  

the members engage in an orgy and feast after  the ceremony of dedication to their horned god  

to identify which secret society he's referring  to he leaves the clues in the artwork not once  

not twice but three times the one-eyed religion  and who do you think the title of the movie is  

dedicated to none other than the stupid ignorant  and uninitiated masses watching the movie and you  

know it now he knew that when we'd leave the  cinema we'd be commenting on the performance  

of tom cruise or giggling about the orgy scene  or just being disappointed because the movie  

went too long or some other meaningless critique  with eyes wide shut look at the cover of his other  

movie a clockwork orange the eye on top of the  pyramid and on his shirt the word devil in italian  

let me take it up a notch in case this isn't  registering listen to the founder of the satanic  

church anton levay tell us in his book the satanic  rituals which is a companion to the satanic bible  

masonic orders have contained the most  influential men in many governments  

and virtually every occult order has many  masonic roots this is back in 1972 he said this  

now 40 years later it should read all governments  not many and why is the founder of the church  

of satan talking about freemasonry the most  respectable and charitable fraternity in the world  

that no one seems to talk about and that  we never hear about in school this is why  

because the satanic ritual is a blend of gnostic  kabbalistic hermetic and masonic elements that's  

crazy because freemasonry is a blend of gnostic  kabbalistic and hermetic elements too any masonic  

writer will confirm that but how can that be  because freemasonry is satanism in disguise  

on page 106 every right of the black  order employed masonic principles  

every right of these black orders one  of which was called freuden von lucifer  

which translates to friends of lucifer and  guess what there are numerous manifestations  

of satanism in masonic ritual including  the goat the coffin and the death's head  

please awaken our sleeper and let the glorious  slide of the truth dawn upon your sleepy eyes

how did freemasonry get away with this just  like jesus the greatest enemy of theirs said  

they would by dressing the wolves a sheep  a satanic underground carefully cloaked in  

christian trappings that's how freemasonry  got away with it we can't find out about it  

because they run the media and the education  system clearly john f kennedy was brutally  

assassinated after he attempted to inform us that  we are opposed around the world by a monolithic  

conspiracy did he know that lucifer was the god  of freemasonry i don't know the grand master of  

my lodge who was the mayor of the city was a 32nd  degree freemason that's one short at the top one  

short of the true beginning of the secret religion  and he had no idea what freemasonry really was  

after 42 years in the lodge they never invited  him into the 33rd degree initiation because he  

couldn't see past the christian trappings  as they were designed to do exactly that  

trap the christian or trap anyone else who was  too sensitive to behold the truth thus freemasonry  

could halt their progress at any time without  suspicion because it's a rare thing to reach  

the 33rd degree and every freemason knows that so  that there are no rude awakenings that take place  

with those that aren't ready to embrace lucifer  as the true god of freemasonry and the world

this is an ingenious system birthed by  what must have been demonic inspiration  

anson levy says that this ingenious system i speak  of serves as a rudimentary screening process for  

organized satanism exactly right it's a filtering  process as i've said earlier an international  

filtering process from which men and women are  picked and permitted to enter the world stage  

and i'm saying all this for those who unevenly  think that politics and magic ritual do not mix  

that's the founder of the  satanic church he admits that

admissions that were never  heated because no one cares

how else did the freemasons pull the wall over our  eyes the companion to the satanic bible tells us  

that as well by filling the world with fools and  who's the biggest fall in the eyes of freemasonry  

an atheist from the encyclopedia of freemasonry  one who does not believe in the existence of god  

such a state of mind can only arise from  the ignorance of stupidity all this time  

you're laughing at christians and  the freemasons are laughing at you

he's brad pitt wearing his  masonic ring and covering his eye  

now here's a genuine quote from brad pitt the  freemason in short i could really try on something  

different for myself that was satanism it's  working out really well i made it pact that's why  

you don't believe him bob dylan does  

and the handsome they all do allow  me to show you what it symbolizes  

and now that you know what you know it should make  sense to you it stands for six six six yes indeed  

satan's number foretold by jesus christ  now just hang on let me prove it to you  

here it is for all to see on this shirt  design won by guns and roses guitar  

see the eye in the middle of the  six repeated three times at 666.

in this one the design in the shirt is  clearly demonstrated by the person wearing it

another example the hand sign  with three sixes on the shirt  

here's the movie poster the hand sign  and the six on his lapel connect the dots  

here's don sheedle the hand sign and  here he covers one eye with the dice  

what's the number on the dice that he holds toward  the camera six there's literally three sixes that  

manifest in the handstand itself like this that's  why they do it here's drake with the most obvious  

obvious example holding up the hand sign with  the all-seeing eye of lucifer on his bicep  

and here blatantly connecting the six to the  hand sign on that artwork to one of these songs  

the hand sign over one eye obviously signifying  a six this is proof the number is mystical and  

it's grounded in reality and it's related to sex  rituals within witchcraft you'll see i'll show you  

but if that's not enough there drake is  clearly intending that hand sign to be  

a way of communicating the number 666 a  hater of christianity and jesus christ  

but i wonder why he has everything he desires  christians aren't suppressing him he doesn't  

hate buddha or muhammad none of them do no  no jesus is who they hate but they protect  

freemasonry by communicating its presence in  their lives not by word but by symbols and signs  

disciples of lucifer while you don't believe it  they take it very seriously and they mock you by  

displaying it in your face they know the truth the  chief commander the one at the top of the pyramid  

is satan the god of this world  just like jesus told you he is

britney spears doing the 666 over the  eye and look at this the devil's horns  

while she wears the seal of the us one dollar  bill designed by freemasons you know why now  

you just have to stop denying it freemasonry is  satanism in disguise this is how they tell you  

let's go to britney's close friend whom  she tongue kissed in front of the world  

sexualized as these people are and for all the  girls out there to be inspired and corrupted by  

madonna wearing the same masonic design as  britney triple six hand sign the one eye symbolism  

and the vow silence the vow of silence  with her fellow practitioner of witchcraft  

the masonic iron the triangle behind her and now  the upside down cross of christ on her outfit a  

member of the secret society who hates jesus with  a passion as you can see here with lucifer the god  

of freemasonry giving her oral sex deep despisers  of christianity are you wondering why yet  

the sign of the devil's horns here meaningfully  placed and done with precise intent like with  

all of them and here teaching her poor children  to follow in her footsteps truly only god knows  

how many young people she's perverted in  her career all orchestrated by freemasonry  

he's the founder of the church of satan  again anton levay showing the horn sign  

the horned god of the witches as illustrated  by una woodruff in her book witches  

and here with a member of the agora  sect of hinduism partaking in a ritual  

of the oldest religion of the world she's drinking  blood he from what a human skull sound familiar  

that's right that's what all  the high level freemasons do  

except they use wine until they themselves  are invited into the secret religion  

it's ritualistically done to gain magical  abilities not a myth and look at a hand sign  

it's also known as the el diablo you still think  this handstone is a joke or it's misunderstood  

or misrepresented by people like me look at the  cover of anton's other book called satan speaks  

look at the eye he has one  eye emphasized can you see  

what about the image of lucifer in the satanic  temple look at the right eye it's darkened  

you ready for this from the bible and  this passage is thousands of years old  

woe to the worthless shepherd his right arm  shall be completely withered and his right eye  

shall be utterly darkened where do you  think this hatred for jesus comes from

do you think it's because we've outgrown  it or because it speaks the truth  

who do you think this worthless shepherd with  one eye darkened is and who said i am the good  

shepherd who said that jesus christ is the good  shepherd not the worthless shepherd with one eye  

you think it's all just a coincidence just hang  tight a little longer and you will see some wonder  

here's anton lavey with freemason marilyn manson  and here's maryland covering his eye in case  

he forgot that this is the eye of freemasonry  the international religion they all belong to  

here he is giving the sign of  the master of the second veil  

the hidden hand of freemasonry  along with his masonic ring  

you know how many presidents and journalists  and common men have tried to expose freemasonry  

or get it shut down get it banned well those days  are long gone marilyn manson the freemason who  

tears the bible into pieces on stage during his  performances he captured the fundamental purpose  

of freemasonry's existence very well when he  said in an interview with spin magazine in 1996  

hopefully i'll be remembered as the  person who brought an end to christianity  

echoing the dreams of grandeur just like his  spiritual father now kesha one eye symbolism  

of freemasonry the eye in the triangle  and the sign of silence so she's a member  

and behold an inverted cross in her music  video inverted cross on her outfit and a  

satanic pentagram on this outfit just  like the symbol of female freemasonry  

you think none of these freemasons look like  witches really and none of these wishes in  

the making remember ninety percent of  them don't know what they're serving  

or what they're doing there or why they're  taking oaths of such silence and such penalty

avril lavigne does showing her allegiance with  the one eye symbolism participating in lesbianism  

in a video influencing the masses subtly  stealing her innocence and what's on her helmet  

one eye and doing the el diablo  with pentagrams at her concert  

anthony bourdain with his one eye symbolism  he was openly a hater of christianity  

and what kind of woman would suit a man like  this well a fellow member of the secret society  

who hates christianity too of course asia  argento one eye symbolism again and again  

the sign of lucifer's horns and this  pose of his image remember the baphomet  

there's asia mimicking its pose complete with  the finger position creatures with breasts and  

an erect penis and a goat's head you know things  you find normal now thanks to international  

freemasonry normalizing evil and filth through  multiple levels of and avenues of propaganda  

and influence including television movies music  music videos schools education through legislation  

through passing of laws to protect the evil  nature and of course through your favorite idols  

chris hemsworth gesture every day good  aussie bloke i'm afraid not one eye symbolism  

and a sign of silence both of which mean he's  taken all the disgusting oaths of freemasonry  

under the penalty of death thus catapulting him  over the competition never to promote christian  

values or jesus christ again the triple six hand  sign and now see how the hand symbol makes sense

amber heard who was married to this freemason  who's best friends with this freemason  

i told you they only date marry and associate  with their secret society here with the triple  

six over one eye and this tweet i think it's  a tweet i don't know look at the one i closed  

darkened if you will and identifying  its meaning with the devil's hand symbol  

of course she camouflages the whole thing with  her misdirecting words for the dumb masses  

but we can see through that now right

but look it's elon musk replying he's a fan of  amber heard or is there more to it good sign he  

says the sign of the devil's horns the fertility  god the sex god that's what he's referring to  

why on earth would he point that out you know why  

but to be sure let's go to his wife or  girlfriend grimes one eye and whose eye is it  

you know that too now the god of this  world who hates jesus christ just like  

she does two inverted crosses of christ and  the pentagram and what about elon's mother  

of course all members of the secret society  most of whom most of us who never even knew  

it existed blink 182 initiated member with  some of his secret brothers from the lodge  

the vow of silence sign of the devil  cindy lopez all seeing eye vow silence  

the sign of the god of this world christian bale  who thanked satan at an awards show doing the  

sign of the master of the second veil the hidden  hand of freemasonry ashley tisdale all seeing eye  

social media post and hanging out with her  boyfriend who proudly was the satanic cross  

you think they belong to the same religion of  course they do bonnie wright one eye and the  

satanic horns john cleese i include him here  because he's a well-known hater and mocker of  

jesus christ and christianity he got rich off it  and he's a proud freemason showing his allegiance  

motley crew nikki sixx tommy lee vince neil  holding across upside down and their album cover  

secretly freemasons under oath  while promoting satanism in the open  

doing their job and influencing the  masses to hate jesus and christianity  

and to live a life of sin  through seduction of their music

secret society member jimi hendrix hiding one eye  and telling you about the secret powers of music  

nirvana kurt bass player chris dave grohl

dave and jack black making the sign of  the pentagram a geometric tool used in  

the magical curriculum and dave wearing his  upside down cross hard to listen to all those  

beautiful songs he's written now courtney love  and her daughter glorifying the symbol of satan  

and nirvana discovering something on a  road trip while covering some numbers up  

proud satanists all secret freemasons here's  quentin tarantino now that we know what we know  

can you see through this picture to reach its  true meaning the all-seeing eye whose identity is  

revealed by the hand gesture which is 666 with the  vowel of silence and throwing up the devil's horns  

which i hope you can finally see mean something  share can this get any more obvious now the sign  

of the vow of silence being made with the sign of  the devil telling you that the secret which isn't  

to be spoken of is lucifer right there in front  of you speaking through signs and symbols like  

confucius said signs and symbols rule the world  not words nor laws cardi b i just want you to see  

a few connections between the one eye symbolism  the triple six hand sign and the horned god symbol  

eddie isad all seeing eye hidden hand and  mimicking the horns of the masonic god  

oh but men love the darkness rather than  light as the scriptures put it so solemnly  

look at how precise that statement is with  high-ranking freemasons loving the darkness so  

much that they define the darkness itself as light  watch in an article by worshipful  

master john alexander who has journeyed from the  lower degrees to the high and sublime degrees  

this is the religion of our leaders  and celebrities so listen he writes  

every ritual from the highest sublime degrees  that i've ever read contains the statement i beg  

you to observe that the light of a master mason  is darkness visible i put it to you brethren  

that this is the most accurate description  of masonic light that you will ever find  

think about what you just heard because this  is what they learn masonic light is darkness  

and this is before they enter the real religion  of freemasonry satanism that's why in the high  

degrees the ritual states to the candidate i beg  of you to observe meaning to ponder to contemplate  

what they mean by the statement my 32nd degree  grand master he never understood and they don't  

push you remember it's all a screening process to  weed out the weaklings who can't handle the truth  

the truth that this is how the all-seeing  eye sees things evil is good and good is evil  

look at what he says immediately afterwards  in keeping with our normal masonic practice of  

burying our important truths deeply the ritual  sets out to immediately disguise this truth  

usually people bury their lies  but masons bury their truths  

because their truth is that god is the devil  and that we are in hell so everything has to  

be flipped on its head in order for  things to make sense in this place  

where lust creates life where might is right  where compassion is weakness and of course  

in order to succeed look he with another freemason  of the highest degree helena blavatsky she writes  

in her book the secret doctrine doctrine means  belief so the book is called the secret belief  

the sacred belief of freemasonry she says the sons  of god of whom satan was one all those spiritual  

beings were called angels of darkness because  that darkness is absolute light do you see how  

far they go to protect and glorify the darkness  because men love darkness rather than light  

if these were just randoms next door or some minor  cult i wouldn't be telling you about them and i  

really wouldn't care this much but these are not  randoms these are our heroes these are those who  

have crept into the power structure very slowly  since 1717 when the first masonic ground lodge was  

organized to overthrow christianity and the world  these are those who we admire trust and these are  

those who have perverted our culture with one  hand the hidden hand while upholding it with the  

other hand so you can never call them out because  they're on charities nursing homes and children's  

hospitals in the open while they propagate smut  violence debt and of course atheism in secret  

while a plethora of everyday distractions are  endlessly supplied to us through entertainment  

and news plowing through our lives that's  political freemasonry politicizing everything  

including entertainment supplying you with their  heroes and their idols and now that 95 of the  

world have been spiritually disarmed by thinking  oh the world is a good place and jesus is a myth  

they've rigged our infrastructure and they're  about to bring it down so they can build up their  

new world from the ashes a completely new system  of life on this planet is coming i promise you  

that in a book called satan's master plan levy  affirms his commitment to destroy christianity  

now check out anton levay once again in  perfect parallel with freemasonry stating  

in the satanic bible waiting at the darkness  visible for that bright and morning star  

bright morning star being a reference to lucifer  the exact same expression as the freemason and  

worshipful master john alexander that we just  heard describing masonic light darkness visible  

identical language because  freemasonry is satanism in disguise

this is what the initiated queen of freemasonry  helena blavatsky says of the bulk of freemasons in  

her book the knowledge of their members about the  full signification of their symbols is nil that's  

of course true to the freemasons listening how do  i know she's a freemason because her diploma was  

reproduced on page 66 in freemasonry universal  volume 5 part 2 in the autumn equinox 1929  

and also because she's displaying the masonic  penalty sign like all these freemasons

drew barrymore all seeing eye vow silence  and see the symbol of her secret god  

elijah wood one eye hidden hand of freemasonry  and the devil's horns sammy davis jr  

the eye of the freemasons is  the all-seeing eye of lucifer  

because here he is with anton levay  the founder of the church of satan  

so when you see him hanging with other celebrities  like bill cosby can you be sure that they belong  

to the same religion sure you can i told you  they didn't hang out with the uninitiated you  

think the rat pack weren't freemasons well here's  their leader frank sinatra doing the hidden hand


i got introduced to the music industry because i  swear i wanted to be like the amy grant of music  

but it did not work out and so i sold myself

on that have you considered maybe doing  the wrapping i only had a few lines  

it was fantastic but i can't really  tell you anything else but um  

but i i it would surely i know i can't  it's very secretive it's a very secret


it's just i'd like to uh first of all  like to thank satan i'd like to thank  

louis armstrong i'd like to thank neil  young i'd like to thank the rollins band  

i'd like to thank bob barley i'd like to  thank the marx brothers i'd like to thank  

salvador dali i'd like to thank liberty  pretty well i like to thank miles davis  

i like to split like uh the parliament [ __  ] knowledge and uh i like to thank you too



there is a fork in the road that's approaching you

and you can stay on the path  which curves to the left  

by denying the existence of satanism  in the fullness that you've been shown  

or you can surrender to the truth  and take the right hand path

now where that road could lead is  the sweetest risk you'll ever take

are you still pretending that this one-eye  religion of freemasonry isn't luciferianism

see this here is the biggest obstacle you'll  ever face the very thing that could lead you to  

the prize is the very thing that will keep you  from it the reality of international satanism

in the shadow of christianity satanism has always  been there with every church that sprung up so did  

its invisible enemy the satanic church growing  out of sight and out of mind from this to this

and christianity has long been deprived of its  power as clearly demonstrable by the absolute  

lack of preaching against the institution of  freemasonry satanism's magic cloak satanism's  

magic trick that's freemasonry  and how they are laughing for now

so freemasons are now are at the helm  of the power structure of society  

which means satanism rules and they're making  their move for the new order of the ages  

are you that besotted by this evil world that  you'll even deny the existence of secret societies  

and what about the american president john kennedy  

was he just a nut job like me warning us about an  international secret society with an international  

secret plot a freemason trying to tell you and  the world about freemasonry shot through the head

i've shown you who they are i've  shown you how they successfully  

operate with degrees of initiations and  horrific and illegal oaths of secrecy  

and i've shown you why they are a secret society  i've proven it to you and only now that i've done  

that i can show you in this many minutes what  the shocking new order that freemasonry has so  

cautiously been guiding us toward actually looks  like and of course you won't believe that either  

by now there's a 98 and a half percent  chance that you belong to the world  

and in that case the world can do will do and is  doing whatever the hell it wants to do with you  

and when all you have is the world you'll do  anything to hold on to it christian or not  

most of you will follow this world straight  to the slaughterhouse in the name of peace  

safety and progress clinging to it because all you  love is inside it blissfully ignoring people like  

me warning you of who's really in charge of it men  women actors singers businessmen and politicians  

all interlocked whose god is named lucifer  

you've seen it with your own eyes but  now you can hear it with your own ears  

from this 33 degree freemason in person just in  case the masonic literature wasn't enough for you  

innocent individual that's out to help people  lucifer is yeah listen say that again lucifer is  

a pure holy virtuous virtuous now see the lucifer  that god created that's the same one oh man this  

is great i'm going to put this on the internet  god bless you brother because that's exactly  

what the shriners of masons teaches at lucifer  lucifer is light no and you're what are confirmed

jesus said many will say to me on that day  lord lord did not we do not do these good  

deeds in your name and you'll stay away from  me you work for some iniquity i never knew you  

jesus said in matthew chapter five  you've been bred from childhood to fall  

for the biggest lie ever told that satan  doesn't exist and if satan doesn't exist  

well then neither does jesus and while your heroes  heroes and idols know full well that they do exist

and when i say you've been bred  from childhood i mean just that  

walter disney was a high ranking freemason  he is a stunning stamp dedicated to him  

and he's very exclusive club 33 which  stands for the 33 degrees of freemasonry  

and who's the guard of the 33rd degree  freemason walt disney well walter hides  

the answer in plain sight because that's what  freemasons do firstly the god of mr disney is  

wicked see how they veil evil with a cloak of  innocence what does the word veil itself conceal

secondly walter's god is horny symbolized  by the horned god of the witches and we  

all know walt disney loves magic which  is witchcraft so the depictions of sex  

are hidden in plain sight as well remember  lust produces life not love so lust is purity  

lust is love for the high degree freemason and  thirdly he hides the number of his god's name  

in the open as well no no that's not a triple  six he's saying interwoven in the design  

that would be ridiculous wouldn't it not even when  they separate the sixes from the name all three of  

them and place them together for you like this  in plain sight no not even then will people see  

do you think things are any better 50 years  later here's the eye of lucifer in the nick  

in the nickelodeon channel and his lightning flash  remember what they actually believe about satan  

from freemason helena blovatsky's book the  secret doctrine meaning the sacred belief  

who is satan he's the angel who was proud  enough to believe himself god brave enough  

to buy his independence at the price of eternal  suffering and torture beautiful enough to have  

adored himself in full divine light strong  enough to still reign in darkness amidst agony  

helena blavatsky is suggested as recommended  reading by the encyclopedia freemasonry right here  

and the grand pontiff of universal freemasonry  speaking of lucifer satan and the devil on page  

407 writes that to the initiate the devil  is the instrument of liberty or free will  

that's who lucifer is to them okay to  show you how little you know of who you're  

dealing with and the extent of this religious  influence and power not to mention their plans  

let me jump ahead for a minute watch this this is  lucius trust the lucius trust is a non-for-profit  

service organization incorporated in the  united states in 1922 and their objective  

from lucious trust website dedicated to the  establishment of a new and better way of life  

for everyone in the world based on the  fulfillment of the divine plan for humanity  

the divine plan a new way of life like  a new world system like a new order

now you want to see who they work for the  lucious trust has consultative status with  

the economic and social council of the  united nations the united nations the un  

they consult the united nations of the world  they advise the united nations of the world  

now look at this the lucius trusts publishing  company was founded in the early 1920s as  

lucifer publishing company the lucius trust says  that the name was probably chosen to honor lucifer

what on earth does a modern day consultant to  the most powerful and progressive force engaged  

in uniting all nations under one banner the u.n  have to do with the fallen angel of the holy bible  

the one that jesus christ told us would manifest  on earth as the world ruler to deceive the  

whole world into a new world system yes that  angel why on earth will they honor that angel  

well that's easy they were founded by freemasons  incorporated into the united states by alice  

bailey and her husband foster well here's  a book written by foster the freemason the  

spirit of freemasonry published by lucius press  also known as lucifer publishing one last thing  

if you dig a little you'll find an article on  their website the esoteric meaning of lucifer  

on a modern company website with consultative  powers to the united nations of all things  

wow i really hope you're seeing this in the  article that states that bailly's had enormous  

respect for h.p blavatsky who stated in her  renowned occult book the secret doctrine on page  

245 in a chapter called holy satan it is satan  who was the god of our planet and the only god

then the article goes on to say that  the bailly's sought to elicit a deeper  

understanding of the sacrifice made by  lucifer everything has been reversed  

evil is good jesus is the enemy and lucifer  sacrificed himself for you not jesus christ  

the one who washed the feet of  his disciples and the only one  

they fear modern progressive atheists do not  influence world events people satanists do

remember the goal of the lucious trust the  fulfillment of the divine plan for humanity  

yeah the divine plan exposed by jesus christ  in the gospels hence their war on the bible  

and the abolition of it from the school system  and even from modern christian churches who  

dare not preach from the book of revelation  your most highly evolved and contemporary  

leaders of society secretly believe that in  the theosophical perspective the descent of  

these solar angels was not a fall into sin or  disgrace but rather an act of great sacrifice  

they believe in the fallen angels and their revolt  against god as revealed in the bible led by the  

devil the chief commander of freemason bob dylan  remember these people make contact with these  

fallen angels with the royal art of freemasonry  called witchcraft please stick around let me show  

you that how many solar angels does the bible say  followed lucifer out of this heaven heavenly realm

a third of the angels makes 33 percent does  that number sound familiar yet 33 degrees of  

freemasonry just a coincidence from the gospels  again which expose these people every time  

do not let anyone who delights in false  humility and the worship of angels and  

who has access to some visionary world  beguile you trick you of your reward

you still then believe that the false humility  of the charitable fraternity of the freemasons  

is behind it all well blavatsky also  published a magazine called lucifer  

with a woman named annie bassant and here's  a letter written by annie herself with  

the official masonic letterhead and here  annie signs off as a 33rd degree freemason  

printed also in the left-hand corner annie bassant  33rd degree and a member of the supreme council  

undeniable and undisputable please don't  make me prove it to you over and over  

have you caught a glimpse of who you're dealing  with yet they're all freemasons high ranking  

and they're all buffeted by a plethora of  masonic jews who don't know any of this  

because they can't decipher the  symbols and they don't care to try  

they're proud and boastful and defensive of  their beloved fraternity in which they get to rub  

shoulders with the most important people of this  suburbs cities and towns and in which they got on  

their knees to take blood oaths of death calling  other old decrepitated men worshipful master  

yet still they think it's innocent and has nothing  to hide delusional and lost almost beyond hope  

some of them still think it's a christian  organization just like the founder of the  

the satanic church described what do you  get when you carefully conceal satanism  

with christianity you get free masonry people  satanism is at the core of our world and it  

is behind the new order that will be implemented  soon enough it will be all done through deception  

you'll be tricked remember how i told you that  the all-seeing eye sees that we're in hell  

well the massive witch and freemason helena says  so right here satan is the minister of god lord  

of the seven mentions of hades the angel of the  manifest worlds hades means hell manifest worlds  

means earth this is who you're dealing with  this is the religion and the beliefs of the  

rich powerful and famous and yes politicians do  you want to go back to sleep you can sleep after  

this wait till i show you what they're going  to do to you coming up in this many minutes

for those who simply refuse to  believe that bono or scott morrison  

or prince can be luciferians  because they all go to church

let me show you another masonic ritual they do  

and this is before satanism or luciferianism is  revealed to the candidate and then you tell me if  

bono or scott are capable of secretly believing in  lucifer it all starts here with the masonic apron  

different kinds signifying different grades have  you guessed what it's hiding yet the genitals  

pretty obvious like everything  else they hide once you can see  

the genitals are the true working tools of a  mason freemasonry is foundationally a sex cult  

like satanism because it all starts with  sex doesn't it life itself starts with sex  

so the mystical force of the true god a  freemasonry hides in the hidden part of  

the human body that's the holy of holies covered  by the masonic apron the seat of god the seat of  

lucifer see he was satanist king diamond's  artwork the eye is attached to the horn god  

but look at where the eye starts from the waist  down that's where the apron of a mason begins and  

the one eye of freemasonry is also the one eye of  the penis where life generates and springs forth  

see the openly hidden secret of  the masonic scrolling compass now  

you're looking at the sex act that's  the female in missionary position  

and that's the male mounting her the sex act and  the eye in the middle with these emanating rays  

is the orgasm and the ejaculation  of the penis see life shooting forth  

that's how they see the sun in the earth too  the sun is the visible penis of their true god  

shooting forth life continually the light itself  is the mystical sperm of the god of this world  

the sun and penis generate life while the earth  and female worm produce life the letter g when  

replacing the i in the middle of the squaring  compass stands for generation sexual generation  

the practical aspect of freemasonry and  satanisms religion is that of a sex cult  

you see rod stewart telling you he's a freemason  by displaying the hidden hand of freemasonry  

also known as the master of the second veil  and look at his other hand taking the masonic  

apron's place for covering his penis which is  the holy of holies the seat of god for the mason  

and from the grand pontiff of freemasonry other  pike hence the significancy of the phallus  

the penis or of its inoffensive substitute the  obelisk straight from the horse's mouth the erect  

penis graces us or should i say disgraces us  with its presence in every country in the world  

marking its territory the masonic  obelisk in our face everywhere  

making its bold statement yelling screaming  in silence this is another reason why we're  

considered the ignorant and stupid masses  another example of hidden in plain sight

and here's an erect penis on the front  page of the female freemasonry magazine  

the eastern star i once stood in front of  this obelisk in sydney and i must have asked  

30 people what they thought it was not a  single one of them knew to the freemasons  

of the higher degrees the whole universe  is in fact one giant and continuous sex act  

this is the structure of freemasonry you can take  this path to the top or this path and way up here  

you have the order of the mystic shrine the mystic  shrine is what's found behind the masonic apron  

because that's where life comes from that's  the mystic shrine you have to be a 32nd degree  

freemason to be asked to join the order of the  mystic shrine and then once you're inside you  

can be invited to join this order the royal order  of jesters see freemasonry's like russian dolls  

and satanism is at its center look at some of  the pins and lapel designs for the order of  

the jesters you can only join them unless  you're at least a 32nd degree freemason

sex and debauchery erections

the adoration of the phallus masturbation

devils demons

fallen angels this one here mocking  holiness reference to the anus and sodomy  

anything to mock the bible this disgusting  one has king momos sitting on a female's face  

and hidden in plain sight is the square and  the compass for those who have eyes to see  

bestiality yes indeed this bagpipe player has  an erection and the sheep is running away scared  

self-explanatory this one this character  is an emphasized eye if you can see that  

and the skull has an emphasized eye also  the wink and the one eye of the indian

and the secrecy the symbols of secrecy on  the far right here the monkey covers his  

groin area symbolizing the masonic apron and  the black and white dogs well they symbolize  

the checkered floorboard of the masonic lodge  which is sexualized male and female principles  

the horned god where evil and good don't exist  and in the first degree masons are given a bible  

stamped with the squaring compass oblivious  to the inherent mockery and the foundation  

of the whole fraternity as alluded to here with  a genuine royal order of jester's private lapel

this is a certificate that a jester receives  after his initiation and you see here their  

patron is named king momos and he was a god  or a demon which is a variant of the word  

demon who was expelled from heaven as the legend  goes sounds just like lucifer because it is  

did freemasonry disassociate themselves from the  tax-exempt branch of freemasonry known as the  

jesters well no they didn't because i mean this is  rare footage of an event within within the lodge  

and i'm sorry about the quality of this but  this is a masonic lodge so for masons that  

want to say that the gestures are contrary to  masonry well look look at these dirty old men  

masters of the lodge with sublime morals  all married probably all have daughters  

and granddaughters yet still this inside  the lodge but for you it should be obvious  

because you can see the squaring compass  the sex act and the all-seeing eye  

right in the middle i told you that satanism  was the oldest religion in the world  

and it is the sex act was ritualized and organized  as a religion before we called it satanism but  

satan has always been the god the horny god  the horned god of these sex cults all of them  

from samaria to egypt to greece and so on that's  called that's called paganism and the real bible  

of the freemasons and the pagans the one not  written by hand the one that's older than any book  

the one that supersedes all the rest in age thus  making it the purest and most unadulterated word  

of god in the eyes of the freemasons is nature  nature is their bible and before you think there's  

nothing wrong with that wait a second because  you're not thinking straight ask a mason whether  

he be a first degree or a 33rd degree what is  freemasonry and the universal go-to answer is this  

a peculiar system of morality veiled  in allegory and illustrated by symbols  

now why would you need to veil your  morals because in their peculiar system  

evil is good and good is evil that's satanism  one i won a peculiar system of morals that should  

tell you something that should tell you everything  why would your morals need to be a secret because  

their deeds are in fact evil glorifying the  laws of nature where cruelty and self-obsession  

obsession are virtuous characteristics that's  nature nature is as cruel as she is kind  

the checkered floorboard where everything is  legal it's christianity that lives in reverse  

the first shall be last love your enemies the  meek shall inherit the earth these are unholy  

and unnatural concepts in the eyes of visible  nature the nature of freemasonry which is satanism  

what the freemasons really mean  by this morality veldin allegory  

is that they're allowed to steal because nature  allows it they're allowed to kill because nature  

allows it they're allowed to commit adultery  because nature isn't monogamous they're allowed  

to lie indulge in all their god-given senses  especially sexual because nature encourages it  

as long as no one finds out under oath jesus said  narrow is the road that leads to life and broad  

is the road that leads to destruction the  freemason of the century says no true mason can be  

narrow for his lodge is the divine expression of  all broadness because broad are the divine laws of  

nature while they glorify those laws christianity  breaks those laws it becomes supernatural because  

only then can you love your enemy and so it goes  that christianity is despised by freemasonry  

the real freemasons because their bible is nature  and by nature they know the personality traits of  

their god satan because he's the god of this world  just as the freemasons the enemies of mankind say  

that he is and just like jesus said he was too so  they believe that jesus is evil because he denies  

human nature and burdens us with the knowledge  of sin observable nature that's what guides  

the masons ethics and the masons morals that's  why they're called free masons believe you me  

because they're free from moral obligations free  from sin from guilt they're free from jesus christ  

these people are introducing this new system  of the world this new age you're gonna miss  

christianity when it's gone mark my words  because you have no rights in the eyes of nature  

which is the bible of freemasonry and satanism  and soon that will become painfully plain as  

a fact of life now please i'll give you a fair  warning of what's to come in this presentation  

it's very disturbing or at least it should be

but cause to celebrate follows the  disgusting things you're about to see  

this is precisely where my own life and well-being  come into danger so let me say this right now  

if you hear of my sudden death or of my possession  of half a kilogram of cocaine or child porn or my  

overdose or my suicide remember this video and  if something so unfortunate should happen to me  

may it serve as a catapult to you and as a  remembrance of the conclusion to this presentation  

which is this many minutes away do i really think  they're gonna make me pay for this video for  

breaking my oaths well seeing as people are so far  gone lost in the illusion that secret societies  

have constructed around you and inside you and  seeing as they can simply pull this video down  

close my account and whatnot no i don't  think they'll come after me but if they do  

let me say this to the grand lodge that  orders my demise right now jesus wins

so in saying all that here we  go is scott morrison a satanist  

i'll let you answer that here is a ritual that  scott and every freemason from this guy to this  

girl have performed there is one masonic  apron you'll never see being worn this one

when i bumped into it i thought it was a fake  until i found this in richardson's monitor  

freemasonry official masonic literature  written for masons only on this page  

what is that head doing there you'll find out in  a sec let's read the description of the apron warn  

in this degree speaking of the initiates it states  they wear white aprons sprinkled with blood red  

and lined and boarded with black on  the flap of the apron a bloody arm  

holding a dagger and on the apron a bloody  arm holding a bloody head by the hair

now this is why there's an  illustration of a decapitated head  

and this is going to become  to a bone-shilling conclusion

so during this ritual the candidate removes the  blindfold and discovers a basin of water with a  

tumbler beside it he is also astonished  to find a human head lying on the floor  

the master of ceremonies returns and  directs the candidate to take up the  

knife in his right hand and the head in his left

yes this pope this rock star this pop star this  actor this actress and this beloved prime minister  

this is what they've done all of them hands down  and you thought all you needed to be is talented  

to succeed no you need to belong to the secret  society called freemasonry and believe me when  

you belong to them you belong to them now you tell  me can these people end up believing in lucifer  

is that really a stretch  carrying around a bloody head  

swearing to have your brain cooked tongue  torn out from the roots if you ever reveal  

anything no the stretch is that you think they  couldn't believe in lucifer that's the stretch  

lucifer the one who sets you free remember from  sin by sinning can you now see the bloody spirit  

of freemasonry lurking behind the veneer  of charity and the veneer of christianity  

because scott morrison goes to church  apparently the pope is a christian apparently  

but look at these people so-called christians or  christians gathered around a giant erect phallus  

in the middle of the catholic square

this is freemasonry the demolition of morals the  creation of hypocrisy and the demolition of true  

virtue these minds are directing the future now to  be fair i don't know if these heads are real heads  

i never got that far to find out but i will tell  you this all the skulls they use are they're real  

all the skeletons they use are  they're real and they run every single  

noteworthy funeral home in australia and the  world i know that personally and for a fact

once again you are only seeing the tip of the  iceberg because i can't bring myself to tell  

you about what i really know of the rituals that  come after the 33rd degree freemasonry for as much  

as they celebrate life in various grotesque  ways they also celebrate death in ritual form  

which are the things i can't speak of  to you they have to celebrate death  

in order to prove that they can see  things through the all-seeing eye  

the one that sees above evil and above  good the checkered floorboard where  

things kill each other to live where  life is cruel where morals are broad

there is no sin there is only nature see these  masonic rituals are designed to desensitize the  

candidate further and further in preparation  for the raw truth of satanism the truth  

which is plainly stated by the grand pontiff of  universal freemasonry lucifer is the light bearer  

and that you should doubt at night from their own  literature and from their own mouths until finally  

the candidate's introduction into the royal  art of freemasonry witchcraft the ancient craft  

why do you think that witchcraft has disappeared

it never disappeared it was hidden forced to  go into hiding by the appearance of jesus on  

the human scene another reason why he's  passionately hated and soon him and his  

ways will be done away within this new world and  so will your rights you still don't believe me  

you're still dating all the evidence like  the freemasons are counting on you to doubt  

well remember from the encyclopedia of american  religions the continuing impact of speculative  

modern freemasonry provided fertile soil  in which new magical orders could grow  

watch this two-minute clip i can vouch for every  single thing you hear come from the former mason's  

mouth in the initiation in freemasonry  we had to be recommended by another mason

well in order to join witchcraft you have to  be first screened you have to be recommended  

by somebody currently in witchcraft well when i  was initiated i was blindfolded and bound by a  

rope and on your bare chest was just the point  of a spear in witchcraft we were initiated to a  

a very involved ritual initiation ceremony wherein  the candidate was led blindfolded bound by a rope  

to the edge of the magic circle and the rope  is around your neck and your lid forward  

and up front at the eastern end of the  building is a person who's a worshipful master  

and you kneel down before him as if he were a god  you were met by the high priest or high priestess  

at that time usually with a sword to your chest  when i went to enter the lodge a shirt object  

was put to my left breast and i was warned that  should i reveal any of the secrets of freemasonry  

uh to know what to expect when you're presented  before the high priest a sword is held against  

your chest and you actually take a blood  oath promising to remain faithful to the  

secrets of witchcraft when you are in the  room this blindfold is taken away from you  

and this is a time when they say that  you're coming from darkness and delight  

during the initiation ceremony the the initiate  is led by the lieutenant of the high priest  

and is challenged at the edge of the circle by  someone saying who goes there and the answer is  

one from the world of darkness in masonry the  prayers are ended with someone to be oh and one  

of the other aspects of or distinctives of the  craft was that we would always end any spell or  

ritual where we released the powers where the  power was released with the word soul motive

by now this should sound like a stupid  question but why do you think that the  

initiation ceremonies into witchcraft are  almost identical to that of freemasonry  

i'm not even gonna answer that come on  people wake up with me he's calling him  

an oak a freemason okay he didn't hand  a freemasonry and the one-eyed symbolism  

of the god of her religion now here she is  giving the vow of silence but what the masses  

fail to see is what's written on the book she's  holding witchcraft the royal art of freemasonry  

this is what her valve silence is referring  to in the picture yes kylie minogue is a witch  

and if you're still that deluded by the magic  wand that is television entertainment movies  

media and whatnot then you'll no doubt fail  to use the incredible eyes that god gave you  

from which to see the real world with the  evil world where satanists are at the helm  

the ban on witchcraft was only officially  lifted in england in the fifties after more  

than fifteen hundred years so that tells you  who's in control now and when i give you a  

glimpse into witchcraft in a minute you'll see why  it's evil and why it should be anything but legal  

even when using it for so-called good because  the well they draw from is poisoned but thanks  

to propaganda the craft of the witch has  been absorbed into the realm of fantasy  

justin timberlake here is also referring to magic  in this cover art with the all-seeing eye looking  

through the number of their god magic magic is  a much smoother and more acceptable word than  

witchcraft that other word that word still  retains its ferociousness it's true character  

but that word has been sterilized  that word isn't real to you anymore  

you can't feel it for what it really is  or if you do your mind has isolated it  

confined it to some small groups of unimportance  scattered here and there over this diverse world  

and so it's nothing to be feared or concerned  about but that's the furthest thing from the truth  

now some witches want to say that witchcraft  isn't satanism that's either more delusion or  

misdirection as confirmed here by anton levay  in the companion to the satanic bible when  

speaking of the followers of the witchcraft not  satanism school he writes very accurately that  

they cannot afford to admit to an affinity with  anything that bears the name satan he knows  

where the power of witchcraft comes from now does  that mean that justin timberlake is a satanist  

because of his symbolism and the use of his  word alluding to witchcraft and his artwork  

well yes actually that's correct he is here's a  quote from his one of you from one of his songs  

you want to see who else is in good  company with these famous idols  

suzanne atkins same sign same religion satanism  do they all have to admit it in the english  

language for you to believe me or can the  symbols they use finally be enough for you  

look at what another legendary  freemason arthur e wade states  

out of evil comes good and the confusion of  tongues gave rise to the ancient practice  

of masons conversing without the use of speech  out of evil comes good so it's good to do evil  

that's what he's saying see i'm trying to  include you into the conversation that the  

freemasons are having with each other in  public via symbolism unbeknownst to you  

listen to what famous us footballer tom brady  said regarding his wife so man i listen to  

her and right after the game she said see i  did a lot of work you do your work i do mine  

she said you're lucky you married  a witch i'm just a good witch

well this is tom brady and this is his wife  both initiated into the secret society of  

course they are wait she's not displaying  the one eye symbol of the freemasons is she  

that's just art isn't it well no it's not she's  a witch and her husband just told you she was  

here's steve miller's front cover  to the famous song abracadabra  

and he covers his eye because he's a member  of the one-eyed religion and abracadabra is a  

legitimate word used in witchcraft here it is  in the 100 year old encyclopedia freemasonry  

why would the word abracadabra be in the  encyclopedia freemasonry the fraternity that  

runs charities hospitals nursing homes and that  secretly supply us with popes presidents prime  

ministers kings and queens and the bulk of our  entertainers why you know i really think it's time  

to show you what the satanists dressed as  freemasons are going to do to you and the  

world to finally establish their new world their  utopia and this is going to be the segue into that  

this is my last practical example of  freemasonry satanic roots and then i'll close  

this presentation with the most shocking thing  you'll see or hear you probably won't care but  

to the precious few who remain i will send you off  with the greatest and most beautiful shock of all

this is jay-z inside his masonic lodge you  could see the masons and aprons in front of him  

this is where jay-z takes his sick oaths of  silence kneels down in front of other men and  

calls them most worshipful master an appalling  title to give to a man on this planet jay-z the  

freemason writes songs like this this one's called  lucifer and in empire state of mind he writes  

jesus can't save you life starts when the church  ends oh but he he can save you jc he can even wake  

you up just before you collide into a concrete  wall doing 120 kilometers an hour i should know  

this is fellow member of the craft  alicia keys who sings on the track  

here she is showing her allegiance and wearing  the broken and bloody cross of jesus christ the  

occult peace sign pure hatred for jesus there is  peace when your conscience has been killed seed  

to sin and you can indulge to anything a false  and temporary kind of peace no doubt here's a  

shadow of jesus clothing line purely masonic the  craft well this is the craft he's referring to  

this is him with well-known witch marina abramovic  also showing her sign of allegiance to freemasonry  

now here we go here's jay-z wearing a most  revealing top and the dead giveaway that you need  

to see behind the curtain of freemasonry do what  thou wilt do whatever you want that's the adopted  

motto of the most notorious satanist of the 20th  century 33rd degree freemason aleister crowley  

here is his certificate of appointment  known as the 33rd degree inscription  

and the double-headed eagle of freemasonry  and here next to his name on the certificate  

including the symbol for a grand commander  of freemasonry as shown in their encyclopedia  

but to really confirm that he's a freemason here  he is doing the masonic sign of the master of  

the second veil now here's a legitimate letter  from from alistair again the addition of his  

inscription of the 33rd degree and he signs off  with a symbol of the past commander freemasonry  

what is he right beside it baphomet this  baphomet now listen to this man to get a  

clearer picture of the truth behind the secret  religion of the stars and leaders of the world  

alistar was the founder of a luciferian church  called the ordo temple orientes and he named  

himself the beast 666 straight from the bible  depicting the number of wickedness in human form  

in his what's called libertas writings he says  with my hawks head i peck at the eyes of jesus  

as he hangs upon the cross do you see the hatred  you think they don't hate you too keep watching  

and from the equinox with the all-seeing eye of  freemasonry this illustration what does it mean  

the writer himself explains the picture is  symbolic of the new eon the new age from the  

blasted stump of dogma hangs the hag with dyed and  bloody hair christianity there's a massive glimpse  

into the new order that's coming keep watching  and down here do what thou wilt is the true nature  

the true nature remember the broad morals there  is no such thing as evil so do what you want  

can you see the masonic future yet can you see  the hidden hatred that pulses through its veins  

if they believe in do what they  will what do you think they will do  

to you and what do you think they'll  do in order to build this new world  

this is from a commentary on his book of the law  the beast 666 advises that all children should be  

accustomed from infancy to witness every type  of sexual act do with their willed and what  

about the royal art of freemasonry magic is the  highest most absolute and most divine knowledge  

of natural philosophy what a statement the highest  most absolute and divine well let's have a closer  

look into some of the more hidden secrets of the  most divine natural philosophy known as magic  

any living being is a storehouse of energy varying  in quantity according to the size and health of  

the animal at the death of the animal this energy  is liberated suddenly the animal therefore should  

be killed within the circle within the magic  circle so that energy that's released can be  

captured and directed to serve the will of the  witch male or female this is a science a hidden  

science but now hear this coming from a 33rd  degree freemason and don't you forget that for  

the highest spiritual working one must accordingly  choose that victim which contains the greatest and  

purest force a male child of perfect innocence and  high intelligence is the most suitable sacrifice  

can you see this is who jay-z is quoting on  his top this is who this jonas brother holds  

in high esteem this is who the beatles have  on their front cover as a figure they admire  

no worse they put at the top this is the same  picture of the front cover in a mirrored form  

and after some kaleidoscoping you'll find  this fellow freemason aleister crowley sits  

at the top and down the bottom there even  appears the phallus with the testicles and  

up here the vesicle pisces also known as the  vagina does this picture make more sense now

all freemasons yes indeed and by the way that's  where jc got his symbol from from satanism as  

portrayed here by satanist and freemason aleister  crowley and by satanic church founder anton levay  

does anyone still think that  freemasonry isn't satanism in disguise  

let's finally take a peek into  the royal art of freemasonry  

and this is the briefest way i could show you  from the complete book of magic and witchcraft  

this is a practitioner's manual not from  some bogus author trying to expose witchcraft  

just so you can get it through your head that  this is real and this is protected the writer  

or compiler of this god forsaken book warns  the reader that the recipes may seem disgusting  

that the knowledge revealed has been forbidden  and has caused suffering and death to witches  

and the victims of witches you don't think which  witchcraft was a serious menace in times past and  

present come with me and i'll show you how bad  this menace actually gets as the world's most  

powerful and secret religion moves ever closer  to fulfilling its biblical destiny and it will  

close your eyes or not it will fulfill its destiny  firstly let's connect this sick art straight to  

modern freemasonry with the word abracadabra both  written in triangular form from the manual of  

witchcraft and from the encyclopedia of the secret  society that your prime minister belongs to and  

just like high-ranking freemasons male and female  witches also drink out of a human skull but here  

the practitioner drinks wine in which they first  dissolve or boil the brains or heart of an animal  

before consuming it all from the human skull in  this ritual the initiate is instructed to drink in  

the night and spring water out of a skull of one  that hath been slain that's right out of it the  

skull of a human who's been murdered or sacrificed  otherwise eat a pig with a knife that slew a man

please don't turn away look straight ahead  and open your eyes to the planet you are on  

because the real monster under your bed doesn't  actually go away when you close your eyes  

in other rituals of the craft you burn a rooster  while he's alive with the use of a poisonous plant  

used in ointments and potions of witches you  can assure death and destruction on a victim  

you want to make a female enemy sterile or a  male enemy impotent for the rest of his life  

otherwise you can just kill them

the hand of glory is the severed hand  that is dried and preserved to be used  

in black magic yes a dead human hand a black  circle is most effective for operations of evil  

the use of blood and sex and ritual  was considered helpful for obtaining  

the necessary energy to successfully  work magic or achieve mystical insight  

but here's where the darkness thickens even  further animals such as black cats or children may  

be sacrificed and participants may drink the blood  of the sacrifice and just so you know that stanley  

kubrick wasn't joking an orgy of participants  sometimes follows the mass no remorse just science  

the science of witchcraft the royal art and here  what's necessary for the working is the fat of  

young children dead children how many children  do you think go missing in australia every year

that's how many and what about the world is it  1 million well according to the international  

center for missing and exploited children it's 8  million children per year do you think that the  

highest most absolute and most divine knowledge  of natural philosophy has anything to do with that  

any chance of an international secret system  that is bolstered by initiations and degrees  

and bound under the most brutal  penalties that the human mind  

can ever devise do you think that has  any involvement any chance at that  

am i saying that this freemason has sacrificed  children no i never said that but did he ever  

even remotely mention the secret societies did  he ever try to warn you educate you no he was  

under oath am i saying that these freemasons have  sacrificed children no i never said that either  

but have they ever warned you about the secret  society that believes that lucifer is the savior  

the society functioning right  under your nose that secret society  

no not a chance julia gillard admitted  she belonged to one but that's about it  

because they're all under oath so where  does this ancient craft originate from  

it originates from the spirit realm from spirit  beings that's who taught mankind the royal art  

before civilization began in this  chapter the rights of satanism witchcraft  

the manual explains that a typical satanic  sabbath was number one a homage to the devil  

usually performed as the osculum infamy also  known as the kiss of shame which is so shameful  

that we'll just put it this way the ritual  involves kissing the hindquarters of the devil  

the re surely this is far removed  from anything to do with freemasonry  

people the original order of the knights  templar were found guilty of this very  

same obscene ritual and where do you find  the modern variant of the 910 plus of today  

i told you in the highest degree of freemasonry  right here here's a couple of them now  

and what's on this templar's head from the  masonic encyclopedia remember a symbol of the  

baphomet according to 33rd degree alistar crowley  and we could confirm that in the satanic bible  

that's exactly what's hiding deep inside of  freemasonry i'm only showing you this to show you  

the reality of satanism and the demonic realm the  world you can't see on this earth and this earth  

we can't see look here the hierarchy of demons  occupies a more important place in both black  

and white magic rituals both black and white  this is where the power of witchcraft comes from  

and this is the reason these bizarre  rituals actually function and actually work  

because after the ritual is performed on earth  its effects are carried out to their conclusion  

in the spirit realm by spiritual beings or demons  actual demons the reality that is hidden from you  

because if you found out that satan was real then  that would have to make jesus christ real too and  

he is the one they hate and if jesus christ is  real that changes everything and this is how  

much they hate him the prayer that jesus taught  his disciples is performed backwards the high  

priest is sometimes naked a prostitute assists  him and a naked virgin who may later be deflowered  

is the altar everything that is sacred is defiled  and everything that is filthy is on it as pure  

because of their burning hatred of jesus christ  

just as he's hated by the fallen angels that they  worship it gets worse when you hear what they use  

as a substitute for the bread that jesus broke and  told his disciples to eat in remembrance of him  

a wafer which initiates me with this this and  this or the name of satan may be written upon it

and this isn't even witchcraft this is  just a ceremony announcing who they love  

and who they hate so is satan real it continues  to stay in the hierarchy of demons at the very top  

satanakia whose title is the commander-in-chief  what did bob dylan the freemason call the one  

he made a bargain with should i  ask who you made the bargain with  

with you know with the chief uh commander same  title commander-in-chief chief commander are  

you following but watch this in case the  darkness is getting a little too thick and  

encompassing for you let's shine a little light  the true light that only the gospels can supply  

speaking to us humans and revealing something  about satan the gospel state you follow the spirit  

of the age in this world system as dominated  by the commander of the spiritual powers of the  

air satan the god of this world the commander  you still think the gospels are wrong or fake  

see satanists know that the spirits also  live in the air just as the gospels reveal  

you can summon any of these demonic spirits  by name if you possess the royal art  

who do you think this figure  on the front cover represents  

a magician who is inadequately prepared and cannot  attain his desires may seek the aid of satan  

that's who this is now that you know hopefully  for a fact that these are people at the top of  

the human food chain do you think they'd  be fooling around with stupid fairy tales  

no witchcraft and satanism is absolutely  real hence their earthly power

this demon here fifth in the pyramid structure  holds the title of inspector general and what's  

the title of the highest degree in freemasonry  who exists in every local lodge in every suburb  

a suburb near you inspector general same title  as the living demon do you believe me now you  

can even conjure lucifer himself or be bilsabath  who the gospels call the prince of the devils

both of whom are listed as superior  spirits in this book of witchcraft  

and magic i can show you so much more from  this disgusting book but i'll cut it off here  

with the seal of saturn a demonic sigil from  the complete book of magic and witchcraft and  

this is his seal can you see do you see this  is the society that lives amongst you above you  

the one-eyed religion of freemasonry hidden right  in front of those who have their eyes wide shut  

i'm going to now show you what that world that  they are building from the ashes of the one  

you're currently living in looks like but lastly  to drive this business of blood sacrifice home  

here's american rapper azealia banks with the  triple six hand sign and now over the all-seeing  

eye the all-seeing i know video the eye in  the triangle of the freemasons on her shirt  

and the devil her liberator her master her  commander and now displaying the secret society  

of our silence along with that the last brief  glimpse into the highly concealed royal art of of  

crap freemasonry about to come off my floor right  now guys oh my god three years worth of bruja

yes you know i gotta scrape all this [ __ ] up  

you know what it means witchcraft azealia banks  the witch with her eye in the triangle shirt  

and the logo of for example the grand lodge of  freemasonry in spain one and the same symbol  

the logo of the fraternity of the freemasons and  the logo of this church of lucifer the one eye  

one and the same symbol freemasonry has deceived  you yes people now you know how satanism has  

functioned out of sight and out of mind you still  think there's no such thing as witchcraft or that  

it only existed in the olden days you still  think that blood isn't a part of the royal art  

you still think that local masonic lodges  of the world are not filtering systems for  

satanists and a cloak for organized satanism  with a grand master plan for the world  

you think there's nothing to the  blood sacrifice of jesus christ  

after seeing all this and the azealia banks clip  and after realizing that there exists a hidden  

and guarded signs of the art of blood sacrifice  you think there was no science behind jesus's  

crucifixion a deeper reality that we can't see or  understand you think jesus didn't know what he was  

doing or are you one of those who still think he  didn't exist tell me how can they hate something  

that doesn't exist if only you could  hear from some other freemasons who  

have the courage to break their oaths but  she won't you won't this is probably it  

but i once heard from a freemason and honest  one in about 2016 after i posted this picture on  

facebook he knew he knew the truth just like you  do now or just like you should and he wrote to me  

and he said by the time we are  done every church will be a brothel

well in case you think that that's impossible  this is a fashion show that was held in a church  

a real church and it was organized by high-ranking  freemasons who you will see now to be satanists  

designed to be a heart-wrenching mockery and  a colossal sign of the times this event just  

so you know it's a sonic production here's  the inside of a lodge see those twin pillars  

well here they are see them as sonic  checkered floorboard well there it is  

see the sonic squaring compass well there  it is and do you see the eye of freemasonry

yeah there they are

the lower square in the squaring compass has been  disfigured so that as to not make it too obvious  

but now that we've established that here  is the spirit of freemasonry as displayed  

through just a few of the models this one wears  the horns of the baphomet the horns of satan  

with his all-seeing eye in the background  more horns this model wears the all-seeing eye  

as does this one and this disgusting  thing with another huge all-seeing eye  

of lucifer in the background then there's  this with a satanic pentagram on her face  

and finally this male model in a skirt  with two satanic inverted crosses of  

jesus christ on his top in a church over morbid  victory of the freemasons unstoppable for now

when people like lady gaga cover one  eye while wearing an inverted cross  

and you don't see the connection of the one eye  symbolism to satanism then your observational  

skills have been compromised in the span of two  days i saw these ads in my local shopping center  

and that alone tells me that the satanic age  is here manifesting all around us seemingly  

invisible while you look straight ahead through  the symbols just like the initiation process of  

the secret societies themselves society at large  must be incrementally introduced and seduced into  

further depravity and self-love and haven't  we been slowly but surely perverted over time  

degree by degree until we think that men  dressing as women is beautiful and healthy  

anal sex is a form of expressing love and the sick  world of pornography is considered as liberating  

for women and men and protected by free speech  in california babies are allowed to be aborted  

after birth because it's a woman's  choice and that's not considered murder

a world where we should applaud young  children like desmond is amazing  

cross-dressing while he dances for gay men  at a gay bar on a podium because he's paving  

the way for the kids of the future and we  should get shamed fined and even jailed  

if we point out that this is sick sinful  and dare call it evil which is what it is  

what spirit is behind desmond is amazing  oh yeah an evil spirit no doubt about it  

you think freemasonry and their peculiar morals  aren't behind the decline of christian morality  

and morality worldwide it's all by design the  masonic war on jesus and the christian social  

structure generally undetected by human  perceptions and still people will write to  

me and comment on how absurd what i've said is a  cloud over the eyes of their heart well i'll tell  

you this there is no bigger axe that has ever  been grinded than the one freemasonry grinds

because the appearance of jesus christ pretty  much destroyed their religion drove it underground  

and they will have their revenge soon you're  gonna see it we've all been initiated into the  

lowest levels of materialistic satanism  under the banner of secular humanism

i know blacks who think that  life's great mate life's terrific  

life's what you make it evil lucifer satan  these are just words that christians invented  

to help them sleep better  at night there are no cults  

there are no conspiracies john f kennedy's speech  about secret societies plotting against the world  

that's not relevant anymore that's history there's  no such thing as satanism amongst civilized people

oh children when darkness comes  to your door takes your wife  

takes your health your job your home your freedom  

your children then you call out oh my god my  god this is evil why is this happening to me

well here comes the darkness here comes the evil  you want to know what the new world looks like  

you want to know what the future holds you want  to know what horror is coming to our planet  

as jesus told us for then  there will be great distress  

unequaled from the beginning of the world  until now and never to be equaled again

ladies and gentlemen welcome  to the masonic new world order

these are the mysterious georgia guidestones  also known as the american stonehenge  

they are a set of granite monoliths which  were constructed in 1980 and funded by an  

unknown and anonymous group and commissioned  by a man using the pseudonym rc christian  

on a legible side the monument is written  let these be guide stones to an age of reason  

here we have a reference to a new age with this  we get a clue as to the spirit behind structure  

the age of reason happens to be the title of  a book by thomas payne now you can color him  

any which way you want to but whichever way  one glaring color shines through thomas was  

a hater of christianity that's the second clue  to the spirit behind the georgia guidestones  

the third is the fact that the guidestones feature  as what could be seen as a replacement to the ten  

commandments of the christian god with the new  ten commandments of the new age because i will not  

steal cheat lie kill and so on they're just well  too narrow for the new age for the age of reason  

clearly designed to be a take on the biblical  commandments being 10 in number they are all very  

vague very vague indeed but anyone can  ascertain the horror that must first take place  

before this new age can begin by looking  at the first commandment sorry guideline  

because this one's not vague at all  maintain humanity at under 500 million  

that's right a reduction of at  least seven billion human beings  

would be necessary for that this thing cost the  equivalent of half a million us dollars to build  

and the street it's located on is named after it  so that tells you how much reach its creators had  

its presence alone is a disgrace and a declaration  of execution to most living people alive today  

but let's go on to the fourth clue as  to the spirit behind these monuments  

the monuments outlining the age of reason  the name rc christian the so-called person  

who commissioned the building of these giant  slabs anyone who's versed in secret societies  

or is a high-ranking ranking member themselves  would instantly recognize the pseudonym  

as a reference to the secret society  known as the roster christians  

which is just another secret society branch that  exists under the umbrella of freemasonry which  

is an extension of all secret societies of the  past and is now the mother of all of them in this  

masonic website worshipful master wynn westcott  urges the freemasons to consider their status as  

ross secretions the rc stands for rosenkraut  christian rosencrotz is the mythical founder  

of the ross secretion order and as impossible as  it is for me to prove that thomas paine himself  

the writer of age of reason was a  freemason he did also write this book  

the origin of freemasonry that is the  spirit behind the georgia guidestones  

the satanic spirit and a straight off  the bat view of this approaching new age

i told you the whole system is about to  change and it's not going into the future  

it's actually going back into the past the old  religion that's what's taking everything over  

and you'll walk straight into it blind as a  bat thinking these people want to help you they  

will appear as your saviors forgetting or never  being told in the first place that all this time  

there have been two societies in the world the  visible one which is the one we're in and the  

invisible one remember that the invisible  one considers you profane vile and vulgar  

why on earth would they want to keep you around  in a book i can't mention written by them  

people are referred to as useless eaters  we've become excess inventory redundant  

and passed our use by date in their eyes  think about this according to a prediction by  

information technology and research advisory firm  gartner one-third of jobs will be replaced by  

software robots and smart machines by 2025 that's  four years away google engineering director ray  

kurzweil anticipates that robots will have reached  human level intelligence by 2029 and by 2050 80 of  

all jobs will be eliminated by automation what  on earth are you and your family good for then  

what do you think the secret society  will do to the vile multitude then  

the utopia is coming but it ain't your utopia  

you still think that by the measure of the  minds of international satanism you should be  

kept around this excess baggage that the bulk of  society has become no no no the new age is dawning  

and generally speaking you're not invited  it'll just look like you are remember that  

charles darwin the freemason is listed as  an influential figure in the satanic church  

so mass murder and mass death are natural  and necessary themes in the name of evolution  

an artificially induced evolution into this he  is the same image in real life in a lot israel  

seemingly unrelated to the seal on the us dollar  bill right but standing in glory with a masonic  

squaring compass telling you exactly who owns  this pyramidal symbol complete with the one eye  

on top same symbol same designers worshiping the  same god you should be getting goosebumps by now  

is this a conspiracy led by international  freemasonry you don't have to bet your life on it  

because your life has already been placed as a bet  on your behalf and without your knowledge but with  

your permission because all of the information  is hidden in plain sight in your face is where  

it's hidden you're gonna lose this battle unless  you've been hidden in jesus christ the only one  

who warned you that the new age is a trap and  that it is the climax to this epic drama being  

played out on planet earth now hang on brace  yourself because i ain't gonna let you down  

this is a magazine called the  new age but if you press rewind  

you can find its source supreme  council of 33 degree freemasonry  

this one stretches way back to 1922.  see the twin pillars of freemasonry  

look this is 19th century freemason and uh pioneer  helena blavatsky on the cover of this edition  

she's the one who wrote that darkness is absolute  light and that satan is the god of our planet  

and that we are in hell but do you think the  readers of these magazines are told that no  

darkness is sold as light satan is disguised  and it's him in the details this masonic new age  

magazine was the precursor to all magazines and  trends promoting the great deception of self-love  

and spirituality meanwhile you're feeding off the  plate that luciferians serve you look at how the  

satanic bible in 1966 reveals the reality behind  the curtain evidence of a new satanic age a new  

age the new satanic age all rigged and all  propelled by freemasonry satanism's magic cloak

after all and i think you should have  guessed by now that anton zandar levy  

the founder of the satanic church the one  who vowed to help destroy christianity  

is himself a freemason i can't prove it to you  but i know it because of not only his obvious  

fondness of the fraternity of the freemasons  and the mention of it in his satanic bible  

and its vital role in the satanic takeover but  also because of the symbols specifically this one  

generally called the devil's claw or the lion's  paw freemason james de rothschild displaying the  

devil's claw or the lion's paw x factors l.a reads  showing the devil's horns next to fellow freemason  

avril levine the secret society signed for the  devil's number and displaying the devil's claw  

over and over the better example is with  new age guru annie basante co-writer of  

lucifer magazine and 33rd degree freemason  also showing the lions poor here and here  

but the best example i have is with aerosmith  guitarist joe perry clearly displaying the  

sign of the master of the second veil of the  freemasons and right next to him stephen tyler  

doing the lions poor clearly both freemasons  secretly showing their allegiance with symbols  

and here's anton levay displaying the same sonic  symbol yes a freemason founded the satanic church

now that we know who's really behind the  so-called new age listen to some of the  

confessions of the new ages in their literature  once you scrape past all the talk of spirituality  

and love and rainbows new age author feminist and  hater of christianity barbara g walker writes in  

the woman's encyclopedia of myths and secrets a  triple six 666 was the magic number of the triple  

aphrodite she further complements the number  one she calls it the miraculous number 666  

speaking of the new age to come phd christopher  hyatt writes in undoing yourself as we moved  

closer and closer to the well planned for and  long-awaited invocation of the prime minister  

unto the very king of hell the grand vicar  of lord lucifer yes the very well planned  

for and very long awaited indeed do you see  what's coming mr hyde also enlightens us  

in the fact that opposites do not exist apart  from the mind evil and good are all in your head  

that's why you should brace yourself because  these are the minds creating the new world system  

he confirms this the new age will require new  men men of higher consciousness and fortitude  

all of our present dogma models will crumble  

he means the christian and the christian social  structure will crumble in the introduction to the  

book another phd robert anton wilson tells  you what the new age really thinks of the  

christian social structure which you have more  or less enjoyed your whole life christian or not  

christianity and democracy have been among the  worst disasters to ever before the human race  

i told you atheists you're gonna  miss christianity when it's gone  

here's a picture of robert with the masonic  eye in the triangle on the wall behind him  

remember where the term new age came from so  once again do you think that the new system  

the new age is going to be democratic a system  that respects you or gives a damn about what you  

think once it's in place let me answer it this way  christopher high quotes from one of his literary  

heroes and famed philosopher frederick nietzsche  who said what is more harmful than any vice  

active sympathy for the ill-constituted  and weak christianity so to be a christian  

and to actively have sympathy for the weak  that's the worst advice that's backward and evil  

so the answer's no this is  what i'm warning you about  

and look frederick's work has exerted a profound  influence on modern history that's from wikipedia

you know what else frederick said you  probably won't find this on wikipedia  

the domestic animal the herd animal the  sick animal man that's the christian

and what book of frederick nietzsche were these  quotes pulled from the antichrist nietzsche also  

wrote beyond good and evil that's how  the all-seeing eye sees things remember  

so does christopher hyatt mention mass murder and  depopulation in his book sure here you go those  

who would survive can do so only by grasping the  vision of what lies ahead the new wave that will  

carry them into an interesting future yeah where  the vicar of lucifer is god and prime minister  

he openly admits the identity of this man this  antichrist that most of you still think is a  

fairytale figure from a fairy tale book jesus  calls him the man of sin whose number is 666  

the actual antichrist beloved of the secret  societies yes people the new age is satanic  

actually and literally on the front cover of  this book in which christopher was co-writer  

you can clearly see the eye in the triangle  of the freemasons above the baphomet  

christopher admits in another book that both  satanic cults and christian fundamentalists  

are closer to seeing the truth than most  normal people yes indeed how true that is  

in coming world changes harriet and homer  curtis speak of a prophecy they received  

from a mysterious spirit titled king of  the world now i wonder who that could be  

think not that any country in  this broad world can escape  

and they also speak of the long expected great  teacher the king of the new one world government  

the victors will remain as the seed of the new  race to people the new land for the new sixth  

great race this is the race that luciferian lady  gaga referred to all part of the plan in threshold  

tomorrow new age author ruth montgomery writes  on page 206 that only those open to the reality  

of one world will be around to enjoy it sounds  like another vague suggestion for mass murder  

the vera elder stanley's book title implies  much the same thing initiation of the world  

that's right it's coming you think vera hasn't  been initiated into the secret one-eyed religion  

what else has she authored how about the  finding of the third eye the all-seeing eye  

new age author john randolph price writes in the  planetary commission in question and answer form  

how do you define the antichrist the answer  is pretty amazing any individual or group  

who denies the divinity of man as exemplified by  jesus christ the highest self of each individual  

which jesus christ never exemplified because  he is god if you deny that me men and women are  

divine gods you are unfit for the glorious new age  kingdom and you are the definition of antichrist  

in practical spirituality he prepares his readers  for a population drop of 2.5 billion people before  

the new age era can begin on page 32 of new  age author barbara marx hubbard's book happy  

birthday planet earth she states that people will  either change or die that's the choice she says  

notice the new age has a new gospel yet all  the while the world will be neglected of the  

information in the real gospels where it warns and  predicts for if someone comes and preaches another  

jesus not the jesus whom we preached or another  gospel you are most beautifully tolerant of them

in the book of knowledge the keys of enoch the  writer has a quote unquote direct experience  

with two spirits enoch and metatron and they  share with the writer spiritually scientific  

teachings regarding the new system of things  soon to be fully manifest the reason this work  

is considered extra special amongst its readers  is because it was the first book to point out  

the alignment between the great pyramid and  the constellation of orion the first book ever  

that's basically proof that these spirits  enoch and metatron are the real deal  

not only that it was also the first book to  show the direct relationship between dna coding  

and the divine name that's pretty serious and  the atheists should be really waking up by now  

because this is the world's most powerful and  secret religion we're talking about nothing  

less the writer was told that those who govern the  earth are those who have fallen from the heavens  

he calls them the masters and even states that  they were punished with penalties that were  

assigned to each these are the fallen angels  of the bible people these are the masters of  

the masonic new age as proven here in one of  the illustrations from the book same symbology

this worldwide catastrophe that is coming will  bring about a complete reorganization of earth's  

life system and like all high grade initiates of  the of the social societies every attempt is made  

to bring positivity to the number of the vicar  of lucifer i was given instruction to use the  

specific light harmonics 666 999 and 12 12 12. the  spirits further informed the writer of the keys  

of enoch that the patent 666 is used to identify  you with the with respect to the earth's vibration  

the number of the beast of the book of revelation  of jesus christ is not only being glorified  

it's manifesting in the world and from another  illustration from the book once again the same  

image we see being used over and over with  the eye on top of the pyramid this is the  

secret religion that encompasses us and has  been influencing us for decades upon decades  

two to three centuries in fact just like the  gospels explain this is an absolute counterfeit  

of the truth christ is mentioned everywhere but  not jesus christ no this is the antichrist spirit  

who will eventually manifest and  appear to the world as one man  

doesn't sound so mythical anymore  when you see that the enemies of  

jesus christ and those behind the new  world system they use biblical terms  

and christ to depict the antithesis the ansi of  the real christ their savior and these spirits  

from the world we can't see are the ones who  taught mankind the sick art of witchcraft  

look at who supplies this book online sacred you know what magic really is and what  

it really entails now so once again you can see  the connection the relationship if you still think  

that this phrase new world order is a conspiracy  theory you're suffering from a medical condition  

on the lucius trust website the  consultants to the european union  

you find the statement that the new world servers  are occupied with the task of inaugurating the new  

world order in the same article this shocking  admission is made two-thirds of humanity  

will stand upon the path at the close of  this age and with that one-third will die  

or to put it surreptitiously will  be held over for later unfoldment  

that's the lucious trust the word lucius  being the replacement for the word lucifer  

who works hand in hand with the eu the european  union stating that two and a half billion human  

beings are planned to be killed off all  predicted by jesus and only jesus and if you  

still think i'm joking or misleading you about  what these people are and what they plan to do  

here's a book written by the founder of the  lucious trust the freemason alice bailey  

education in the new age where she will  educate you about mass population reduction  

when a form proves inadequate or too diseased or  too crippled for the expression of that purpose  

it is from the point of view of the hierarchy  no disaster when that form has to go  

death is not a disaster to be feared the work of  the destroyer is not really cruel or undesirable  

do you see did you hear that through the  all-seeing eye of lucifer the destroyer  

for the purpose of the new world death  and mass murder isn't evil it's good  

and alice bailey in the labors of hercules  also tries to re-educate us and protect that  

god forsaken number predicted in the gospels  to be associated with evil the number of the  

physical plane activity is called the number  of the beast this idea seems to have a horrible  

fascination with many but what it really means is  that virgo is the symbol of triplicity six on the  

physical plane six on the emotional plane and  six on the mental plane not six six six at all

and one more time from the consultants to the  european union from their website lucious trust  

to prove to you that these people are all working  toward and waiting for the world leader the coming  

of the avatar and the advent of the coming one  are the keynotes of the prevalent expectancy

after everything i've shown you are you going  to ignore this or worse are you going to trust  

these people of whom were predicted to this  very condemnation two thousand years ago  

right down to a one world system depopulation  

and to the man who will carry the number  666 and with it implement a new system  

in which you won't be able to buy or sell unless  you receive a mark in your hand or foreign  

and what's just been announced by business  insider cash the society due to this by 2024  

this is the manufactured trend for the world  and you better believe it's fulfilling biblical  

prophecy you know that book that's been ripped  out of schools and hysterically discredited  

why do you think there's a single eye displayed  on all the covers of george orwell's dystopian  

novel 1984 it's because the one eye religion is  the one in permanent control where democracy and  

christianity have been utterly extinguished  and the remaining population live in a whole  

new level of permanent communism it is well  known that george orwell himself had ties with  

with the fabian society which is a secret society  complete with degrees of initiation tucked away  

neatly somewhere under the wing of freemasonry  the fabian society's logo used to be this  

a wolf in sheep's clothing which is exactly  what freemasonry is and it was a metaphor for  

gradually advancing socialism and  socialism is communism for slow learners  

this level of denial on our part has  been brought on by mass propaganda  

because everything has been weaponized to  work against you and god's truth education  

entertainment and economics you're a slave to  each one and freemasonry is the slave master  

listen to the grand pontiff of universal  freemasonry tell you about it in morals and dogma  

the blind force of the people is a  force that must be economized and also  

managed as the blind force of steam you are  just blind energy to them made to be enslaved  

this force must have a brain who do you think  the brain is freemasonry is the brain obviously  

and he's saying that we're just the body  parts that move to its will look these are  

some pictures i took of the local obelisk in  my town an erect phallus hidden in plain sight  

see how the cube at the bottom is rough in  freemasonry it's called the raf ashlar stone  

watch this from morals and dogma  the raf ashlar is the people  

rude and unorganized once again you can see  what this secret society secretly thinks of you  

now see how the stone built on top is smooth  that's called the perfect ashla the perfect dashla  

is the state the rulers yeah the one eye sex cult  of freemasonry which hides its master satanism  

now where is this brain taking us  remember this guy's the general who  

fought against the united states forces  to uphold the institution of slavery  

and the grand pontiff of universal free  masonry who calls you the vulgar herd  

and the ignorant multitude and admits that yes  unbelievably so lucifer is the lightbearer this  

is the highest authority in freemasonry the sacred  religion of all our leaders and idols believe it  

now listen to this the papacy and rival monarchies  all that will become the heritage of the temple  

meaning the temple of freemasonry the world will  soon come to us for its sovereigns and pontiffs we  

shall constitute the equilibrium of the universe  and be rulers over the masters of the world  

they're gonna own it all and it's true the papacy  and the monarchy have fallen into their hands  

all three maces now this is 150 year old  book so you can see how far ahead they plan  

while we stay ignorant how do you suppose  that they won't achieve the new old daughter  

the new world order of death of combined  and systematic movement and effort the great  

revolution prepared for by the ages will begin to  march the future is all planned for by then and  

the revolution prepared for by the ages is coming  and it'll look like a natural occurring event just  

as current events seem natural lastly from his  other book legenda and reading from the ancient  

and accepted scottish rite of freemasonry albert  writes and thus the warfare against the powers of  

evil meaning christianity that crushed the order  of the temple in the 1300s goes steadily on and  

freedom marches ever onward toward the conquest  of the world the conquest of the world guys

and this is their method ingenious as it is  the double-headed eagle left and right paradigm  

whether you are pro-abortion or life prefer  maccas or kfc ford or holden vote liberal or labor  

shop at coals or woolies go for the  parameter eels or the canby bulldogs  

always the two most opposing forces  the result always feeds the one belly  

the two heads always serve the same masonic beast  do you get it that's number one number two is the  

horribly magnificent motto of their double-headed  eagle ordo abkhal that means order out of chaos  

it's the ultimate way to achieve your sinister  goals while looking like a hero with one hand they  

create beautiful and noble things with the other  hand the hidden hand they destroy and pervert then  

the helping hand comes back in to save or fix  things again alternating from one to the other  

while nudging toward a predetermined goal until  finally reaching that goal that setting mind  

in the first place all the while you never knew  that the same hand that's saving you is the same  

hair that was destroying you in the first place  order out of chaos their order out of their chaos  

another way to look at it is this zed creates or  exploits a problem then attributes blame to others  

why reacts by asking zed for protection and help  to solve the problem zed offers the solution that  

was planned for by them long before the crisis  occurred order out of chaos now you can change  

zed and why to suit any scenario for example your  best friend who wants to sleep with you creates  

or exploits a problem then attributes blame to  others you react by asking your best friend who  

wants to sleep with you for protection and help  to solve the problem your best friend who wants  

to sleep with you offers the solution that was  planned by them long before the crisis occurred  

each time your best friend gets closer and closer  to you until eventually they're in your bed  

how about your employee creates or exploits  a problem then attributes blame to others  

the employer reacts by asking the employee  for help to solve the problem the employee  

offers the solution that was planned  by them long before the crisis occurred  

the employee eventually gets the promotion  but this is the way i really want to put  

it the government creates or exploits a  problem then attributes blend to others  

the population reacts by asking the government  for protection and help to solve the problem the  

government offers the solution that was planned  by them long before the crisis even occurred  

this is how the great revolution prepared  for by the ages by the freemasons will begin

so who's going to warn you even modern  christianity is steered by freemasonry  

hillsong won't warn the sheep about  freemasonry and the one-world government  

what the hillsong sydney pastor who wrote  these books and lives here no chance  

did modern-day christian heroes like  billy graham warn you about freemasonry  

well no because here he is giving the master  mason grip to other christian giants like paul  

and jan crouch all freemasons here he gives the  same third degree handshake to former president  

harry truman and here to a muslim  freemason billy is listed as a free  

mason in the 33rd degree albert mackey's history  of freemasonry by the publisher on the inside flat  

billy's son franklin graham also won't ever expose  freemasonry because he's too busy eating voodoo  

doughnuts where they sell these donuts and these  pentagram donuts more christian heavyweights like  

john [ __ ] or hagie throwing up the devil's  horns he'll never preach against freemasonry  

neither will all these world famous  pastors throwing up the devil's horns

the very popular ray comfort even  stated that he wasn't a freemason  

well here he is giving a perfect masonic handshake  with pastoral giant joyce meyer do either of them  

expose freemasonry or the fact that it's the  driving force behind the one world government  

all predicted by jesus of course not what about  christian radio or the christian music scene  

no not a single word of warning whatsoever  regarding the satanic church that lives and  

breathes all around us freemasons like bono  wearing the christian name tag his whole band  

of freemasons bono two should know better than  anyone that a one world government is a trap as  

foretold in the bible but bono supports it oh yeah  he works for it just like the masonic pope does

even if by some freak chance they didn't know  any better no disciple of jesus can bend their  

knee to another man in the masonic lodge  calling him master and swear to keep secrets  

look what they call each other  from the encyclopedia freemasonry  

master mason grand master most eminent grand  master and the most appalling title of all most  

worshipful master most worshipful do you see how  extra deluded the christian freemason has to be  

when jesus said do not be called  master because one is your master

and what about all those oaths  don't worry jesus covered that too  

what i tell you is this do not put yourself  under oath at all but let your yes mean yes  

and your no mean no has that for an  id but the freemasons yes means no  

because they all swear to lie and conceal from  the first degree initiation all the way through  

what is whispered in your ear proclaim it from  the rooftops that's jesus you see the contrast  

how precise he was and still is do you think bono  and the pope don't know about the masonic calendar  

and how it's not the same calendar as ours  from the encyclopedia freemasonry the real  

date of the world is found by adding 4000 to the  vulgar era this whole christian era is vulgar  

so the year in the masonic world is actually  60 21. and this abbreviation is in french the  

vulgar era beginning since the year of  the lord since the year of jesus christ  

that's how they feel about the current age which  is coming to a mind-blowing end by designing  

now do you think freemasons aren't capable of mass  murder well joseph stalin murdered approximately  

20 million people and he was a freemason  displaying the sign of the master of the  

second vale of freemasonry vladimir lenin was the  leader of the bolshevik party and he paved the way  

for the mass murder of 60 million people mostly  christians and he was a proud freemason and ladies  

and gentlemen this is adolf hitler a freemason  clearly giving the grip of a master mason

and here he sits next to his military leader  hermann goring who is also displaying his  

allegiance to freemasonry with a hidden hand  he even displays the masonic triangle just like  

fellow masonic brother jay-z the mind of hitler  surrounds you now it just hasn't pounced yet  

the mind of hitler isn't isolated to some portion  of the world anymore it now encompasses you hitler  

is everywhere far more clever than you can  imagine evolved and sleeping in your bed  

it's easy to say that's impossible once  upon a time 70 million germans adored him  

once upon a time hitler was named man of the year  by time magazine you've been fooled by the satanic  

machine please don't try to get inside the mind of  freemasonry it's like trying to understand satan  

himself you can't and you don't want to freemasons  will make friends with their most hated enemies  

they will cross dress their morals to move closer  to their goal they'll make the english language  

void of any meaning by turning everything inside  out and upside down to camouflage its objectives  

they will simultaneously create charities  along with the greatest machines to ever  

destroy the hearts of men like pornography  they will sell their souls to gain the world  

they are a dichotomy a paradox a lie that loves  to speak the truth and a truth that loves to lie  

they are a snake eating their own  tail consuming what they produce  

freemasonry is hell dressed as heaven death  dressed as life its god is an angel of darkness  

dressed as an angel of light and 90 of its  membership is a shield lost in its symbolism  

freemasonry has become the ally and the opposition  who were the biggest voices on so-called climate  

change in recent years which is more order out  of chaos al gore a freemason and greta thundberg

from a jesus hating sacred society family  freemason and former russian president  

mikhail gorbachev said this in 1996

yes the whole world is under  the control of the evil one  

like the gospels say freemasonry controls the  opposition with the most popular conspiracy  

theorists alex jones and david i both  banned yet both secretly freemasons  

who will lead you in every direction except into  the arms of the ultimate power of the gospels  

every noteworthy religion is comfortably caught in  the masonic net because they all stem from a lie  

here's the dalai lama with a bunch of freemasons  he just loves hanging out with famous people  

here he's throwing up the devil's  horns with freemason gene simmons  

but there's no way the dalai lama can be a  freemason right well here he is displaying  

the hidden hand of the freemasons next to george w  bush a fellow brother that's right the dalai lama  

is a freemason under an oath of silence and  sworn to secrecy are you gonna wake up now  

here he is with his students in his temple  and what's behind him this symbol can you see  

the pyramid with the emanating  eye on top symbolized by a sun  

which you know now is the phallus of the god of  this world shooting forth his genitive light his  

mystical sperm that gives life and whose one eye  transcends good and evil both of which are just  

illusions of the mind understanding this comes  by initiations and yes tantric initiations are  

used in tibetan buddhism gerald york was  the dalai lama's emissary his personal  

representative to the west and he was personal  friends with 33rd degree freemason and satanist  

aleister crowley who wrote 20 essays named  alistair crowley the golden dawn and buddhism  

and he also served as a consultant to the movie  lucifer rising the dalai lama's representative  

see how the eye can also be represented by the  sun caught behind the moon in this smoothie poster  

that's just like the dalai lama's logo  

and here's a scene from the movie with a  masonic squaring compass hidden in plain sight  

look at the symbol of buddhism and look at the  floor inside every masonic lodge symbolizing  

opposites and equilibrium which creates life and  where evil is not what it seems it's necessary  

why do you think the new age author christopher  hyatt who writes that the grand vicar of  

of lord lucifer is soon to be crowned prime  minister of the world notes in that same  

book his appreciation of nietzsche the man who  states that the christian is the sick animal man  

the zohar which is witchcraft and buddha  

these are the people he appreciates why  does he lump buddha into the same basket  

i'll tell you why right now because in his highest  manifestation the buddha seeing the illusionary  

world through the all-seeing eye his third eye  would not interrupt a rape if he happened to walk  

by so as to stay detached from the karmic cycle  whereas jesus knowing everything and more than the  

buddha would sacrifice himself because he was born  to destroy evil not transcendent so tell me who  

would you rather have walked by if you were being  raped a transcendental meditator or jesus christ

whatever you think of me you'll have to reconcile  the fact that all the leaders of the world from  

scott morrison to the dalai lama belong to the  very same secret society as adolf hitler did  

freemasonry the sacred religion no one speaks  about for good reason and by good i mean very  

very evil what do you think is going on here  i've told you almost exactly what's going on  

we're in a lot of trouble because in the  land of the blind the one-eyed man is king  

and hitler stalin and lenin combined will be  child's play compared to what's just ahead  

now here's a point-blank picture  of the future and the reality  

of their most brutal truth from the 33rd degree  freemason alistair crowley's the book of the law  

we have nothing with the outcast and the unfit  let them die in their misery compassion is the  

vice of kings stamp down the wretched and the  weak this is the law of the strong do you see can  

you see the future yet now please pay attention  from his other book magic in theory and practice  

this is what all the degrees of initiation  are for and this is what it takes for them to  

create the new daughter he speaks of the  initiation in the true order of the rosy cross  

rosy cross being another name for the order of  the rosicrucians remember the guys that built this  

now this is a 33rd degree freemason speaking it is  extremely desirable that he should have attained  

an absolute degree of moral emancipation that  is purity of spirit and perfect understanding  

i've shown you this over and over  because the world is full of evil  

they mimic the morals of nature because they are  the true morals of the true god of this world  

that's purity to them that's true honesty and  perfect understanding evil is good that's the  

moral emancipation he's speaking of now watch  this and brace yourself because this is the future  

there is a magical operation of maximum  importance the initiation of a new eon  

when it becomes necessary to utter a word  the whole planet must be bathed in blood  

this bloody sacrifice is the  critical point of the world ceremony  

of the proclamation of horus the crowned  and conquering child as lord of the eon

i've shown you that secret societies participate  in the science of blood rituals well this is what  

it climaxes into a massive blood ritual in  the name of the new aeon the new age which  

revolves around a divine plan not of  this world as confessed by all of them

you are not who you think you are you are  not where you think you are do you see it  

can you fathom and what blood means in this  world so much more than what you may have known  

before now blood sacrifice is of the  utmost importance it's what the beings  

in the other realm require desire we can't  fully understand it but do you see how the  

blood sacrifice of jesus christ takes on a  whole new meaning now a very real meaning  

and guess what because of it the  good guy really does win in the end  

you either fall under the blood of the world or  under the blood of him there is no middle ground  

blood is like the monetary currency of the spirits  and that's how god brought us back from the legal  

ownership of the ruler of this world with blood  his own blood now you can begin to understand  

why they hate him so much because that's why he  was born into the world into the world of flesh  

to produce blood of his very own not by means  of perishable things were you set free once and  

for all by the payment of ransom money but  by costly blood by the one who was visibly  

manifested at the closing years of the times  for your sake that is the truth do you think  

it's just a coincidence that this is the last age  before the long planned for new order of the ages  

that's ages plural that means forever that's  the plan that's why the gospels say that he  

was visibly manifested at the closing years  of the times at the end of this last age  

in the book 1984 george orwell told us if  you want a vision of the future imagine a  

bird stamping on a human face forever i've shown  you that this so-called new age is in actuality  

a new satanic age and it's not really new  at all it's very old indeed it's ancient  

but like i said its progress was derailed by  the appearance of jesus on the human scene  

now i'll prove to you that the the new age  is an old religion novus ordo succladum is  

part of a quotation taken from the roman  pagan philosopher virgil's fourth eclog  

which was borrowed by him from the sibilene  records which were ancient prophecies delivered by  

an oracle through witchcraft or divination that's  where the phrase novus ordo seclorum comes from  

now look at what the full phrase actually  says a mighty order of ages is born anew  

both the prophetic virgin and  saturnian kingdoms now return  

now a new progeny is led down from the lofty  heavens favor chaste lucina the boys soon to  

be born in whom the iron age shall come to an end  and the golden one shall arise in the whole earth  

we've just been told that the new age is a  saturnian kingdom which returns so it's been  

here before next we see that a new progeny meaning  a new seed a new race there's that race again  

it's coming to earth and that a boy will be  born who will bring the iron age which the  

age we're currently in to an end and that  the golden age the new age about to begin  

will again arise over the whole world now what  is the saturnian kingdom well for starters  

this is a band called saturnian mist and here  on that front cover we have a reference to magic  

then we see by the singer's shirt the satanists  

then with this other shirt we see the connection  once again between the inverted pentagram of  

satanism and the one eye of freemasonry the  secret religion of the who's who of planet earth  

freemason and satanist marilyn manson has a  song called satinalia and on a satanic website  

on ritual offerings for demonic bindings  we find that satan is saturnian in nature  

here on the front page we see the inverted  pentagram under the head of the baphomet and  

right next to it a version of the squaring compass  of the freemasons of which your lodge is located  

near suburb near you no matter where on earth  you live the satanic church hidden in plain sight  

now let's go straight to the source so you  can see for yourself the nature of the new age  

saturnian kingdom found in the full quote of the  freemasons new world order seal from this book  

which is a factual study of the single most  influential occult organization in modern germany  

the fraternitas or the brotherhood of saturn  we learn of the path of the saturnian initiate  

which is outlined in detail with the meaning  of all 33 grades 33 degrees of freemasonry  

this is the very same thing the same objectives  all secret societies work for the same goal  

because they all have the same spirit the  only difference between freemasonry and  

this saturnian fraternity is that your local  masonic lodges are veiled and camouflaged  

filtering systems for future satanists from which  all influential figures of society are chosen  

where the real religion begins at the 33rd degree  whereas with orders like the saturnian brotherhood  

there is no filtering system as such you're  a student of satanism from the first degree  

that's why satanism's takeover would have been  impossible without international freemasonry  

the saturnian teachings include sexual  mysticism sex magic and nichian fellainism  

nietzsche remember the guy who says that  christians and the mindset to help the wheat  

week makes up the sick animal  man the guy who wrote this book  

and doesn't believe in good and evil and felonism  from 33rd degree freemason who says that in this  

book that to initiate the new age the whole world  must be bathed in blood in a bloody sacrifice  

before man can accept the law of the lemma  nachian thalamism that's what the new age  

saturnian kingdom from which the freemasons took  this phrase from actually looks like this factual  

study on the saturnian brotherhood is filled with  references to lucifer satan magic sex magic blood

sacrifice the number 666 as mentioned by  jesus christ himself and of course freemasonry

the sacred society that all of  our politicians and entertainers  

belong to and what's the demonic sigil  for saturn the masonic squaring compass

are you gonna snap out of it now when you see  a beautiful sunrise and smell the fresh air  

or hear a great song or see a great movie  are you gonna forget where you really are  

when you hear people using jesus  christ's holy name as a cuss word  

are you gonna forget where this phenomenon  really came from and why it's taking place  

now that you've seen how actual and bona fide  the reality of 666 is from their own mouths and  

symbols let me show you where else it's revealed  do you see these roman numeral numbers down here  

they add up to 1776 the year that america  officially became the country we know of today  

and also the year of the birth of another secret  society which was absorbed into freemasonry after  

it was banned in 1785 but look the base numbers  m is a thousand c is a hundred and x is ten  

all you have to do is subtract the base numbers  1776 minus a thousand minus a hundred minus ten

or simply remove the roman numerals  which represent the base numbers

no i'm not playing tricks on you  neither are your eyes but someone else's

now that you've seen the prevalence and  seriousness of this horrid number now that you've  

seen what you've seen i can show you where else it  appears this figure is represented by the numbers  

to make this work they had to remove the  number one altogether and separate the two

of course we'd be too dumb to pick up on it  

but seven eight nine minus four five six  is this multiplied by this lonesome two

that's right this dark and mysterious figure  is none other than the long anticipated  

antichrist the ruler of the saturnian kingdom

which is on its way and australia  has been steeped up to its neck  

in secret society since the early 1900s

world economic forum logo with this slash through  the o's is of course representative of the number  

of the ruler of the new age 666 the barcode is  the primitive version of the worldwide system  

that jesus predicted would revolve around  the number of the beast and as you can see  

the base of every single barcode in all the world  is 666 no matter if the lines are on the ends  

and in the middle are elongated or not i found  that out from the horse's mouth in an interview  

with the man who was commissioned by ibm  to come up with a new way to automate data  

collection there are in fact three sixes in the  google logo which comes from this occult symbol  

coincidence and he found in a masonic lodge the  scoring compass symbol appears in the middle of  

a hexagram which is a symbol used in the royal art  of free masonry witchcraft as shown in this book

well among other things the hexagram itself can be  broken down to quite clearly represent six six six

this is a masonic scoring compass  designed by the manal masonic lodge  

symbolizing world unity at the top you  find the logo of the united nations  

well there are 33 segments in the un logo  symbolizing the 33 degrees of freemasonry  

see this crop circle here with the masonic eye  on top of the pyramid i know nothing about crop  

circles and the phenomenon of them but i  know how many rays are coming off the eye  

33 33 degrees freemasonry don't forget that the  highest authority of freemasonry already admitted  

to be the designers of the pyramidal seal in  the 1962 edition of their magazine the new age  

i've shown you how the inverted pentagram makes  for the spelling of the word mason in the same  

seal well that same pentagram with the elongated  top horns appears here in a european union logo  

inverted satanic pentagram  right in front of our eyes  

here's the european european union building  architecturally mimicking the tower of the bell  

that was the very same tower that the god of the  bible destroyed thousands of years ago according  

to the bible when nimrod one of the admitted  founders of the original craft of freemasonry  

tried to unite the world under one world  government so this logo and this building  

design is a clear statement to the god who  intervened the first attempt at a world government

this is england's secret service logo  for mi5 with the word intelligence  

being symbolized by the eye of lucifer who  was viewed as the most intelligent entity  

in existence by the secret societies and this is  the symbol for the information awareness office  

you know exactly who's in control and now you  know exactly what they want and they will get it  

in a 1962 article written by former u.s president  and freemason's wife edith roosevelt in the new  

hampshire news and speaking of the spiritual  counterpart building for the united nations  

called the temple of understanding she writes  that the symbolism planned for the building  

dates back to the black magic practiced  by the high priests of ancient egypt  

and that the building will contain a giant eye you  don't have to wonder why now because you know why  

this clothing designer is fully aware that  the one eye symbol is synonymous with satan  

and hatred of jesus does this movie poster make  any more sense to you now well are you ready for  

the second biggest shock of all whatever you think  of what you're about to see please come see me on  

the other side of this so i can show you something  this clip only goes for a few minutes keep in mind  

the only reason i'm showing you this to you is  because the writer and director of the preview  

of this movie style documentary was murdered along  with his wife and his little daughter annie's dog

all before the production could begin the  murder was made to look like a murder suicide  

the news of which never made national broadcast  just the local news case claire's nothing to see  

here you have to ask yourself why after so many  movies with a dystopian world war totalitarian  

type theme why was this movie so dangerous and  strictly unacceptable for public viewing that a  

whole family would be murdered well this maybe was  going to tell us about america's secret destiny  

and one other thing which you'll see on the  other side of this clip an amazing thing as  

titled by mainly p hall over 100 years ago what's  the secret destiny of america well it's this




last night i dreamt about how things were

what was david's hidden message inside the gray  state and could it be the reason for his death  

perhaps the scariest part of grey state's  conceptual trailer is this character here who  

appears to be operating a guillotine david crowley  was very intentional in this frame of the movie  

he added something that i believe you wanted the  people to know about who is the identity of this  

executioner if you look closely you will see that  this terrifying character is wearing something  

around his waist it appears to look like an  apron the executioner wears a freemason apron  

complete with the all-seeing eye  the compass and the two pillars  

i do believe david crowley is trying to tell us  something he is telling us that the organization  

behind the french and american revolutions the  organization behind the italian revolution of 1830  

the organization that outlined a plan to overtake  the vatican in a document called the altavendida  

the organization behind the trail of tears and  the deaths of thousands of native americans  

under freemason grand master andrew jackson the  organization behind the ku klux klan in the united  

states post-civil war and its rebirth in 1915.  the organization behind hiroshima and nagasaki  

during 33rd degree freemason  harry truman's presidency  

these are men with a radical revolutionary agenda  throughout the entire world because they worship  

and follow a radical revolutionary deity the first  to have led a revolt against the most high lord  

when i was in high school coming from a completely  non-christian and non-religious family or  

background i distinctly remember the first time  that i decided that the bible or the new testament  

to be more precise precise was definitely not  true made up fairy tale whatever it was one  

verse one scripture that to me at the time proved  unequivocally that it wasn't written for our time  

a prophecy that was impossible to be fulfilled  here's the verse and i saw thrones and they sat  

upon them and authority to administer justice  was given them and i saw the souls of those who  

had been beheaded because of the testimony they  bore of jesus and because of the word of god

no way could guillotines be introduced  as a form of execution in the 21st  

century right no way proof that the bible was  a prehistoric book written for prehistoric  

people and this is long before he woke me  up on a midnight highway to spare my life  

from a high speed collision into a  concrete wall ladies and gentlemen in 2021  

like the smartphone or the smartwatch  this is called the smart guillotine

built by chanel you know the perfume and  clothing and accessories brand for the rich  

what on earth does a perfume  company have to do with chopping  

people's heads off well i thought i told you  that all of this is just the tip of the iceberg  

i wonder who really owns chanel well here's  their logo and there is an eye in the design  

and have you seen their drip design how  odd welcome to the real world you ready  

this is from a legislation archive from  the georgia house of representatives in  

the 1995-96 sessions this is bill hb 1274  on the death penalty guillotine provisions

how far along are we into enacting these  spills worldwide i don't know maybe they've  

been enacted already but i just wanted to show  you that in 1995 the ball was already rolling

another ball that's rolling are the  seven universal number hide laws  

they sound great from the outside designed so  to conceal some terrifying details on the inside  

firstly they were signed into u.s law in 1991 by  george h.w bush by on march 26 here's the bill and  

resolution it was named education day as you can  see in the details of resolution hj104 they are  

the seven know-howed laws resolved by the senate  and house of representatives of the united states  

of america in 1996 every single president since  h.w bush has annually resigned this resolution  

many world leaders have called for  the acknowledgement and observance  

of the seven nawahat laws including the  president of the european union in july 2014  

and the australian governor  general michael jeffrey in 2008  

and this will be international law so what's the  problem well just for starters the law against  

idol worship will include quite specifically  the worship of jesus christ as the son of god  

which the noahide laws will classify as blasphemy  and the punishment for transgressing the seven  

knowledge laws and for blaspheming the ineffable  name of god by calling jesus god is decapitation

i'll let you take that in for a second

this will be governed by a world court with no  possibility of appeals something like this an  

international sanhedrin who do you think is truly  behind these laws well i can show you that right  

now here is the bill being signed into law by h.w  bush and here is their signature hidden in plain  

sight the hidden hand of freemasonry displayed  by this sinister and gloating looking individual

and you know what freemasonry is a cover for now  

who do you think designed the guillotine in the  first place this guy joseph guillotine a freemason

still don't believe in the prophecies  of jesus christ you're still in denial

last thing i dreamt about how things were

well that's why the director was murdered and  his wife daughter and dog i think of them often  

and sometimes when i need spiritual sobering up  i think of that faithful and evil night where  

that beautiful christian family were brutally  eliminated if you think he wasn't onto something  

well he paid the greatest price to share  this with you prophecy will be fulfilled  

listen to the words that come right after the  execution by guillotine scripture in the gospels  

and i saw those who were such that they did  not worship the beast nor his image and did  

not receive his mark of identification upon their  forward and hand remember this mark in the video  

i'm not saying that the director knew what the  mark would be but based on the symbology he knew  

who would be behind it look at the  triangular symbol of the freemasons  

the masonic triangle around the  eye and the brotherhood of saturn  

now look at the front cover of the book written  by new age author maurice nichol the mark

same symbol identical to the symbol used by  jaco rowling who said its design was inspired  

by the freemasons who has this  tattoo which represents the baphomet

well solve their coagula is the process in  which they will bring this new world system  

to life it's identical to the masonic  motto of order out of chaos sole means  

dissolve or destroy and coagula means to bring the  elements back together into a new and higher form  

a new and higher system jesus described it  as the beast system and one way or another  

we will be marked as a form of identification in  order to participate but first chaos must ensue  

a deep masonic truth which is mostly true  anyway is that destruction precedes construction  

it's like having to destroy a  tree in order to create a table  

the same principle applies to creating the  new age that's why i know that the process  

which involves the creation of a new system  must involve the destruction of this one

now this is the last referenced work  i'm going to use to show you who  

will be the head of that system  that one world government  

a book by david spangler considered as one  of the founding fathers of the modern new age  

he also has an intimate relationship with  the united nations as shown in 1975 document  

which was uploaded to the un archives in  2006. now please pause to confirm that  

where you can find his name listed under the board  of directors for the planetary citizens group  

in his book reflections on the christ david  spengler remember one of the founding fathers of  

the new age and a member of the board of directors  in a united nations sanctioned program repeatedly  

upholds and honors the entity known as lucifer  he tells us all about what is required to step  

into the new age well mainly what's required  is a new understanding of the angel lucifer  

he writes that when this great project of  evolution began man went forth as consciousness to  

learn his divinity and lucifer went with him it is  important to see that lucifer describe as an angel  

a being a great and mighty planetary  consciousness he says that just like  

in halloween and trick or treat if the person  offers a treat to lucifer who knocks on his door  

and the person says to lucifer come in and i will  give to you the treat of my love and understanding  

and i will uplift you in the light and presence  of the christ christ meaning my outflow  

then lucifer becomes that being who carries  the ultimate treat the light of wisdom  

lucifer represents experience lucifer  is literally the angel of experience

the luciferic element becomes  the true revealer of light  

the angel of light the light that reveals to  us the path to the christ comes from lucifer  

the christ that he refers to obviously is the  antichrist spirit who will eventually manifest  

on earth as one man but for some odd reason on  page 60 he feels compelled to clarify that he was  

only joking once when he said maybe to enter the  new age we all need to take a luciferic initiation  

well that's definitely no joke that's right  lucifer is the savior of the secret societies  

the solar system was the manifestation of  the consciousness of a very great being known  

as the solar logos and if we go back to the  secret society of the brotherhood of saturn  

we read that mankind will be able to take a  measure of egocentric power from the solar logos  

in this way lucifer is the savior of humankind

do you see who you're dealing with these  are the people above you the rich powerful  

influential overflowing in all areas of those  who are steering society and they're about to  

reach their destination who showed you who  told you who warned you jesus christ did  

oh there's pesky christians in the animation  flushed away the villain toad conspires to  

genocide all the rats in the civil world and  replace them with a superior species a new species  

no one is aware except for this one rat who's  briefly seen in the beginning he's a christian  

rat a nut job carrying around a plaque as some  real-life christians used to warning everyone  

of the impending doom that is upon them what's  the twist that's hidden in plain sight for no  

one to see well the villain toad planning  the new age where's the ring of a freemason  

this ring and he wears it exactly on the finger  that a master mason should it is worn on the  

third finger of the right hand there is one who  predicted it all and they know that that's why  

he's been so thoroughly discredited or so it seems  yes the nut job christian was right all along  

remember one last thing before i close from  masonic new age author christopher hayer  

who spoke of the well planned for and long-awaited  invocation of the prime minister of the world when  

he wrote in his book a massive truth that i  wish with all my being that you would grasp  

both satanic cults and christian fundamentalists  are closer to seeing the truth than most normal  

people the world has always been at  war a spiritual war from the beginning  

and if you don't know it  then you're losing the battle  

the gospel tell us so accurately that the enemy  we wrestle against is not made of flesh and blood  

but it is made of spiritual forces of evil  in heavenly realms that's where the real  

war is being waged in the spirit and now  that we know what secret societies are  

and what they've tapped into we can rest assured  that that statement from the gospels is true  

that's why the common denominator between all  of the sacred societies is the anti-christian  

sentiment you need to ask yourself why why  the negative obsession with christianity  

it's not as if christians run the game freemasons  have banned bibles from schools they teach  

evolution as a fact pornography is thriving there  are no christian protesters left homosexuality is  

rampant and protected and christianity is buckled  which church preaches against freemasonry which  

church is telling you about satan and his hidden  church which has permeated every vein of society  

so why do they hate jesus if they're at the top of  their game because jesus christ is real that's why  

and he left us left us prophecy that they can't  escape see the more they win the more they fall  

into the hands of the prophecies of jesus and  his gospels what a blessing for you those who  

would grasp this as truth what good news for  you and what a terrifying conundrum for them  

if you've come this far and you still  don't care or still unwilling to trust  

then you deserve what's coming as a law of nature  because you've been warned of all of it the one  

world government clearly on its way cash the  society inevitable the mark that each person  

will receive without which you won't be able  to buy or sell or participate in this world and  

the manifestation of the name the number of the  name of the one who will implement this system  

666 all of it all of it is coming to pass  inescapable we are from him everything and  

everyone will fall back into his hands where he  will finally separate the goats from the sheep  

now watch the bible destroy freemasonry  like no other book in two minutes regarding  

their lodges and obelisks their heart is  faithless now they must bear their guilt  

the lord will break down their altars  and destroy their sacred obelisks  

and speaking of the bloodline that gave birth  to jesus god says you shall not set up for  

yourselves a sacred pillar which the lord god  hates see what you're up against freemasonry  

while freemasonry meets and speaks in darkness  and secret jesus said i have spoken openly  

for all the world to hear and in secret i've  said nothing freemasons are known as builders  

well the stone which the builders  rejected has become the cornerstone  

everyone who falls on that stone will be dashed  to pieces anyone on whom it falls will be crushed  

every masonic lodge is built so that all the  members face the east who are these men with  

their backs toward the temple facing the east and  worshipping the sun it is detestable free mastery  

does evil in secret with their hidden hand but  they blow a trumpet over the hand that does good  

but jesus says when you give to the needy do not  let your left hand know what your right is doing  

your good deed must be in secret and your  father who sees what is done in secret  

will reward you you can't become a mason if  you're broke blind maimed or have a criminal  

record jesus said but when you give a banquet  invite the poor the crippled the lame the blind  

free ministry takes pride in its secret  rituals and is hungry to rule the world  

the gospels say that their destiny is destruction  they make appetite their god they take pride  

in what should bring shame their  minds are set on earthly things  

freemasonry believes that the light  is but darkness visible the bible says  

woe to those who call evil good and  good evil who put darkness for light  

and jesus further said if therefore the light  which is in you be darkness how great a darkness  

that would be freemasons spend their whole lives  taking gruesome oaths of secrecy jesus said but  

above all things above all things my brethren  stop the practice of putting yourselves under oath  

freemasonry is built upon a hierarchical  system a pyramidal system jesus said  

for everyone who exalts themselves will  be humbled and whoever humbles themselves  

will be exalted we could go on and on but we're  going to end on this one exclusively written  

for the practices in the lodge  room of political freemasonry  

a troublemaker and a villain who goes about  with a corrupt mouth who winks with his eye  

signals with his feet and teaches with his  fingers who plots evil with deceit in his heart  

he always stirs up conflict therefore the disaster  will overtake him he will suddenly be destroyed

that is freemasonry through and through and  apart from the man in the mirror prior to your  

baptism of the holy spirit freemasonry  is the villain they do go about with a  

corrupt mouth as they are swan to secrecy they do  proverbially wink with the eye making the one eye  

they most certainly signal with their feet and  teach with their hands and fingers in the lodge i  

can vouch and they do plot evil stir up conflict  in order to further their goal of the new age  

and the new old order the greatest conflict  being up ahead but thank god almighty above  

the verse also tells us that  disaster will overtake them  

and they will be destroyed one frightful and  glorious day you can count on that because the  

only thing you can count on in this world more  than death more than taxes is the son of god

this is it this is the last  shock and by far the biggest  

if you ever needed intellectual proof that jesus  christ is real and living right now this is it  

if jesus and the gospels weren't true then  luciferians wouldn't be running the world atheists  

would or some other version of modern man anyone  but not satanists not the passionate enemies of  

jesus if jesus wasn't real then so-called  satanists would be scattered here and there  

over the world in little local covens by silly  teenagers rebelling against society and living  

in their own la la land with their own little  make-believe devils being make-believe rebels  

but no people who believe that lucifer  is god run the world from top to bottom  

they are dedicated to the core they're highly  sophisticated they make the movies they star  

in the movies they write the songs they sing and  dance they are worshipped as idols they set trends  

they live large and they practice witchcraft  complete with sex magic and blood sacrifices  

why why do they do that why would they bother  because witchcraft is real and has been since  

before civilization began hidden from the  vowel multitude who have been stupefied  

by propaganda to the point that they  don't believe in anything anymore

and who waged a war on witchcraft on  your behalf god did the god of the bible  

if jesus wasn't real luciferians wouldn't be  building their paradise on earth atheists would  

if jesus wasn't real luciferians wouldn't be  passionately hating him to the point of keeping  

their existence hidden under penalties of torture  and death lo and behold in the 21st century  

yes if jesus was a myth luciferians wouldn't  be working overtime to inadvertently fulfill  

every prophecy that jesus gave us can anybody  read me what part of jesus foretold a worldwide  

cashless system a worldwide government  and a worldwide religion do you not get  

if jesus wasn't real why do former satanists  freely admit that that only the true christians  

are immune to witchcraft they have no power  over the disciples of jesus how is that possible  

and what about this one that's been going around  if the gospels were written by the catholic church  

in order to control people then why didn't they  include a pope in the scriptures there's no pope  

here why did they include instructions to obey the  priests there's no priests in the new testament  

except for god himself and all his disciples we're  all priests if the gospels were an invention of  

the catholic church why does jesus say to call  no man father except your father in heaven  

yet every priest holds the title of father if the  gospels were an invention of the catholic church  

to control people why were only priests allowed to  own a bible and not the common people why did they  

burn william tyndale at the stake a christian  scholar who translated the bible into english  

are you with me please help me understand how  you don't believe in jesus when even your enemies  

the high-ranking freemasons think that you're  stupid for not believing in satan there was  

the first shock which was the fact that an  international secret society exists at all and  

that all people in power prominence celebrities  they're members of it that was the first shock  

the second shock was the oaths they take and the  rituals they perform decapitated heads brains  

exposed to the sun drinking wine from human beings  skulls all done by the people you respect the most  

pretty shocking if you have any brains left  in your skull and heart left in your rib cage  

the third shock was the reason they took the  oaths and performed the rituals and that reason  

is that the secret society they all belong  to is in fact satanism the fourth shock was  

the details of witchcraft and the details of  the new satanic age the saturnian kingdom where  

billions have planned for death to pave the  way for a spiritual and technological utopia

but do you know what the biggest shock of all  is the shock that surpasses all of them combined  

it's jesus jesus is the shock he's the shock wave  the reality and truth of him because that changes  

everything he changes everything the greatest news  you could never think up that god left his abode  

to come here a form of hell manifest on earth to  be ridiculed and executed to save our sorry asses  

by taking a bullet for us don't worry  his second coming won't be so sacrificial  

better start fearing like you fear a cop  and like if you're a judge oh i know you  

tremble in front of them but you don't feed  god oh how we love the darkness and sin  

you possibly you loved gossip you loved sex  and porn you loved sodomy you couldn't stop  

lying you couldn't stop cussing you loved your  idols singers actors sports people sports teams  

putting people who fart smell  and eventually die on a pedestal  

you just couldn't cut yourself  off from the ways of the world  

purity who wants to be pure i have to  be pure i have to live holy stop sinning  

that's so boring what kind of god is this to hell  with that god well do you like filth in your home  

do you do you like filth on your carpet on your  clothes on your face do you invite filthy guests  

over and give them a share in all your belongings  and all your power do you give them the keys to  

your house and car no you don't but the creator  who has the greatest house of all he should  

we can barely earn a thousand bucks  a week and we don't give that away  

to anyone but now god should share his  wealth with you the unclean the unrepentant  

is it too much to ask your filthy  guests to clean up before they enter  

to watch their mouths to control their  willy is that too much to ask oh but if  

god was real what about all the children that  die what about him what are you doing about him  

are you still stuck on which phone you're gonna  upgrade to or what's for dinner why don't you  

leave your abode your luxuries and your loved ones  and risk it all to go save some children yourself  

but what about all those who've never heard of  jesus let me ask you what's your excuse i know  

they have one but what's yours you've heard of him  every morning you wake up and look at the calendar  

is a testament to his name because it's 2021 in  australia it's 2021 in brazil it's 2021 in china  

it's 2021 in every single every single country in  the world so let me ask you 2021 years since what

like i said just waking up in the morning and  knowing what day it is is a testament to him

but if god was real why wouldn't he just show  himself show himself to her to you you can't even  

get on your knees and repent you can't even hate  sin and scream out to him so why would he how do  

i get the girl if i don't ask her out and if i do  maybe she rejects me the first time and the second  

how bad do i want her how hard will i try most  haven't even knocked on his door well i did  

i just kept knocking and knocking and then i  started banging and banging i refused to leave  

his porch i lay there like a hungry puppy but even  when he answered the door i did the runner because  

he was too big for me and i loved seeing a little  too much yet he still left the light on for me

but he's the craziest part about people  who ask me why he doesn't just show himself  

the way they'd like him to their hearts have been  so hardened that even if he did appear to them  

in two weeks they would go back to being their  old self and he knows that that's why they might  

even forget it ever happened oh that was just  a crazy day that was probably all in my head  

oh how we love to make excuses but if god was real  what about all the other gods what other gods did  

buddha perform a miracle for you did he affect a  plethora of witnesses were his followers stoned  

to death sawn in half eden alive did historians of  his era leave any trace of him did he prophesy all  

the kingdoms that would appear on earth and in  what order did he foretell of worldwide floods  

of enemies that would despise his followers  use his name as a custody and eventually  

attempt to set up a world kingdom did his  appearance change the calendar from one end  

of the world to the other and predict that his  appearance would in fact change the calendar

what did the prophet muhammad do for you apart  from stealing jesus from billions of people  

and corrupting the gospels did he dedicate his  entire life to sinlessness did he remain celibate  

so that his blood could make a difference in  the hidden realm by the science of sacrifice  

which is practiced in secret every  day in order to shield your very soul  

no he didn't instead he had 11 wives and one of  them was nine years old and he lived like a king  

while the real king lived like a slave and died  like one too and washed the feet of his disciples  

while demons trembled at his name and presence and  still do and let's not even bother with the other  

pagan gods osiris odin vishnu all inventions  of fertility cults that worship the sun sex  

genitals death destruction agricultural  religions did anyone else apart from jesus  

christ ever say the words i am the truth have  those words even ever come out of someone's mouth  

i've heard of i know the truth i have the truth  but i am the truth that doesn't even make sense  

unless truth itself was once upon a time born  on earth as a man well of course he's the truth

where are all the heart-wrenching knee-buckling  testimonies about the indescribable power  

of this holy spirit which comes in to  sweep you off your feet and drown you  

in its tides changing you forever where are all  those testimonies i'll tell you where they are  

in the christian column that's where oh yeah  you'll get him here and there in every genre but  

christian testimony simply out clips the rest  where are all the life-changing electrifying  

hindu testimonies the muslim testimonies a  muslim buddhist or a jew on the street corner  

or from the proverbial rooftops shouting  the truth for all to eat no matter the cost  

because they love us that much because he loves us  that much where are they and freemason testimonies  

have you even heard of one of those satanic  testimonies you ever heard of one of those a  

freemason on his knees sobbing from joy because of  the overwhelming knowledge that lucifer loves him  

no mason or satanist has ever  done or heard of such a thing

but the biggest cult in size is the cult of  society where do you think the word culture  

comes from and the tv the doctors the idols the  phds the scientists they are the priests of the  

cult of society you atheists think you don't live  in a religious world of your own filled with daily  

rituals and daily worship even your beliefs  require faith in what your priests teach you  

evolution no proof age of the earth no proof  distance of the sun all faith based on what  

you are told by strangers you can see the rings  of saturn with your telescopes but you can't  

see the buggy on the moon that was left behind in  1969 yet you still believe because you have faith  

don't you worry no matter who you are you  live in a religious world because life  

is religion and if you're still in the  i'm not religious category think again  

you all worship something or someone  and your religion is futile but for you  

for the one whoever you are remember  the advantage that evil has over good  

a little good doesn't destroy evil but a little  bit of evil destroys all good see this glass  

of water one single drop of poison is enough to  render the whole lot useless or deadly that means  

that 99 of the goodness and purity of that water  amounts to nothing all because of one single drop  

the whole glass is evil and so it is with  the human soul you better believe it does  

anyone go out with a stain on their face or on  their shirt you think the soul can't be stained  

think about it just one lie makes you a liar

so you can't go where life is stained with  death now in case someone thinks i'm playing  

the high and mighty role i tell you this i used  to be a liar i used to be a pervert i used to be  

a drunkard i used to smoke all kinds of poison i  used to have angry at bursts use a filthy mouth  

indulging filthy humor i used to past tense but no  more he finally summoned me he called my name for  

the last time he took my dog then my music he took  my band broke it all and broke me flooded me clean  

he sent for me he woke me up from a deep sleep on  a high-speed midnight highway with a whisper an  

actual whisper in my ear and only meters  between me and a concrete wall with my  

name on it because he knew i had it in me i had  it in me to lay it all down risk everything so  

i can take a stand for him for the gospels  and for you well this is me taking a stand

brothers and sisters i did all this for just  one person and i'll be hated and mocked and  

worse maybe so that that one whoever you may be  will wage war on sin and believe don't let even  

one drop in no matter what the distractions this  evil world may place in your path in order to bury  

itself and its poison in your heart where it will  take root and overpower the 99 goodness in you

just like only if you find success in this  world even fewer will find the kingdom  

it's far more difficult than winning x factor  or making a billion dollars or reaching a 33rd  

degree of a secret society it's as difficult as  loving your greatest enemy and that's just about  

impossible but if you can figure out how  to do that then you found the road to life

and i hope to see you soon

god love it jesus wins


1,598 posted on 06/02/2021 5:11:45 AM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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